
There was a muffled sound and a vibration from the entrance of the secret passage. It was obvious that someone outside was trying to break open the entrance to the secret passage. The entrance to the secret passage was very special. Once it was completely closed, it could not be opened no matter what. It is a person with extremely high cultivation level, and it will take some time to forcefully break it open.

The shaking became more and more violent, and Qianluo woke up immediately. Although her heart was like a knife, she had to keep running forward. She couldn't let the people of the Immortal Alliance catch her...

This secret passage was carefully designed by Liu Dongli for hundreds of years. It contained many teleportation formations. Qianluo opened the map. There was a layout diagram of the secret passage. She could use the layout plan to use the correct teleportation method. Formation and escaped successfully.

About two hours later, the moon was setting outside and the stars were setting. Qianluo finally escaped from the secret passage, but saw that the wilderness was boundless. This place was no longer an alliance of life and death, nor did it belong to any cultivation country. She opened the map and followed the instructions on the map. Following the instructions, he headed west, bypassing the blockades of countless cultivators and immortal alliances.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and heavy snow fell in the sky. Due to the last spiritual power leakage incident in the mortal realm, many royal families of the Cultivation Kingdom collapsed overnight, and the state religion was powerless. Now many places are covered by thousands of miles of ice and snow.

Even when Xiao Chen first came here, the countries and towns he passed through were now under heavy ice. Through the ice, many figures could still be seen. These people were frozen inside in an instant. He couldn't even escape.

You can imagine the scene at that time. Due to the imbalance of spiritual power between heaven and earth, all the formations in all places failed. A cold current from heaven and earth swept through countless countries in an instant, freezing all these countries, except for those with extremely high cultivation levels. The person who escaped with his sword fled, and most of the rest were buried in the ice.

And in the mid-air, layers of extremely thick ice had also condensed from the ground. Inside the ice layer, there were still many figures of people fleeing with their swords. It was a pity that these people had low cultivation and ultimately failed. Successfully escaped with his sword.

It has long been unclear who caused this disaster. When the Immortal Alliance rashly used the spiritual power array in an attempt to seal the God and Demon Tomb, it indeed caused the spiritual power of many cultivators in the mortal realm to leak and eventually collapse. The Immortal Alliance has blocked all news about this matter, and some people say that the terrible cold current that swept the world was related to one of the legendary seven spiritual veins, the cold pool. The imbalance of the cold pool spiritual veins caused the cold current to sweep across the world. world……

"Creak, creak, creak..."

In the thousands of miles of ice and snow, I suddenly saw a white figure walking slowly. I saw that the figure had long flowing hair, an immortal appearance, and was wearing a white mink fur coat. It was Qian Luo.

She came to the mortal realm seven days ago. She didn't expect that in just over ten years, this place would have turned into such a land of ice and snow.

At this moment, facing the biting wind, Qianluo tightened the clothes he was wearing. Even though a layer of Qi had gathered outside his body, he still couldn't resist the bone-chilling chill between heaven and earth.

Next, she had to find a way to get to the seaside. According to what the leader of the Dongli Alliance said, as long as she crossed the boundless sea, she would be in another place. It was not under the control of the Immortal Alliance, and he... was also in that place.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier. Qianluo walked forward against the wind and snow, tightening her clothes tightly. She didn't dare to wield the sword, lest the people of the Immortal Alliance discover her aura. She could only go on like this step by step, and she didn't know where to go. Only when can we cross this land of ice and snow.

If she was tired, she would take out a piece of fine sandalwood from her sleeve, then take out a knife, and carve it into Xiao Chen's appearance. However, she had never seen Xiao Chen smile before, so the carved puppet looked like Xiao Chen's. , and always cold.

When night fell, Qianluo found a cave to take shelter from the wind and snow. Layers of ice had already formed in the cave. She didn't dare to light a fire, but fortunately, she had prepared blankets and bedding before and spread them in the cave. It can barely be used to keep out the cold.

After traveling for more than two months, she finally crossed the endless ice and snow and arrived at the seaside where she had sent Xiao Chen away.

The weather at the seaside was not too cold, so Qianluo found a way to find a large ship. After one last look behind it, he no longer hesitated, channeled his inner energy, and drove the large ship toward the sea.

She knew that only by leaving here could she escape the pursuit of the Immortal Alliance. That person would not let her go, not because of Dao Wuwei, but because of the Supreme Secret Book of Forgetting Love...

The sun sets in the west, reflecting the sea where the ship gradually disappears.

This is the third year that Wuyutian has been imprisoned and sealed. Spring has arrived outside, but Wuyutian is still trapped in the darkness of the eternal night...

At this moment, in a dark stone hall on Tianmen Tiantai Mountain, the only bright spot in the hall was a stone platform built there.

On the stone platform, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. The figure had white hair, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face looked a little old. He was none other than Master Feng Yin, one of the three great masters of Tianmen in the past.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Master Feng Yin immediately opened his eyes. At this moment, there was a faint flash of light in his eyes, but when the man outside walked in, the strange light in his eyes had already Gone.

At that time, his obsession was too strong and he developed inner demons. Later, he has been meditating here to enlightenment. Now, it has been thirteen years.

"Senior brother..."

The person who walked in from the outside at this time was none other than Master Yushan. Thirteen years ago, Tianmen's vitality was severely damaged. Although the four Taixuan elders returned, it was still difficult to return to its former glory in a short period of time.

Demonic ways have been everywhere in these years. Looking at the entire five realms of Xianyuan, Xuanqing Sect has become the leader of all the immortal ways. As long as Xuanqing Sect is still there, it will be difficult for the demonic ways outside the realm to see the true path of Xianyuan.

"Junior brother, what have you seen and heard today? I want to tell Brother Yu..." Master Feng Yin watched him approach slowly and said slowly.

"Senior brother, do you still remember...the Xuantian Spirit Sect back then?"

"Xuantian Lingzong..." Master Feng Yin thought for a moment, had a slight impression, and asked, "How is it?"

Yushan Zhenren said, "A few days ago, the Xuantian Spirit Sect proposed a special cultivation method, which is to bury the 'acquired spiritual roots' in the body of the cultivator. This can speed up the cultivation speed of the cultivator and even make it impossible to practice." People can practice from now on... Senior brother, what do you think of this method?"

"The acquired spiritual root..."

Master Feng Yin paused for a moment and said, "Since ancient times, my practice has been to follow the Great Dao. Although this method is effective in a short period of time, it is ultimately evil, almost demonic, and is not advisable."

"Yes." Master Yushan nodded and said, "It is precisely because of this that the Xuantian Lingzong's proposal was rejected by the Xuanqing Sect some time ago."

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