"His energy is extraordinary and his edge is restrained..."

Xiao Chen held the Junwu Hook in his left hand, and with two fingers of his right hand, he slowly moved across the sword body. Although the sword body was covered with a thin layer of bronze rust, there was a clear sound of the sword being unsheathed. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

"It's really a good sword..."

Liu San looked at this Jun Wu Hook and couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Even though it had been silent for thousands of years, its edge was restrained but not lost. The Canglong Qisu and Jun Wu Hook corresponded to "Ojuku".

"Wait." ✸✰

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to feel something from Jun Wu Gou. At this time, Jun Wu Gou also trembled slightly and kept making a buzzing sound. When Liu San saw this situation, he couldn't help but condensed his expression. No, there is another divine weapon in the Sea of ​​Sinful Love?" At the end of his words, he looked at the two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan.

"It seems that this trip was not in vain."

Xiao Chen slowly put down the Jun Wu Hook, and then looked at the two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan. Elder Zhu Qing looked stunned before he realized and said, "There is indeed another artifact in the Sea of ​​Sinful Love..."

"Two elders, you might as well speak frankly."


After pondering for a moment, Elder Zhuqing said, "Originally, we thought that only Jun Wu Gou was in the Sea of ​​Nie Qing, but later we found out something. Many years ago, there was a senior in our Canglong Palace who was in the Sea of ​​Nie Qing. We had a life-or-death duel with a Taiqing Realm powerhouse from the Bahuang Ancient Saint Clan. At that time, our senior was not carrying the Jun Wu Gou. The Jun Wu Gou was the one that later fell into the Sea of ​​Nie Qing. That senior, he is carrying the 'Bingxuan Thread'..."

"Disu, Bingxuan Thread..." Xiao Chen thought for a moment and said, "So, the other artifact in the Sea of ​​Sinful Love is the Bingxuan Thread..."


Elder Zhuqing nodded and continued, "The senior at that time was carrying the Bingxuan Thread, so he had a great chance of winning. But who would have expected that the strong man from the Saint Clan also had the Saint Clan's artifact on him. In the end, The two of them fought to the point of landslides and tsunamis, and it was hard to tell the winner..."

Listening to Elder Zhuqing's words at this moment, Xiao Chen could imagine the fierce life-and-death showdown back then, even though he had not witnessed it with his own eyes.

At this time, Elder Zhong Yuan continued, "Later, the senior from our palace and the strong man from the Saint Clan broke into the 'deep sea' of the sea of ​​evil feelings..."

"deep sea?"

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. He had heard Liu San say before that although the sea of ​​evil feelings was very large, no matter how large it was, there must be a center point. This central sea area was called the "deep sea".

Not everyone can go to the deep sea, and the danger inside is far more dangerous than the sea outside. Even if a strong person from the Taiqing Realm wants to enter it, he must first consider whether he has the ability to come out alive. , from this point of view, it can be seen that the senior of Canglong Palace and the strong man of Saint Clan were both very powerful figures.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Elder Zhong Yuan nodded and continued, "Perhaps the battle between the senior and the strong man from the Saint clan triggered the 'tide' in the deep sea. In the end, neither of them were able to come out... and they both died inside. ”


Regarding the tide, Xiao Chen naturally heard Liu San say that this sea of ​​sinful feelings was a dangerous place in ancient times. In the past, many gods and demons who reached the sky were buried in it, not to mention the cultivators in the world? In the sea of ​​sinful love, the most dangerous thing is the "tide".

When the tide comes, at a glance, the endless mountains will be swallowed up by the sea water in an instant. If the people inside fail to escape in time, almost all of them will die inside.

There are tides in both the surrounding sea and the deep sea. Obviously, the tides in the deep sea are more terrifying, like the tearing of the void. Those who cannot escape are drawn in, just like being drawn into the cracks in the void, and have a narrow escape... Back then, Canglong The senior from the temple, the master from the Saint clan, these two powerful men were not able to escape in the end.

"So, the Bingxuan Line and the Holy Clan's artifact have all fallen into the deep sea."

