"It's Xiao Yichen...it's Xiao Yichen! He's here!"

When that figure approached, someone finally recognized him, and the whole Tianmen began to boil. The elders of various sects who were still discussing matters in the hall were also shocked and quickly walked out of the hall. How could anyone imagine that the young man from the Xuan Qing Sect back then was now so suffocating with just his breath?

At this time, four sword lights descended from the sky and landed on the square. They turned into four human figures in an instant. However, the four people were as angry as the abyss and very calm. They were the four "Qiankun Likan" among the elders of the Eighth Palace of Tianmen.

Now more than ten years have passed. In these years, a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy has poured into the ancient land of Xianyuan. Naturally, the cultivation level of the elders of the Eighth Palace is no longer comparable to that of the past.

Elder Qianyuan was an old man in green clothes. When he stood forward, he looked like a majestic mountain. He immediately calmed down the nearby disciples.

I saw him staring at Xiao Chen in front of the mountain, and said loudly, "Xiao Yichen, why did you destroy my Tiantai Mountain formation today and force your way up?"

At this time, Xiao Chen stood in mid-air, his eyes as cold as water, "Asking despite knowing..."


Elder Kunyi snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves heavily, and walked up. He looked at him coldly and said, "Xiao Yichen, Tianmen will no longer pursue the matter that happened back then. You still dare to force your way here today. Are you serious?" Do you think my Tianmen is a place where you can come and leave whenever you want? "

In mid-air, the cold wind was biting. Xiao Chen's face was as calm as water from beginning to end. He didn't want to say anything more to these people, so he said coldly, "Hand her over."

As soon as this statement came out, many people below started talking. Is there anyone in Tianmen who doesn't know the purpose of his visit today? However, the four elders of Tianmen avoided talking about it just now, but now that they heard him speak frankly, it was impossible for the four of them to continue to pretend to know nothing.

Elder Kunyi said coldly, "That demon girl has caused trouble in all directions, and now she has been captured by my Tianmen. You want people when you say you want them, huh... who do you really think you are!"

"I don't care what you say, anyway, today, I want to take that person away." Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and his tone left no room for doubt.

"Humph, then it depends on whether you have the ability."

Elder Qianyuan's eyes were cold. After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and countless Tianmen masters suddenly appeared from all directions.

It was obvious that they had been prepared. At this moment, the densely packed figures formed a sword formation in an instant. The cold light was dazzling, and the sword energy was even more frightening.

At this moment, almost everyone present felt a chill, as if they had suddenly fallen into a cold pool. Even at the edge of the square, a layer of frost gradually formed on the leaves of the flowers and plants.

Many people felt frightened and retreated subconsciously. This was the "Tianmen Cold Sword Formation", which was extremely powerful. The sword formation in front of them had more than a thousand positions. It was almost difficult for ordinary people to break through this sword formation. Like ascending to heaven.

"Since we have already prepared, why bother to say more just now."

Xiao Chen's eyes were still indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, Di Gu instantly sacrificed himself. His whole body was like a sword light and he rushed towards the sword formation, causing a strong wind to rise immediately.

Everyone in the distance felt a slight tremble. Apart from him, there was probably no one else who dared to break into the Tianmen Cold Sword Formation like this on Tiantai Mountain.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Thousands of cold lights flew up in an instant and slashed straight towards him. The terrifying sword power was like the roar of the angry sea, which was about to engulf him in an instant. At this moment, everyone in the distance watched with bated breath, not even their eyes. Wink.


With a loud noise, Xiao Chen swept his sword horizontally, and a sword energy slashed out wildly. The sword energy coming from the sky was immediately shaken away, and the light of the Tianmen Han Sword Formation also dimmed a lot. Those Many of the Tianmen masters who formed the formation were shocked to the point where their energy and blood surged. At this moment, they could no longer even hold the swords in their hands.

The four elders were all shocked. They never expected that his current cultivation level would be so terrifying, and they never expected that the Emperor Sword would be so powerful!

"Condensation Formation!"

Elder Kunyi shouted loudly, and the disciples immediately stabilized the sword formation again. However, even if they regrouped, it would undoubtedly be a mantis' arm acting as a chariot. Emperor Gu made thousands of swords tremble. What sword formation can withstand Emperor Gu?

When Xiao Chen struck with his next sword, the entire sword formation trembled violently and was immediately eclipsed. Dozens of people in the formation were so shocked that they vomited blood and flew out, unable to fight back.

