The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 696 Ten Years of Agreement


Yang Xiaoran cupped his hands. He never dared to ask more questions about what Xiao Chen wanted to do and where he was going.

"in addition……"

Xiao Chen stopped, turned his head slightly, and said, "In a few days, people from the Mengxian Sect will come. You can receive them for me without letting others know."

"People from the Mengxian Sect..."

Yang Xiaoran's face flashed with confusion. Mengxian Sect is one of the four major demon sects today and has never interacted with Wuyutian. What are you doing here this time? Yes, he just said that Meng Xian'er had some friendship with him, so what's going on?

However, he never dared to ask more about Xiao Chen. At this moment, he still cupped his hands and said, "I will definitely do as I am told."

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded slightly, stepped forward, and flew away into the distance.

Yang Xiaoran looked at his disappearing back, his eyebrows furrowing deeper and deeper. Sometimes, he would find that he could no longer see through this gentleman. His actions and thoughts were often different from what he thought. too far.

Three days later, the Scorpion Sect was wiped out. Not only everyone in the Demonic Path was shocked, but also the righteous sects were deeply frightened.

"Over the years, Wuyu Tian has caused a bloody storm in the entire Five Realms of Immortal Yuan. Once the Blood Rain Order is issued, no one dares to disobey it. Didn't that person, the leader, not expect it back then?"

At this moment, in a secret hall of Motian Sect, two figures were seen standing in the hall. One of them had white beard and hair and a face as frosty as the ancestor of Motian.

The other person is tall and tall, handsome in appearance. He is not Xie Tianluo, the adopted son of Demon Sky Patriarch, but a man in green clothes. Judging from his aura, this person's human nature is far above that of Xie Tianluo, and he must be among them. His status in the Demonic Sect is not low either.

I saw the expression of the ancestor of Motian was gloomy. He really never thought that even when he went to the Endless Mountains to search for the magic scripture, he could see at that time that Xiao Chen was definitely not a thing in the pool, but he never thought that ten Within a year, this person was able to change the situation in the entire Five Realms of Immortal Yuan. What's more, I didn't expect that in just ten years, the opponent's cultivation level would be so terrifying.

If he had known today, at that time in the Endless Mountains, he would have killed this person no matter what. At that time, he only thought that this person was forced by the right way and would definitely become an enemy of the right way. In this way, he would be It was perfect for the Demonic Path, but he only thought about this level. He did not expect that within the past ten years, this person would step by step annex the forces of the various factions of the Demonic Path.

In the past, the Demonic Sect existed in the entire demonic path just like the Xuanqing Sect existed in the entire righteous path. But now, Wuyutian has seriously threatened the status of the Demonic Sect, even like a sharp blade behind him. Getting closer and closer, I don't know when it will suddenly stab me.

Taking a deep breath, Patriarch Motian looked at the man in green and said, "Yun Shen, with your thousands of years of practice, if you meet this person, what do you think your chances of winning are?"

This man is not anyone else, but one of the three most mysterious people in the Demonic Sect. His name is Chu Yunshen. Although he looks young, no one knows his actual age.

At this moment, I just heard him say, "In the past one hundred years, I could only cultivate ten years of Taoism. Now, in ten years, I can cultivate one hundred years of Taoism. If I could go back to ten years ago, all I needed to defeat him was a clone. But now, he To defeat me, you only need one clone."

The Demonic Heaven Ancestor shook his head and said, "Yun Shen, please don't belittle yourself. The ninth-level Heavenly Demonic Skills you practice are the techniques passed down by our Demonic Ancestor back then. The secrets in them are in no way inferior to the fragments of the Heavenly Book."

Chu Yunshen shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Without the help of Senior Sister, I might not be able to understand the mystery, that's all, that's all..."

In the Mengxian Sect, the peach blossoms are like a dream. The first month has not yet passed, and it is already like the third month of the human world. The petals fall into the pool and create ripples.

The beautiful lady stood up from the pool, her body still wet with water and dew, but she suddenly heard footsteps outside the court. Meng Xian'er moved her hand, took the clothes and put them on her body, and said lightly to the outside, "Ling Mo, what's the matter?"

I saw Yusha Xuanji walking in, lowering her head and whispering, "Sect Master, I just received the news. Three days ago, the Scorpio Sect was wiped out overnight..." At the end of the words, she raised her head and looked at Meng Xian'er. When I went, I saw the other person gently stroking his hair, as if he didn't care at all.

"I see."

After putting on her clothes, Meng Xian'er slowly walked over, her face unchanged, as if she already knew about this.

"Sect Master, you..."

Yusha Xuanji couldn't help but frowned when she saw her walking out. Over the years, Wuyutian has annexed countless demonic forces, and even some righteous Xuanmen have bowed to it. She is really worried, Wuyutian Heaven's power will gradually spread to Mengxian Sect, and then it will also annex Mengxian Sect.

Although in the past three hundred years, the demonic sects have always been like a piece of loose sand, so they can't fight against the right way. Ten years ago, Tianmen's vitality was severely damaged, and the demonic sects rose up one after another. But now, Yusha Xuanji does not want each sect to be defeated. All factions were annexed by Wuyutian.

Meng Xian'er slowly walked out. At this moment, everything that happened ten years ago when she went to the Endless Mountains to search for magic scriptures came to mind again. Since that time, the two of them had never seen each other again. , she did not expect at the beginning that Xiao Chen would become the feared Lord of Wuyu Tian today.

"You leave tomorrow and go to Wuyu Heaven."


Yusha Xuanji trembled, suspecting that she had heard wrongly. The sect leader actually asked her to go to Wuyutian, and her face suddenly turned pale and ugly. For her, Wuyutian was a more terrifying place than Jiuyou Nether Palace. , where does she dare to go?

"Sect Master, but..."

Yuchao Xuanji was about to say something urgently, but suddenly something flew over and she caught it in her hand, but it was a jade bottle.

"After you meet him, if you give him something like this, he won't embarrass you." Meng Xian'er said slowly as she walked out of the court.

Yuchao Xuanji had a blank expression on her face. She lowered her head and looked at the jade bottle in her hand. She saw three blue flowers printed on the jade bottle. It was very small and delicate, but she didn't know what the sect master's intention was.

There are long green hills, and you can look for flowers in the mist. Fifty miles to the east outside Qingzhou City, there is a green hill. The foot of the mountain is foggy all year round. The green shade on the mountain is overlapping, and the flowers are blooming. There are also springs hitting the rocks, making a cool sound. The scenery is very quiet.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, the cold wind was howling on the edge of the cliff, and a few ancient pines were standing alone against the wind. Under the setting sun, the man's lonely figure was even more obvious.

"You came."

The voice was a little sad, and it seemed that it was more vicissitudes than ten years ago. The old man turned around slowly, his appearance remained unchanged, he was the old beggar from ten years ago.

But Xiao Chen had arrived at the top of the mountain at some unknown time, holding a bottle of wine in his hand. However, his white hair was blowing in the wind behind his shoulders, and his stern face no longer looked like the young man dancing the sword in the bamboo forest in the past.

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