Xiao Chen looked towards the mountains in the distance. The deep sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Evil was probably like the forbidden area of ​​the Tomb of Gods and Demons. It was scary, but he couldn't help but want to go in and explore.

The secrets hidden deep in the forbidden area of ​​the Tomb of Gods and Demons have not been made public for thousands of years. The same goes for the deep sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Sinful Love. There are many ancient secrets hidden in it, but they have not been made public.

"Then Lord, what do you think...how are you doing now?"

Liu San looked over at Xiao Chen. Even though it was known that the Bingxuan Line was in the Sea of ​​Evil, one must not go there rashly. At least Elder Qianji and the others had to be called before they could enter together.

"Take Jun Wu Gou out first."

Xiao Chen looked at the Jun Wu Gou in his hand. The Jun Wu Gou was bought by the elders with their lives and must not be taken to take risks. Now, no matter what, the Jun Wu Gou must be taken out of the Nie Qing Sea first.

"But outside..."

Obviously, the two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan are still a little worried. Needless to say, many people must have come outside now, all wanting to get Canglong Qisu. If they want to take Jun Wu Gou out, they are afraid that a killing spree will inevitably happen. , this time I may really be stained with blood and evil feelings.

"Two elders, how are your injuries?"

Xiao Chen saw that the two of them were pale. He thought that they had suffered serious internal injuries before coming here. In addition, maintaining the formation in the past few days had greatly depleted their energy. In this state, it would be difficult to leave the sea of ​​evil feelings.

"Nothing serious at the moment..."

It was difficult for the two of them to tell how serious their injuries were, but how could Xiao Chen not see it? At this moment, he handed the Jun Wu Hook into Liu San's hand, and then moved his body behind Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan. With a movement of his palms, he pressed down on their shoulders.

"Palace Master!"

Both of them were slightly startled. Zhu Qing said hurriedly, "There are countless powerful enemies outside now. The master of the palace must not waste his energy on the two of us at this time. You and Elder Liu rush out with Jun Wu Gou. Zhong and I will go out." Elder Yuan came to hold them back..."

"Two elders, stay calm."

Xiao Chen didn't say much, pressed his palms with both hands, and sat the two of them on the ground. Then with a movement of his power, a mellow true energy immediately passed through the past, and a wave of energy instantly enveloped the three of them. Layers of cyan brilliance.


Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan were surprised again. They originally thought that the new Canglong Palace Master only had extraordinary cultivation, but now they were shocked to realize that this kind of mellow internal power could not be possessed by ordinary people. ?

Liu San watched from the side and held his breath silently. At this moment, the shadow of a green lotus suddenly bloomed on Xiao Chen's body, and the shadows of two green lotuses were also reflected in the depths of his pupils. Soon, Zhu Qing and The damaged meridians of Zhong Yuan and others quickly recovered under the shadow of Qinglian.


The disciples behind him were also dumbfounded. They did not expect that the new Canglong Palace Master would have such profound skills and such extraordinary healing methods.

By the next morning, Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan had recovered a lot from their injuries, and their faces looked much better. Xiao Chen slowly retracted his palms, and the shadow of the green lotus in his pupils had disappeared.

"The injury has...recovered."

Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan raised their hands, still surprised. Not only were the wounds on their bodies healed, but the damaged meridians in their bodies were also repaired. Not even the old palace master had such powerful healing methods...


Xiao Chen slowly stood up and healed the injuries of the two elders Zhuqing and Zhong Yuan. He did not consume much energy. Although his cultivation realm had not yet broken through the second level of Taiqing Realm, the Heavenly Book Mind Technique he practiced had Compared with ordinary people, his skills are much deeper than ordinary people, and Qinglian's healing ability is beyond his imagination, and it is unmatched by others.

"Next, we need to take Jun Wu Gou out..." Xiao Chen looked towards the mountains outside. Faintly, he seemed to feel the approaching aura of the cultivators outside.

Liu San also looked at the mountain peaks outside and said, "It's been a day. It seems that today, the road outside has been blocked by them..."

"Then fight out."

The voice was cold and indifferent, Liu San couldn't help but feel a slight tremble in his heart, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Chen. At that moment, he felt the cold murderous aura on the other person's body again.

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