The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1888 The Three Saints of Yunmiao

"Elder Xinyue, do you know this person?"

Seeing that Xinyuehu actually knew this mysterious man in black, the others were also a little surprised. Their cultivation level was not low, but at this time they were completely unable to see through the cultivation level of this man in black, let alone feel his aura. There is no way to tell who the other person is.


Xinyuehu had a stunned look on her face. Even though it was already dark now, she would not forget that it must be that person back then. But back then, she didn’t know who the other person was. She had asked people to look for such a person everywhere. But in the entire Bahuang Land, there was no such person as she said. In the past nearly a hundred years, the other person seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

I didn't expect that the other party would appear again today. Why did it happen so coincidentally? Who is he...


The mysterious man slowly walked out of the darkness, looked at the three mountain peaks, smiled lightly and said, "Duanyu Xiaoxiang, Juexian Qinshi, Mr. Yubi... I am so lucky to be able to see these three here at the same time today. "

"Duanyu Xiaoxiang... Juexian Qinshi... Mr. Yubi."

Hearing these three names, Liu San couldn't help but feel slightly shocked, while most of the disciples looked stunned. They had never heard of these three names. Presumably these three people had retired from the world for many years, so they have no idea. ♦

"It turns out to be three fellow Taoists from Yunmiao Peak."

Elder Qianji stared at the people on the three peaks and slowly took two steps forward. But the three people in front of him were actually the "Three Saints of Yunmiao" who were very popular back then?

Yunmiao Peak does not belong to any force, but hundreds of years ago, unknown changes occurred. Yunmiao Peak disappeared overnight, and together with Duanyu Xiaoxiang, Juexian Qinshi, and Mr. Yubi, they also disappeared from the world.

Unexpectedly, after many years, these three people would reappear in the world. What is even more unexpected is that not only have their appearance and aura changed drastically, but they also have an invisible cold murderous aura on their bodies. But why did they do this? Appearing here suddenly? This is nothing unusual...

"I didn't expect that after so many years, someone would still remember the names of the three of me..."

The cold and indifferent voice of the master of Juexian came from the mountain peak, and the mysterious man smiled indifferently, "Three great names, even if thousands of years have passed, how can the world forget..."

But here, Xinyuehu didn't care who the three people on the mountain were. Her eyes only fell on the mysterious black-robed man in front of her. Who was he?

"What? Why don't you leave yet..."

At this moment, the mysterious man turned around and glanced at them. The implication was obvious. He wanted to resist the Three Saints of Yunmiao alone.


Liu San didn't care so much anymore. No matter who this mysterious man was, or why the Three Saints Yunmiao suddenly appeared here, the most important thing right now was to safely bring Xun Huozhu back to Canglong Palace.

"Xun Huozhu hasn't stayed yet, so you want to leave?"

On the mountain peak in the middle, the master of the Juexian instrument moved his fingers, and a sound flew out, which immediately shocked everyone's ears. The mysterious man stretched out his hand, and a stream of energy came out of his sleeve, and with a "bang" sound, the sound was heard. Master Juexian was able to resist the sound.


With this person resisting the Three Saints of Yunmiao, Liu San did not hesitate and immediately left with the people. On the other two peaks, Duan Yu Xiaoxiang and Mr. Yubi took action at the same time, trying to stop everyone, but on the two peaks, The moment he took action, the mysterious man suddenly transformed into two clones, blocking the two of them.

"Use one to transform three..." Seeing such magical power, Master Juexian couldn't help but narrow his eyes and said in a cold voice, "Who is your Excellency..."

"Me? Haha..." The mysterious man smiled faintly, "I'm just Xianyun Yehe, how can I compare to the reputation of the three... I won't tell you."

In the distance, Xinyuehu looked back and saw who it was, who was that person...


Elder Qianji did not hesitate much. Now that this mysterious man is blocking the Three Saints of Yunmiao, they must bring Xun Huozhu back to Canglong Palace as soon as possible.

In this way, until the middle of the night, a cold moon hung slanting in the sky, everyone finally passed through Wanxia Pass, and a little further forward, it was the boundary of Canglong Palace.

"Elder Xinyue, do you know that person...?"

At this moment, Xinyuehu was still a little confused, and in her mind, she was still thinking about the scene at Wanxia Pass. Seeing that she was distracted, Liu San looked at her and asked.

"That person..."

Xinyuehu came back to his senses and shook his head, "Back then, not long after the old palace master left, I went to the Nieqing Sea in the west. I wanted to find the whereabouts of Canglong Qisu, but when I encountered danger that time, someone rescued me. The man who killed me at that time... was also wearing a mask. I couldn't see his face, and I couldn't feel his aura... I only knew that his cultivation level was very high, and he alone saved me from the sea of ​​evil feelings. I took it out, and when I woke up, there was no one around, and those who were chasing me were all dead."

"There is someone with such ability..."

After listening to what she said, Elder Chonghua also fell into deep thought. The other party's cultivation was unpredictable, but he did not show his true face. Is he an enemy or a friend? And who exactly is he...

"Elder Qianji, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Elder Chonghua looked at Elder Qianji again. At this time, Elder Qianji frowned deeply and seemed not to be thinking about the mysterious man. He said, "Who is that person? It's hard to guess for the time being, but Sansheng Yunmiao, don’t you think it’s strange?”

As soon as he said these words, everyone fell silent. The Three Saints of Yunmiao did not belong to any force. They had disappeared for so many years. Why did they suddenly appear this time and block the road to snatch the Xun Fire Pearl?

Elder Chonghua thought for a while and said, "This is not like the behavior of the Three Saints of Yunmiao at all. They have no reason to fight for Canglong Qisu. Could it be that they are...instructed by others? But who could instruct them to do this... …”

Everyone fell into silence again. At this time, Elder Feixing, who had been silent until now, suddenly said weakly, "Back then, when the old palace master left, he said... Canglong Qisu will appear again, and he will definitely set off a bloody storm. Qisu will The gathering and the separation of Qisu will cause chaos in the world, unless...unless someone appears, he...can stop it."

Hearing this, Liu San and the others fell silent again. The words of the old palace master back then were too profound, and he also said that the secret of heaven should not be leaked. Who was that person referring to?

"Let's go back to Canglong Peak first."

After wandering around for most of the night, everyone finally returned to Canglong Peak. After more than half a month, they finally brought Xun Huozhu back safely.

"Elder Liu..."

Hearing that everyone was back, Hua Weiyang walked in quickly from outside. Everyone was there now, but Xiao Chen was missing.

Xinyuehu looked at her, knowing that she was worried, and said, "Ajiu, don't worry, your master will be fine and will be back soon..."

"But what about others?"

Hua Weiyang looked at the people in front of her. She had been always worried during this period of time. Now she only saw Liu San and others coming back, but not Xiao Chen. How could she feel relieved?

Elder Qianji said, "The master of the palace asked us to leave first that day. He stayed behind to hold off the people of the Lei clan. Now that Xun Huozhu has been brought back safely, Elder Chonghua and I will go to pick him up." After that, he and Elder Chonghua Looking at each other, the two of them didn't waste any time. They didn't even bother to take a sip of tea and immediately went outside again.


Liu San stretched out his hand to stop the two of them. Elder Feixing shook his head, "It's okay... The two elders are highly cultivated, let them go."

In the end, Liu San watched the two elders Qianji and Chonghua disappear under the night. After a while, he looked back and recalled the thrills along the way. However, Xun Huozhu was finally brought back, with the purple and green swords in the corner. The Heart Mirror is in the Heart Palace. Now there are Xunhuo Pearls, and there are only four more to go. The Canglong Qisu Palace is complete.

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