The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 695: Extermination of the Family

In the hall, except for Yin Chunqiu's son Yin Feng, everyone else showed surprise. The people from Wuwanghai... How could the Scorpion Sect be related to the people from Wuwanghai! And there are so many people in Wuwanghai, who is he referring to...

At this moment, everyone was surprised, except Yin Feng, who had a gloomy face at this time, but there was a bit of fear hidden in the gloom.

"I... don't know what you are talking about!"

Yin Chunqiu's voice was cold and stern. As soon as he finished speaking, the magic power was activated again, and he attacked Xiao Chen again in an instant. However, this time it was the same as before. It was a very fast attack. It was supposed to be extremely difficult to dodge, but Xiao Chen didn't know it. Why, he disappeared from the place in an instant, and when he reappeared the next moment, he was ten feet away behind him.

Cold sweat gradually formed on Yin Chunqiu's forehead. How could it be possible? How could this person be so fast? What level of cultivation had he reached? Could it be...impossible, impossible!

At this moment, Xiao Chen still looked at him indifferently, "Not only on the fifteenth day of last month, starting from three years ago, people from Wuwanghai will come to Scorpio Gate once every year in the last month, right..."

"You..." ✵

Yin Chunqiu was even more suffocated, the demon energy in his palm condensed, and he attacked again, but this time, before he could take action, Xiao Chen had already moved in front of him instantly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed his throat.


In the main hall, Yin Feng was suddenly startled, and the others were also trembling. They didn't see clearly what had just happened, and they didn't see how Xiao Chen took action.


Yin Chunqiu's face turned pale, and with a turn of his demonic energy, the red flying sword flew behind Xiao Chen and slashed towards the back of his head. However, when the flying sword was still a few feet away from Xiao Chen's back, there was a "clang" sound. I don't know what was blocking it, but it suddenly broke.


The magic weapon was destroyed, and Yin Chunqiu suddenly gushed out a mouthful of blood. However, even the blood could not splash onto Xiao Chen at this time. There was an invisible force surrounding his body.

Yin Chunqiu's face turned pale. This time, he finally gave up. His whole body suddenly became sluggish, and he laughed in a low voice, "You Wuyutian and Wuwanghai are fighting, and I am caught in the middle. If I don't give them what they want, , they will destroy my entire family. If I don’t give you what you want, you will also destroy my entire family. You said... what should I do... I just want to go into seclusion and don’t want to get involved in your fight..."


Yin Feng turned pale, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "What do you want to know? I'll tell you, let my father go!"

Xiao Chen ignored him, his eyes still fell on Yin Chunqiu, and said calmly, "Really... But as far as I know, Master Yin has privately sent people to Longyuan more than once to search for the power of the earth veins... …Is this what Master Yin calls seclusion?”

"You..." ✵

The color drained from Yin Chunqiu's face. No one except him and his son Yin Feng knew about this matter. How on earth was this person in front of him found out?

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing..."

Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly, "Last August, I sent people to Xiqi to search for the power of the 'Hantan', but those people failed to come back in the end. They died in a dense forest in Xiqi. Meng Xian Sect's 'Meng Hun Powder'.

Yin Chunqiu's face became even more pale and ugly, and he continued intermittently, "You want the power of the earth veins, and the Mengxian Sect also wants the power of the earth veins. If they kill your people, what does it have to do with me..."

"No...they didn't kill the person."

Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly, "Master Yin is indeed capable. He can even find the unique poison of Mengxian Sect. However, Master Yin miscalculated one thing, so his cleverness was misled by his cleverness. Fairy Chuchen She has some friendship with me, and she will not kill my people no matter what. Presumably, Sect Master Yin doesn’t know about this..."

"you you……"

At this moment, Yin Chunqiu's face turned pale, and his body couldn't help but tremble. Finally, as if he was frustrated, he laughed miserably and gave no more explanations.

Xiao Chen slowly put him down, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "Master Yin, should you do it yourself, or should I do it."

Everyone held their breath, Yin Chunqiu laughed miserably, "I, Yin Chunqiu, have lived my whole life, but I never thought that I would end up like this in my old age. I can't blame anyone, I can't blame anyone..."

At the end of his words, he looked at Xiao Chen, "Should I take matters into my own hands and you let go of the young and old in my family?"

Xiao Chen still stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the distance with a faint look, noncommittal. In the main hall, Yin Feng's face was startled: "Dad! No!"

"Hehe...Okay, okay..."

Yin Chunqiu laughed miserably, and suddenly pushed his magic power to the limit. A strong wind suddenly blew up around him. He raised his palms, gathered all the magic energy in his body, and slapped his forehead. However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a look in his eyes. Li "Xiao Yichen, go to hell!"

Yin Chunqiu's palms that originally hit his forehead suddenly attacked Xiao Chen. This was too sudden. Even though the twenty-four Yeying people wanted to protect their master, they were too late. Yang Xiaoran stood in the distance, His expression also changed suddenly. He never expected that this old man would risk the entire Scorpio Sect to the death.

However, at this moment, Yin Chunqiu's palms that were originally attacking Xiao Chen suddenly stopped in mid-air. Then his face darkened, his hands grabbed his throat, and his eyes opened wider and wider. Bigger, staring at Xiao Chen, in the end without saying a word, there was no trace of life left in his body, and he fell to the ground with a "pop".

The person who was alive a moment ago turned into a lifeless corpse in just a short moment. The scary thing was that there were no wounds on his body, and he didn't know how he died. Yang Xiaoran stood in the distance, looking at Xiao at this moment. Chen Chen was even more afraid of him.


Yin Feng's eyes were about to burst, and he flew out of the hall. Yang Xiaoran moved and kicked him in the abdomen. With a "bang", he kicked him against a wall, which immediately shattered into pieces.

"Your Majesty."

Yang Xiaoran walked back to Xiao Chen, lowered his head, raised his hands and asked, "How to deal with these people?"

Xiao Chen didn't say anything, turned around and walked outside. In mid-air, twenty-four figures flickered. The entire Scorpion Gate, the lanterns were extinguished, and the darkness was instantly covered in blood.

Yang Xiaoran followed Xiao Chen outside and said cautiously, "Yin Chunqiu, an old man, secretly opposed your Majesty, and deserved his death. But after all, this person once worshiped Patriarch Motian as his teacher. Patriarch Motian, I don't know about Your Majesty." …”

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent and he said, "Yin Chunqiu has been cautious all his life. Why did he have the courage to take risks to do these things this time?"

Yang Xiaoran thought for a while and suddenly realized, "What your Majesty means is..."

"Yes, if there is no one behind him, even if you give him ten courages, he will not dare to touch my people." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Yang Xiaoran's eyes sharpened, "So, the Patriarch of Motian is heading towards the Wuwu Sea. Think about it, your Majesty has been conquering a lot of land during his expeditions to the north and south over the years. This person must have a grudge... …”

Xiao Chen said nothing and was noncommittal. After a while, he said, "The matter here is over. Next, you can go back first."

Yang Xiaoran was startled for a moment, then raised his head, "Your Majesty, are you planning to..."

"I, I have to go somewhere."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and looked up at the distant mountain shadows shrouded in night. Before he knew it, ten years had passed.

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