The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1897 Breaking out of the siege


The group of people did not hesitate and immediately headed out, but before they had gone a hundred miles, a cold murderous aura rushed towards them.

"Wait... there are a lot of people outside!"

Liu San suddenly became alert, with a solemn expression on his face. The two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan also looked nervous. The more than thirty disciples behind him held their breaths. In this tense atmosphere, they could not move at all. Don't dare to move.

"Approximately how many people are there outside?"

A few bold disciples walked forward and looked at the cloud-shrouded mountain peaks in front of them. They felt indescribable fear. There were at least tens of thousands of people outside with this cold murderous aura. At this moment, everyone seemed to be... I have fallen into a nightmare recently, being surrounded and killed by countless people, and watching the people around me die...

"Don't be afraid, let's go."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and he led the way. After passing through the several peaks in front, sure enough, the front was densely packed with people, and he couldn't count how many there were.

"Come out, they come out..."

Seeing Xiao Chen and his party coming out, the people from all the major forces outside also became alert. One of them said, "Jun Wu Gou, is it on you?"

"So what..."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold and indifferent, as if he didn't take the more than 10,000 people here seriously. He still remembered that he was surrounded and killed by tens of thousands of people at the Tomb of Gods and Demons.

"Hmph... hand over Jun Wu Gou, otherwise I will kill you without mercy!"

People from all forces immediately gathered around. Xiao Chen said calmly, "Canglong Qisu is originally the property of my Canglong Palace. You all came to snatch it today, and you can still be so confident... I admire it."

"Cut the nonsense!"

Dozens of people rushed up immediately. However, before these dozens of people could get close, a terrifying soul figure suddenly appeared in the void. With a palm shot, there was a "boom" and a loud noise, and dust suddenly flew up for a hundred feet. Those dozens of people were all destroyed physically and mentally under this palm.

"That...that is!"

I saw six terrifying soul shadows suddenly appeared in mid-air. For a moment, no one dared to act rashly. Even among the more than 10,000 people, there were masters from the Taiqing Realm.

"Anyone within a hundred steps will be killed without mercy..."

The cold voice spread for dozens of miles, making everyone present tremble. They seemed to have completely underestimated the strength of the Canglong in front of them.


Xiao Chen holds the Emperor Gu Sword in his hand, with a cold murderous aura on his body. Six soul shadows are opening a path in mid-air. Anyone who tries to get close will die miserably under the terrifying attacks of the six soul shadows.

Just like this, all the way to Huanhai, I saw rough waves on the sea and white caps in the sky. Dusk had arrived, and yellow clouds were slowly rising in the sky. Under the golden sunset, countless figures could still be seen in the sky with swords, including some extremely high-level cultivators.

"Palace Master...look!"

The two elders, Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan, were immediately on guard. They fought all the way out just now, but now in Huanhai, there are more enemies. It is probably not easy to break out of the encirclement.

"Do not be nervous……"

Xiao Chen still looked calm, walked forward, looked at the countless cultivators holding swords under the sunset, and said coldly, "If you don't want to be buried under the sea, you'd better get out of the way..."

"Hmph! I've long heard that Cang Long is conceited, and it seems to be true. No matter how capable you are, but just a few of you, you want to kill him? That's naive! Hand over Jun Wu Gou, and you can avoid death!"

"That means...there is no need to discuss it."

Xiao Chen slowly raised the Emperor Gu Sword in his hand. At this moment, the Emperor Gu Sword seemed to be stained with blood. Under the setting sun, there was actually a red blood mist wrapped around it.

"That is……"

At this moment, everyone felt the cold murderous aura coming from Di Gu, and the swords in many people's hands trembled uncontrollably, as if they were afraid.

At this moment, Xiao Chen could also feel the cold feeling coming from the Emperor Gu Sword. He could feel the loneliness and coldness coming from the Emperor Gu Sword many nights in the past.


Suddenly, the people in front surged up, and the entire sea area was filled with surging waves. Xiao Chen looked at the people in front of him coldly, swung his sword, and the powerful sword energy separated the sea water below in an instant. A low-level person simply couldn't withstand this powerful sword energy. Before he could react, he was directly knocked down, and then was swept into the sea by the huge waves.


Suddenly, the whole sea was filled with the sound of killing. Countless people in front of them seemed to be possessed. Even though they knew they were dead, they rushed forward at this moment. Liu San and others behind him had changed their expressions. Even the palace master No matter how high your cultivation level is, no matter how strong the sword in your hand is, as time goes by and your vitality is depleted, how can you still break through the siege of these people?

"Palace careful!"

Zhu Qing and Elder Zhong Yuan immediately came to Xiao Chen's side to prevent someone from attacking in the dark, but Xiao Chen's eyes were still cold. Under the cold Canglong mask, there was a terrifying murderous intent. Every time a sword was struck, there must be someone. Died by Emperor Gu's sword.

Soon, even the sea water nearby was dyed red, and the sunset on the horizon gradually turned red as if dyed with blood.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

No matter how many people died, those in front still seemed to be possessed and kept rushing forward. Throughout the ages, every battle was nothing more than this. Even though they knew they were about to die, they still wanted to rush forward and take the heads of the enemy generals.

But how could one have known that one general's success would lead to tens of thousands of bones being dried up? Every victorious battle would be covered with countless blood and flesh, and these people in front of them were no exception. Even though they knew they were about to die, they still wanted to take down the Canglong at the last moment. 's head.

"There are more and more of them..."

Liu San's face was getting uglier and uglier. These people rushed forward with all their strength. Once their true energy is exhausted and the opponent's Taiqing Realm strongmen take action, they may be really in danger. They must find a way now. Break out, or retreat to the mountains where you came from just now to take shelter.

"Everyone, follow me and fight out..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to be red-eyed with murder. A layer of red blood mist covered his entire body, as well as the Emperor's sword. It was almost a murderous aura!

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"


The entire sea was filled with the sound of killing. Xiao Chen led his men to break out of the encirclement. The nearby sea area was already dyed red with blood. Every time he slashed with his sword, hundreds of people would be killed by the emperor's sword. At this moment, even his white hair was dyed red with blood, like Shura God of Death, unstoppable.

"Palace Master... This won't work! If this continues, if they cut off the escape route, I'm afraid it will be even worse..."

Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan quickly came to Xiao Chen's side. Even though Xiao Chen had killed thousands of people along the way, there were too many people on the other side. God knows how many more people were outside, say hundreds of thousands. People, it’s not an exaggeration to be afraid.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and even the sky seems to be dyed red with blood at dusk. Now Xiao Chen has only two choices, either to continue fighting all the way, or to retreat to the mountains just now, to temporarily avoid its sharp edge, and then make another move Plan, otherwise if you continue to kill like this, you will not be able to get out when the time comes, and you will definitely be cut off. Once your energy is exhausted, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Sure enough, as they said, the most conceited person in the world is just a blue dragon... Conceit is a sharp sword, but sometimes it will cost you your own life. You can't leave today. Hand over Jun Wu Gou. Otherwise, you and everyone else will die!"

At this time, in the distance, a rich old man's voice suddenly came, but he could only hear his voice and not see his person.

"Hide your head and show your tail, do you dare to show up and fight with me?" Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he waved his sword horizontally, and the sky was filled with blood mist, which was completely filled with murderous intent, making people tremble and fear.

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