
There was a loud noise and the whole valley trembled violently. Xiao Chen slashed towards the restriction with his sword. The barrier was immediately covered with cracks.

"Stop him!"

Behind them, the four elders of Qiankun Likan chased after them, as well as countless experts from Tianmen, as well as people from various sects, who were all rushing towards Shura Terrace at this time.

Seeing those people behind him rushing up, Xiao Chen brushed back with his palm. The force of his palm was like a huge wave, turning all the grass, trees, flowers and rocks along the way into powder. The people behind him couldn't bear the force of the palm, and most of them He was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew back.

After repelling this wave of people, Xiao Chen immediately swung his sword and slashed at the barrier in front of him. With a "bang", the barrier was about to collapse, and the dust suddenly rolled. With another sword strike, the barrier was broken, and the strong wind howled. The sky is filled with dust and sand.

After breaking through the barrier of Shura Valley, Xiao Chen did not hesitate and flew in. When he got there, the clouds and mist dispersed, and he saw a hundred-foot high platform in sight. The high platform was surrounded by restrictions. Just the breath made people feel Being timid is the most severe "Shura platform" among Tianmen's punishments.

Once you are sent to the Shura Platform, you will almost lose half your life. Compared with the Xuanqing Gate's Lianfeng Platform, this Shura Platform is more frightening, but this Shura Platform is often only used to punish heinous demons, or He is a murderous demon. If he is an ordinary person, no matter what serious crime he commits, he will generally not be sent to the Shura Platform.

At this time, all I could see was a towering stone pillar standing in the center of the Shura Platform. It was submerged in the clouds and the top could not be seen. There were countless forbidden runes engraved on it. This pillar was called the "Devil-Conquering Pillar". As the name suggests, if a person who is possessed by a demon is captured by If you were tied to it, you would probably end up in a state of despair.


The person imprisoned on the Demon Subduing Pillar at this moment is the dying Hua Weiyang. Her body is entangled by the "soul-stealing chain" on the Demon Subduing Pillar, her eyes are lightly closed, and her soul is extremely weak.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were about to burst, and a raging anger suddenly burned in his eyes. The anger in his heart could no longer be calmed down, and he just wished that this place would be wiped out in an instant.

"Stop him!"

There were many people from Tianmen surrounding the Shura Platform, and they were reinforcing the restrictions on the entire Shura Platform. When they saw Xiao Chen suddenly barging in, four people immediately flew over.

Xiao Chen was burning with anger. No matter who it was, he slashed out with his sword, and the four people immediately vomited blood and flew out, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

When the other people near the Shura Platform saw this, they were all shocked. The next moment, countless people rushed over. Xiao Chen's whole body was covered with murderous aura, and he slashed with his sword. The ground along the way was instantly covered with blood.

No one could stop him, and rushing forward would be tantamount to death. Many people stepped back. Xiao Chen immediately flew towards the Shura Platform. However, when he approached the Shura Platform, a forbidden divine thunder struck, "Bang." "The sound knocked him flying more than ten feet away. If the emperor's sword hadn't blocked it, he would have been injured by this restriction.

There is an ancient formation near the Shura Platform, which was left by the three ancestors who founded the Tianmen. Therefore, the restrictions imposed by the Shura Platform are of great importance. No matter how high the cultivation level is, people will never dare to break through.

At this time, the four elders of Qiankun Likan, as well as countless masters of Tianmen, and people from various sects also chased in. When they saw that he was shaken away by the restrictions of the Shura Platform, the four elders relaxed a little and immediately A spiritual message was sent out.

In mid-air, the cold wind was raging, and the restriction near the Shura Platform had been faintly revealed. Such a terrifying restriction aura was particularly frightening, and no one dared to approach it at this time.

Xiao Chen's eyes were gradually filled with bloodshot eyes. He had just been shocked by the forbidden divine thunder, and now he was holding Di Gu's hand tightly, and he was still trembling.

The next moment, I saw him suddenly slashing at the restriction with his sword, trying to forcefully break the restriction. However, when the sword energy slashed past, a restriction equivalent to the sword energy bounced back, "Bang" A sound knocked him back more than ten feet again.

However, the restriction on the Shura Platform was still unmoved at this time, showing no signs of loosening. At this time, outside the Shura Valley, countless figures suddenly flew over. The four leaders were the elders of the Eighth Palace. The other four are Xun, Zhen, Gen and Dui.

Elder Lei Zhen is naturally more familiar with Xiao Chen than anyone else. At first, he secretly imprisoned Hua Weiyang in order to know the whereabouts of the Heavenly Book, but in the end he taught Gui Si to make a trick and let Xiao Chen rescue Hua Weiyang. . But at this moment, I could see the cold light in his eyes, and I didn't know what kind of evil plan was hatched in his heart.

In front of the Shura stage, Xiao Chen tried several times, but still couldn't break the restriction. Hua Weiyang woke up from the loud noise, her eyes half-opened, "Stupid... idiot..."


Xiao Chen's heartstrings tightened, for fear of hurting her inside. Hua Weiyang's breath was weak at this moment, and it was difficult to even raise her head. She only softly said one word, "Let's go..."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt a pain in his heart, because from the look in her eyes at this time, he could already see that she had remembered everything.

"Weiyang... don't be afraid, I will come to save you right now, whether it is the right way or the evil way, I will kill whoever comes to stop me today..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart seemed to be bleeding. As soon as he finished speaking, he slashed at the restriction of the Shura Platform with another sword. He even ignored the restriction and bounced back towards him. He cut countless swords like this, but the restriction, But still.

People from various sects in the distance were also stunned by the scene in front of them. They all thought in their hearts that it was indeed the forbidden formation left by the three founders of Tianmen back then. It was able to remain motionless despite such a terrifying attack.

"Idiot... you go away... that person brought you into the game. Your master is not here, so you can't fight him..."

Hua Weiyang's breath was weak, and it was difficult to even speak at this time, and she could not even say a complete sentence.

"Weiyang, don't be afraid..."

Xiao Chen held the Emperor Gu Sword tightly in his hand. In the end, he bit his fingertip hard and slowly smeared the blood on the sword mark.

At this moment, it was as if all the blood and essence in his body was drawn into the sword. Xiao Chen's face suddenly turned pale, and a layer of blood slowly enveloped the Emperor's sword, and a terrifying sword evil aura also appeared. It spread out in an instant.

At this moment, the swords in the hands of everyone in the distance trembled, like a feeling of fear and uneasiness. Even the fairy swords that everyone had practiced for many years started to tremble uncontrollably.

But in front of the Shura Stage, Xiao Chen's whole body was seen covered by a layer of blood-red sword light, and his whole body was surrounded by blood mist. This was the emperor's violent aura.

There was a heavy aura of violence in the Emperor Gu sword. At this moment, it was finally released, making people feel infinite fear. It was like they fell into a dark and cold abyss in an instant, and despair gradually eroded people's hearts.

The violent energy in Emperor Gu's sword is one of the heaviest in the world. Now it slowly seeps out and will inevitably gradually erode the master's mind. However, the power of the sword has also been enhanced countless times.

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