"Cang Long, you can't leave today, leaving Jun Wu Gou behind!"

At this moment, two more deep voices came from the other two sides. The crowd dispersed, and there was an old man in green in front of them. He was the one who spoke at the beginning, and there was another person on the left and right. The three of them did not need to speak at this time. The sword can also stand out of thin air, without fear of wind and waves. When their cultivation has reached their level, they can already go to heaven and sea, coming and going freely.

Xiao Chen looked at these three people. He had no impression that he had seen these three people. Moreover, these three people did not seem to be elders of the Thunder Clan. He said lightly, "I seem to have never seen these three people before."

The old man in green clothes in the middle said, "It's not important. Hand over Jun Wu Gou, otherwise you won't be able to get out of here today."

"Oh I see……"

Xiao Chen slowly raised the Emperor Gu Sword in his hand and said calmly, "People die for wealth, birds die for food... Since you have chosen death, let's do it."

"Whoever takes the head of Canglong will be rewarded with tens of millions of spiritual jade!"

I don't know who shouted, and suddenly countless people rushed up, "Humph..." Xiao Chen looked at these people, slashed horizontally with his sword, and hundreds of feet of sword energy roared out. The first group of people who rushed up directly hit him. The sword energy turned into blood mist.

"Kill!" ❋

However, these people, as if they were possessed, rushed forward without fear of life or death. Even Liu San couldn't help but be shocked. Could there be a ghost in this sea of ​​sin? How come these people are not afraid of death?

"Kill!" ❋

There was another loud killing sound on the sea. Xiao Chen locked his consciousness on the three old men and slashed out with his sword. Di Gu's sword energy struck directly at one of the old men in blue.

"Be careful!" The three people reacted immediately, and with a "boom", they worked together to resist the Emperor Gu Sword Qi.

“You three will definitely die today.

Xiao Chen didn't care which force these three people belonged to or who sent them. Today, he must kill these three people with the sword to deter others.

"It's just you?" The cultivation of those three people was not low. At this moment, the aura on their bodies surged, causing the nearby sea area to boil.

"Hmph... It's just Xiao Xiao." Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and as soon as he finished speaking, Leng Feng cut across the battlefield and slashed at the three people with his sword.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

The three of them tried their best to resist, but they could not resist the power of the bloodthirsty Emperor Gu. At that moment, Xiao Chen used all his profound energy and struck out with one sword, which seemed to destroy the heaven and earth, causing nearby landslides and tsunamis. At this moment, he was fighting against three people at the same time. People don't feel any difficulty at all.

"Beware of the sword in his hand..."

At this time, the three people could also feel that the sword in the opponent's hand was too fierce. It was difficult for any weapon in the world to block its sharp edge. Even the fairy sword they had practiced for many years could not stop it at all. The sword has a sinister aura.

The three of them looked at each other, then suddenly dispersed and attacked Xiao Chen from three directions. From a distance, Liu San was secretly startled: "Palace Master! Be careful behind you!"

"Sure enough, the weak will only use despicable means."

Xiao Chen was not afraid of the sword force coming from behind, and swung his sword backwards, with a "clang" sound, knocking back the old man who was attacking from behind.

But at this time, in the dark, Xuan Youzi and others were watching with bated breath. Seeing Canglong fighting one against three, they did not expect that Canglong had such a powerful ability. How could they get back Jun Wu Gou now?

"Ancestor Xuanyou, what do you say now?"

The alluring woman in red looked at him. What happened today was obviously beyond everyone's expectations when they came. In the melee, it was not easy to get the Jun Wu Hook in the chaos, let alone such a A red-hot potato, isn't it too hot to hold in your hand?

"Just wait and see what happens..."

Xuan Youzi's eyes were fixed. If he went up to fight for the Jun Wu Hook, he might not be able to get it. Besides, there were too many people here. If he saw him taking away the Jun Wu Hook, wouldn't it be troublesome in the future?


Suddenly, there were killing sounds from the other two sides, and people on those two sides suddenly killed Liu San, Zhuqing Zhongyuan and others with fierce force, and murderous intent filled the entire sea area.


