The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 656: Go to Tianmen again

"This road is blocked, this road is blocked, this road is blocked..."

The old beggar was half drunk and half awake, and said three times that the road was blocked. Xiao Chen naturally heard his voice and recognized his appearance. He was the one who taught him the three sword moves outside Qingzhou City. That old beggar.

"Senior is here today. Could it be that he is here to stop me?"

For this old beggar, even though he still doesn't know who he is, Xiao Chen always has respect in his heart. If it weren't for this old beggar, he might have been overtaken by the mysterious master from Zangfeng Valley. Later, when they met again, he taught him Three moves of swordsmanship. Although he has only mastered the first two moves of these three moves of swordsmanship, it has helped him save danger many times.

"Hey, no, no..."

The old beggar jumped up from the bamboo, picked up the wine gourd in his hand, and said drunkenly, "Although the wine is beautiful, but after one sip, the wine is gone. Why don't I go to Qingzhou City again and get a pot of wine for the old man?" ?”

Xiao Chen said, "Qingzhou City is thousands of miles away. This junior has something important to attend to today, so I may not be able to go get drinks for my senior anymore." As he said this, he was about to pass through.

The old beggar swayed and blocked his way again. He was holding a wine gourd in his hand and said drunkenly, "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry. Qingzhou is far away, but with the ability of my little friend now, it's not a problem to fly in the clouds and fog. It will take three or two days at most." Here comes the wine."

Xiao Chen frowned and said, "But junior, I do have something important to do today. I hope seniors won't stop me..."


The old beggar sighed heavily, and suddenly showed a sad expression on his face: "It's gone, it's gone, it's gone."

"What's gone?" Xiao Chen asked.

The old beggar sighed, looked at him and said, "It's a pity that such a good person is gone. It's such a pity... Do you know that if you go, not only will you come back without your life, but also how many other people will be affected?" ?”

Xiao Chen knew in his heart that he would have a narrow escape from death, but he had to go and said, "Junior has already decided, senior please don't be embarrassed..."


The old beggar sighed again, stretched out his hand, and a bamboo stick flew into his hand, and said, "In that case, old man, why don't you come and test your swordsmanship? If you win, then the old man won't be able to do it." Stopping you..."

Xiao Chen knew in his heart that the person in front of him may seem inconspicuous, but his cultivation is unfathomable. He must be a top-notch senior master in the world. Even if it is just a bamboo stick, he may not be sure of winning. He dare not be careless, " With a clang, Di Gujian appeared in his hand and said, "In this case, I have no choice but to offend."

The old beggar looked at the Emperor Gu Sword in his hand, stroking his beard slightly and nodding, "Di Gu, it is said that one of the six peerless mysterious weapons, but the evil spirit in the sword is too strong, so there are rumors that anyone who gets this sword will eventually He will be separated from his relatives and left alone. There is still a blood mark on the sword, which was left when an emperor finally committed suicide with this sword. It is a great opportunity for me to get this sword, but..."

At this point, he shook his head again, "It's just that this sword is an evil thing after all, not a lucky thing, and it can easily bite its owner. If you live with this sword day and night, your character will inevitably be eroded by it bit by bit. , and then gradually change..."

After hearing what he said, the expression on Xiao Chen's face did not change, but his heart condensed slightly. Thinking back to when he got the Emperor Gu under the sword tomb, he did have some strange feelings sometimes, even every time he touched the Emperor Gu sword. , what I feel is also an endless coldness and loneliness.

The old beggar continued, "Of course, little friend, there is no need to worry too much. Now it seems that the Emperor Sword has not awakened. The sleeping sword soul is still sleeping. I can still control this sword..."

Xiao Chen naturally knew in his heart that Di Gu was one of the six peerless mysterious weapons in ancient times. Each of the six peerless mysterious weapons had something that defied the heavens. If it was the awakened Di Gu, he definitely shouldn't have the one he has now. strength.

"Okay, okay, little friend, let's take action." The old beggar said no more, pushed back his clothes, and slowly picked up the bamboo stick in his hand.