And when the third sword struck, there was only a "bang" sound, dust flew up, and the ground cracked. The entire Tianmen Cold Sword Formation was shattered immediately, and the countless people who were in the formation were shocked to the point of vomiting blood and falling down. It flew out, and the swords were all over the ground, broken and broken, without any light left.

Everyone in the distance was shocked and speechless by this scene. Who could have imagined that the little boy who had no control over his fate more than ten years ago would be so terrifying now?

At this moment, the four elders finally woke up. The person in front of them was no longer the little Xuan Qing Sect disciple before.

Elder Qianyuan pointed his fingers, and instantly used his magic weapon to attack Xiao Chen. However, he alone, even if his cultivation is much better than before, he might not be able to withstand Xiao Chen's sword.


Elder Kunyi knew something was wrong and immediately stepped forward to help. However, even if the two of them worked together, when Xiao Chen slashed with his sword, they only felt suffocated, as if all the muscles and bones in their bodies were broken at this moment.

When the two elders from behind, Li Huokanshui, saw this, they looked shocked and flew up. The combined efforts of the four of them were still not enough to resist the Emperor Gu in Xiao Chen's hands.

"where is she."

The cold voice, without any emotion, made the four elders Qianyuan feel extremely strenuous. At this time, under the suppression of Xiao Chen's sword energy, they were unable to move at all.

"She is at Shura Terrace, Xiao Yichen, why don't you go and save her?"

A woman's voice came from nowhere in the crowd. Xiao Chen swung his sword away from the four people in front of him and headed towards the Shura Platform. Elder Qianyuan was suddenly startled, "Stop him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless Tianmen masters suddenly rushed out from the darkness and blocked his way.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he slapped his palm down. As the dust rolled, dozens of people vomited blood and flew out in random directions. No one could stop him.

At this moment, people from various sects in the distance finally came to their senses. They were hesitant to step forward and stop this person, but in their hearts they were wary of this person's cultivation and the Emperor's Sword in his hand.

Seeing that no one could stop him, Elder Kunyi turned pale and looked at the senior brothers beside him, "He is going to Shura Terrace. Please inform the three real people quickly."

Elder Qianyuan frowned deeply and stared at Xiao Chen's back. If this person is allowed to come and go as he pleases today, I am afraid that Tianmen will no longer have any prestige in the future.

"No matter what, we must stop it..."

Suddenly, the veins on Elder Qianyuan's face popped out, and his body suddenly became much larger, becoming a giant. This was his true body that he had practiced for many years.

Elder Kunyi couldn't help but be shocked when she saw her senior brother reveal his true body. The next moment, she no longer hesitated, her hands continued to form seals, and a dazzling light immediately bloomed from her body, but it was she who exploded her true energy to make her cultivation level Temporarily raise the level to three levels.


Here, Elder Qianyuan gave a loud shout and slapped Xiao Chen with one palm. The arm was as thick as a big tree held by three people. How could ordinary people bear it?

Xiao Chen felt the force coming from behind. He moved Lingxian Steps and moved a hundred feet away in an instant. He heard a "bang" and the dust suddenly rolled. Elder Qianyuan's palm actually destroyed several buildings that were still defensive. The palace of the formation was smashed to pieces.

The next moment, Elder Kunyi, who exploded his true essence, and two elders Li Huo and Kan Shui also attacked. This time, the four people's skills were enhanced by more than a star. Xiao Chen was still calm and able to fight against the four people with ease. .

"Boom boom boom!"

After a while, most of the buildings near the square were destroyed, and the four elders were also seriously injured. Elder Qianyuan's body had shrunk, his face was pale, and blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth. He had been hit by more than ten swords, and blood continued to flow. If it weren't for his profound skill, he might have died long ago.

Elder Kunyi, Elder Lihuo, and Elder Kanshui were all injured to varying degrees. Even if they self-destructed their true energy, they could not withstand the Emperor Sword in Xiao Chen's hand.

After severely injuring four people, Xiao Chen stopped fighting and walked all the way to Shura Terrace. Many people came to stop him along the way, but no one could stop him.

After burning the incense, he finally came to the outside of Shura Terrace. There was a very powerful forbidden barrier outside, which was probably set up for him.

"Weiyang, wait for me..."

Xiao Chen held Di Gu tightly in his hand. He knew that the three real people from Tianmen had not come out yet, but since he was here this time, he never thought that he could leave here unharmed.

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