The two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. Although they had recovered a lot from their injuries, the opponent had too many people. If this continued, they would definitely lose.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

At this moment, a black cauldron filled with blood mist suddenly appeared in the sky, and it suppressed the crowd over there. With a "boom", countless people turned into blood mist in an instant, and then the blood mist, All were sucked into the cauldron.

"what is that!"

Many people's expressions changed and they stepped back in fear. They saw that the black cauldron was full of evil, like an ancient ferocious beast, vomiting the desire to eat people, and there was a black and red evil aura constantly leaking out of the cauldron, which made people even more frightened. I was frightened, this object was the Ancient Fulong Cauldron, and of course no one here had seen it before.

On the other side, Xiao Chen also sacrificed the Panlong Seal, suppressing countless people in the same instant. Both magic weapons were very powerful things that ordinary people could not withstand.

"Panlong Seal..."

Although no one could recognize the origin of the Ancient Fulong Cauldron, many people recognized the Panlong Seal at this moment. They did not expect that Situ Xuan's magic weapon would now fall into his hands.

The Panlong Seal and the Ancient Fulong Cauldron, these two magic weapons were shining brilliantly in the air at this time, blocking the attacks of people on the left and right. With these two powerful magic weapons here, the flying swords of other people here seemed to have changed. It has become scrap metal.


Xiao Chen snorted coldly and attacked the three old men again. At this moment, there seemed to be a violent vibration deep in the seabed, causing the sea water to surge up to a thousand feet high. Many people who could not react could The cultivators were all swept away by the sky-swallowing waves.


The three old men were shocked to see the waves coming up. Just as they were about to escape, Xiao Chen's cold front suddenly arrived, and with a "chi" sound, he cut off the head of one of them with a sword.

"Junior brother!"

The other old man's face changed in shock. At this moment, he watched his junior brother's headless body being swept away by the waves and disappearing without a trace.


But the old man who had been beheaded was actually not dead yet. His whole head flew up, his eyes were bleeding, and he glared at Xiao Chen fiercely, "You dare to kill me!"

Seeing this scene, the other cultivators were frightened and hurriedly stepped back. They saw the head flying in the sky, its eyes wide open and bleeding, which looked weird and terrifying.


Xiao Chen snorted coldly, put the two fingers of his right hand together, and suddenly the golden light was dazzling, and he struck out with the devil's finger. With a "bang", the head was smashed into pieces, and the soul was also destroyed in an instant.

"Junior brother!"

The eyes of another old man in green were about to burst. At this moment, there was another shock on the bottom of the sea. The huge waves in the sea suddenly hit higher, as if they were going to sweep everyone here into the bottom of the sea.

"Palace Master...be careful!"

Liu San and others have also changed their expressions for a long time. Could it be that this sudden change in the sea of ​​evil is...

After Xiao Chen killed the old man, he did not leave the sea area immediately. While the other two people were distracted, he attacked again in an instant. With a "chi" sound, blood flew everywhere, and Di Gu's front, Unstoppable, he cut off another man's head with one sword strike.


In just a few moments, they killed two people in succession. This time, the remaining old man in green finally changed his expression and wanted to spread his body skills to escape towards the sky. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took action, a huge wave hit him in front of him. , forcing him to step back.

And in an instant, murderous intent suddenly appeared behind him. The old man in green changed his face in shock, knowing that he could not escape. At the critical moment, he bit the tip of his tongue hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but before he could use the blood escape technique, "chi" With a sound, Xiao Chen stabbed him through the chest from behind with a sword.


The old man in Tsing Yi's face was pale. At this moment, a huge wave had hit him. Xiao Chen jumped up suddenly to avoid the huge wave. But at this moment, the old man in Tsing Yi was swept into the sea by the huge wave. .

Everyone in the distance looked horrified. Not only did Xiao Chen kill these three people, but also the sudden change in the sea of ​​evil at this time. Could it be...


At this moment, someone screamed out, and everyone followed the sound, only to see a huge wave of thousands of feet coming from the distance, and all the mountains and islands were swallowed up in an instant.

"Oops!" Liu San and Zhuqing Zhongyuan also changed their expressions in an instant, it was Tide! When the tide comes, no one can escape from the sea of ​​evil!

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