"excuse me."

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and thrust out his sword. The sword energy suddenly surged, and in an instant, he had already reached the old beggar.

However, the old beggar seemed calm and composed at this time. He gently picked up the bamboo stick in his hand, and with a "clang" sound, he opened the long sword he was stabbing at.

Xiao Chen immediately turned his sword around and attacked quickly again. In an instant, the sword shadow turned into a dense mass, which was exactly the sword move in the Thirty-three Level Bixiao Sword Technique, making it difficult to tell the truth from the truth.

Even in the face of such a perfect swordsmanship, the old beggar still seemed to be able to deal with the ever-changing swordsmanship with ease. At this time, an ordinary bamboo stick seemed to turn into a peerless sword in his hand. The sound of "dang-dang" collision between the divine soldiers continued to spread outside the bamboo forest.

But seeing that the two men's sword skills each had their own mysteries, Xiao Chen's attack was like a rainbow, his sword skills were like a violent storm, and coupled with Emperor Gu's sword energy, he immediately created a momentum that swept thousands of armies and was unstoppable.

But the old beggar, although he only had a bamboo stick in his hand, was always calm and unhurried, adapting to every move like a god, his sword skills were like a mountain, and he was as quiet as a man in the abyss, and he was not afraid of the turbulent waves.

Xiao Chen couldn't attack for a long time, but his sword power became more fierce. One sword after another, like a tiger emerging from the forest, like a dragon swimming in the sea. In an instant, the ground was covered with bamboo leaves.


With the last sword, Xiao Chen used the throat-sealing sword in the 33-level Bixiao Sword Technique, and cut off the bamboo stick in the old beggar's hand with one sword. He was already three feet away.

Fragments of bamboo leaves all over the sky gradually filled the entire bamboo forest. If countless people were to attack Xiao Chen here today, their fate would be like these fragments of bamboo leaves all over the ground.

The old beggar looked at his silent back. He never imagined that his sword was already filled with such murderous intent. If something unexpected happened this time, he didn't know what path he would take in the future. One thought can lead to Buddhahood, one thought can lead to becoming a devil. Buddha and devil are often just one thought away. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless. How could he look back? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly in his heart and said, "My little friend has won."

Xiao Chen slowly turned around, bowed his hands to the old beggar in front of him, said no more, and turned to leave.

"Little friend, wait a minute..."

At this time, the old beggar stopped him again. Xiao Chen stopped and said, "Senior, do you have any other instructions?"

The old beggar stroked his white beard and said, "Fifty miles east of Qingzhou City, there is a green mountain. Ten years from now, if you still remember the old man, bring me a pot of wine..."

"Ten years from now...junior, will come."

Xiao Chen murmured to himself, wondering what the purpose of this ten-year agreement was. At the end of his words, he nodded, swayed, and left outside the bamboo forest.

The old beggar looked at his retreating back and sighed, "I'm afraid that by then, I will no longer be your opponent, let alone stop you. If I die by your Emperor Sword, it will be my fate..."

On Tiantai Mountain, many people have come today, including elders from various sects and even the heads. At this time, many people are talking in low voices.

"If we capture the little witch from Lianhua Palace this time, the little devil from Xuanqingmen will definitely come to rescue us. No matter what this time, we will ask him about Xiao Cangtian's whereabouts..."

"I said at the beginning that the origin of this little devil is unknown. Now it seems that he has a close relationship with Xiao Cangtian. That's why..."

Just when the crowd was talking endlessly, the originally clear sky suddenly gathered layers of dark clouds for some unknown reason, and the sky suddenly became dark. At this time, a ray of light flew from a distance, immediately causing a storm. , followed by a compelling aura that almost made everyone tremble.

"Who is coming?"

Everyone looked up and saw that ray of light getting closer and closer, and finally turned into a human figure. Under the shock of that person's aura, almost everyone felt suffocated.

Even some old men who had reached the realm of cultivation suddenly felt palpitations and had a bad premonition in their hearts. As for those with lower cultivation levels, they did not even dare to move at this time.

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