The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 697: The Law Against Heaven

"It's been ten years, I didn't expect you to still remember what the old man said back then..." The old beggar looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar man in front of him and said slowly.

"Ten years have passed, and the senior has not forgotten it." Xiao Chen said as he walked up and handed the wine in his hand to the other party.

The old beggar held the jug in front of his nose and smelled it. He took a deep breath and said intoxicatedly, "Not bad, not bad. It's not Zuixian Brewing from Qingzhou City, but Peach Blossom Brewing from Suzhou City. It's very good, very good..."

"Senior, it's fine if you like it."

Xiao Chen looked at him, but there was still no emotion or joy in his voice, which was flat and without any emotion.

Soon, not a drop of the pot of peach blossom wine was left. The old beggar burped, his face was slightly red, and he was a bit drunk, as if he had returned to the time when he first met Xiao Chen.

"I don't know yet. Senior has a distinguished name."


The old beggar burped, glanced at him drunkenly, and said, "As for the name, not many people remember it now anyway. The old man's surname is Feng, which means Moyao."

Xiao Chen turned around and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the white mist and green mountains on the other side of the cliff. His white hair behind his shoulders was flying in the wind, and he said slowly, "Senior let me go, do you regret it now? You didn't kill me then."

Feng Moyao chuckled, "If I had killed you at that time, it would have changed the fate of the ancient land of Xianyuan from now on. Then the old man might have killed you."

"Then today, senior is still going to stop me." Xiao Chen said calmly, still holding his hands behind his back, looking at the green mountains in the distance.

At this moment, the smile on Feng Moyao's face gradually disappeared. He also looked at the green mountains on the opposite side and said slowly, "When the world first opened, twelve earth spiritual veins appeared in the world at the same time. These twelve The spiritual veins of the earth are the source of the spiritual growth of all living things. Later, due to the struggle for spiritual veins, the six realms were in chaos. In the end, a great god won seven spiritual veins for the human world..."

When he said this, he paused for a while and continued, "These seven spiritual veins were later named 'Hantan', 'Yanri', 'Longyuan', 'Chitian', 'Jupo', ' Amaterasu', 'Youquan'..."

"Senior seems to know a lot." Xiao Chen looked at the green mountains in the distance and said calmly.

Feng Moyao continued, "Every earth spiritual vein has infinite power, and it also has countless branches, which are connected to the lifeblood of the world. But today, every spiritual vein has derived the eye of the spiritual vein. As long as you find it, The eye of the spiritual vein can pull this spiritual vein and gather its branches everywhere. Therefore, in this world, there are the Eye of the Cold Pond, the Eye of the Scorching Sun, the Eye of the Dragon Abyss, the Eye of the Red Sky, and the Eye of the Giant Soul. , Eye of Amaterasu, Eye of Youquan..."

Having said this, he looked at Xiao Chen and said slowly, "If the old man's guess is correct, what I have in my hands now is the Eye of Hantan."

Xiao Chen remained silent, and after a while he said, "Sir, you are only half right. The Eye of Hantan in my hand is not complete, it is only half.

"So, so..."

Feng Moyao stroked his white beard and continued, "If the old man's guess is correct, my little friend has gathered the power of spiritual veins for one purpose over the years, which is to reunite the ancient legendary... Ten Directions Ancient Formation."

The cold wind blew up from the bottom of the cliff. Xiao Chen remained silent. Feng Moyao paused and continued, "Most people in the world only know about the Three Emperors Formation, but they don't know that before the Three Emperors, this formation should be the first formation in the ancient times. Possessing the power to turn things around, confuse Yin and Yang, and even reverse time and space..."

When he said this, he stopped again and looked at Xiao Chen. Seeing that he was expressionless, he continued, "The girl next to my little friend, if I am not wrong, should be the rarest Xuan Yin in ten thousand years." The body, the Xuanyin body, has a very short lifespan. If it is a girl from an ordinary family, she is usually no more than twenty years old. However, the girl next to my little friend is different from ordinary people. Although the old man does not know who used heaven-defying means to replace him. She was able to survive, but the injury she sustained when she blocked her friend ten years ago was too severe. Now, no matter how desperate she was, it was all in vain... So in the end, she decided to use the legendary Shi Fang The ancient formation will change her destiny for her, right?"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, closed his eyes and remained silent. If there was another way, why would he do this? But Shen Jing had already told him that it was one thing that Hua Weiyang was seriously injured, but General Shouyuan Death is destiny and cannot be changed. Just like no one in the mortal world can escape the cycle of life and death. Unless one can defy heaven and take one's life, turn things around, and reverse yin and yang, there is no other way.


Feng Moyuan let out a long sigh and continued, "To open the Ten Directions Ancient Formation, you need supreme spiritual power, and the seven spiritual veins all have infinite power. Only in this way can the Ten Directions Ancient Formation be opened. But little friends may not know that the seven spiritual veins of the earth now affect the fate of the entire human world. Once they come together, the six realms may be shaken. At that time, the rift between the realms will collapse, the six realms will be chaotic, and annihilation will come, and the entire human world will be destroyed. As soon know, the previous era was so destroyed, destroyed by an annihilation that could not prevent its coming. "

"What senior is saying now has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and said calmly. Over the years, he has conquered various sects. His main purpose is to gather the power of the earth veins and find the eyes of the spiritual veins. Everything else is secondary.

Feng Moyao still couldn't help but sigh, "The old man just doesn't want to see you sinking into the quagmire..."

"So today, senior is still going to stop me." Xiao Chen looked at him, his eyes gradually condensed, like the cold light on the tip of a needle, slightly sharp.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

Feng Moyao sighed twice and looked at him. The two looked at each other. The cold sun was setting, making their figures even more deserted. However, in just such a flash of lightning, the two of them actually appeared. They both took action, and their profound energy surged towards each other!


There was a loud noise, and the palms of the two people touched each other, and the force of their palms spread out like ripples, flattening everything nearby.

Suddenly the mountains shook and the ground shook. Qingzhou City was only fifty miles away, and people in the city could also feel the sudden shock.

With this palm, Feng Moyao already knew in his heart that the person in front of him could no longer be the young man who bought him wine back then.


I sighed again in my heart, could it be that one of the two of them is going to die today? While thinking about it, Feng Moyao urgently activated the mysterious power in his body, which had not been used for many years. At this moment, it was like a violent wave in the angry sea, and the momentum was still the same as before.

The wind was blowing, and rocks were falling. Xiao Chen stood in the air, his white hair dancing wildly. Suddenly, two lines of true energy were condensed in his palms. With one move, as if he had the power to create the world, the situation suddenly changed. The sky and the earth are pale.

Even though Feng Moyao had Xuan Gong to protect his body, he could only feel the heat wave hitting him hard at this moment. He was actually forced to retreat by these two zhenqi.


With a quick shout, Feng Moyao stepped into the void, turning from defense to attack. With a palm, not only did he disperse the two strands of true energy, but everything he touched was turned into nothingness.

Faced with such a huge palm force, Xiao Chen always responded calmly, leaving three points of leeway in his attacks, and never sacrificed the emperor.

After burning the incense, I saw everything in the vicinity. The grass and trees were broken, and the mountains and rocks were destroyed. However, the two of them still couldn't tell the winner or the loser. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and they saw Feng Mo standing in the air. With a stroke of his finger, a line of condensation formed. When the sword energy came, strong winds suddenly blew up around him, and the clouds in the sky began to rotate around him, forming a vast force of profound energy that was constantly condensing.

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, but looking at the scene in front of him, he knew clearly in his heart that the other party was about to launch the final Three Talents Sword.

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