
Master Feng Yin's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "It seems that Master Qingxuan also understands this truth. All cultivators have innate spiritual roots. Those with weak spiritual roots will naturally be unwilling to accept it. But if this method prevails, the world will It is bound to happen that the spiritual roots are taken away from time to time. Moreover, if the spiritual roots are planted for the purpose of cultivation, in the long run, the character of the mind will inevitably change, and even fall into the devil's path... This method should not be taken by our generation.

"Yes, that's right."

Master Yushan's idea coincided with his, saying, "In fact, Xuantian Lingzong proposed this method a long time ago, and it was rejected by Master Qingxuan at that time. This time, Xuantian Lingsong took the initiative to withdraw from Tianmen, only I’m afraid… I have a grudge against Xuan Qing.”

"So Junior Brother, you are here today for this matter." Master Feng Yin looked at him and said slowly.

"Exactly..." Master Yushan nodded.


Master Feng Yin stroked his beard and pondered, and said slowly, "In recent years, although the Xuanqing Sect has the power to overtake the Tianmen, the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan cannot live without the Xuanqing Sect. Have you ever investigated the Xuantian Lingzong? origin……"

Master Yushan raised his sleeves and paced while saying, "I did some research a few years ago. The Xuantian Lingzong was founded only over a hundred years ago. I have never heard of such a sect before..."

"More than a hundred years..." ✤

Master Feng Yin concentrated his attention and said, "In just over a hundred years, it has reached its current situation. Its origin is probably not trivial.


Master Yushan continued while pacing, "Especially since the Tianmen Martial Arts Competition more than 20 years ago, Xuantian Lingzong has developed rapidly and become more and more powerful. In recent years, it has gradually become one of the four major The power of Xuanmen and its disciples are all over the five realms of Xianyuan, and their strength is already extraordinary..."

"Oh..." After hearing what he said, Master Feng Yin thought carefully and asked, "Then have you investigated who is the person who founded this sect?"

"That person's name is 'Dao Huanxu'."

Master Yushan stopped, looked at the senior brothers in front of him, and said, "He also has four junior brothers, all of whom are extraordinary in strength, but I couldn't find out their origins, so I guess they should come from that place... "

"that place……"

Master Feng Yin's expression condensed. At this moment, he seemed to have expected something. Master Yushan nodded and said, "Brother, you guessed it right, it is the Spiritual Ruins Realm."

"Lingxu Realm..."

At this moment, Master Feng Yin's calm face finally showed some changes. He was heard to say slowly, "When Hongmeng was first established, there was not just one heaven and earth. There was heaven and earth outside, and there was a mysterious realm inside. It was called the spirit world." The Ruins Realm, so speaking of it, the previous Taishi Taoist Sect is very likely to have come from the Lingxu Realm..."


Master Yushan nodded and said, "It is said that thousands of years ago, the door to the spiritual realm was closed and there was no communication between the two realms. Now, for thousands of years, for some reason, the door to the spiritual realm has been loosened again, and the two realms can communicate again..."


Master Feng Yin snorted coldly, and his face gradually turned cold. Seeing his cold face, Master Yushan stopped. After a while, he added another word, "Wuyu Tian..."

"What happened to Wuyutian?"

Hearing the words Wuyutian, Master Fengyin's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. Master Yushan said, "Three years ago, he was imprisoned. I heard that the person who took action was one of the six ancient tribes." people..."

"Even the six major aristocratic families that have disappeared long ago have appeared... This Xiao Yichen really has many secrets hidden in him."

Master Feng Yin's eyes narrowed slightly, he smoothed his white beard with his hands, and spoke slowly, his face gradually softened again.

Regarding Xiao Chen's life experience, people in the Five Immortal Domains only knew that he was a baby boy that Ling Yin rescued at the foot of Xuan Qing Mountain. Other than that, they knew nothing.

Master Yushan was silent for a while, and then said, "By the way, senior brother, I have something else to do when I come today."

"What's the matter?" Master Feng Yin looked at him and asked.

Master Yushan said, "A few days ago, I told the four Taixuan elders that after a while, senior brothers will be able to leave this Hall of Silence, but..."

When he said this, he stopped talking. Master Feng Yin stood up slowly, walked forward slowly, passed by him, and looked at the quiet road outside the hall. "The obsession I had at the time, now I have lost it." Put it down, junior brother, you don’t have to worry anymore. Brother Yu, I haven’t been out for a long time.” At the end of his words, a strange light flashed in his pupils.

One month later…


Thunder is rolling, and Wuyu Tian is outside. This month, for some unknown reason, large thunderclouds suddenly gathered. Hundreds of miles in radius were actually covered by thunderclouds. Coupled with the layers of black clouds that imprisoned Wuyu Tian, ​​the scene nearby , looks even more terrifying.

In addition, there is also an extremely strong power of the formation, which is faintly revealed from Wuyu Tian. If there is spiritual power coming out, it means that the confinement of the Forbidden City of Eternal Night has gradually weakened.

At this time, inside Wuyu Tian, ​​it was no longer as dark as the previous night. Only the formations everywhere were constantly seeing mysterious lights rising into the sky, illuminating the entire Wuyu Tian like daylight.

Xiao Chen has exerted magic power on the seventy-two formations. If he wants to break through Beigong Changfeng's forbidden world, he can only rely on the power of these formations, and these formations are owned by everyone in Wuyutian, It took nearly three years to complete.

At this moment, in front of the main formation, Xiao Chen's white hair could not stop flying, and bursts of light on his body had pushed his profound strength to the limit. Madam Xian Shu, Mingyue Valley Master and others were all nearby to help.

The rest of the people are also trying their best to inject profound energy into the formations in other places. Only with enough power in the seventy-two formations can it be possible to break through the forbidden world outside.


Suddenly, Xiao Chen let out a slight groan, and then, a line of black air more than an inch long appeared vaguely on the wrist of his left hand. At this moment, his skill increased greatly, and together with several formations around him, Immediately, a mysterious light shot into the sky. Such powerful profound energy made everyone nearby feel suffocated.

Although at this moment, his skill increased a lot, his will was vaguely controlled by the three corpse demons. Seeing that something was wrong, Hua Weiyang flew over in an instant and pressed on his arm. With a pure spiritual power, After entering, Xiao Chen gradually came to his senses and used the Hongmeng Purple Qi to suppress the three corpse demons.

As he withdrew his power, the mysterious light of the seventy-two formations immediately dimmed, and the entire Wuyu Heaven was slowly shrouded in darkness again.

This time it failed again. This was the thirteenth time this month. The expressions on the faces of the disciples began to become a little confused. Every time, they needed to consume a lot of real energy. They didn't know if they could continue like this. How long will it last...

Seeing that everyone was looking depressed at this moment, Hua Weiyang said loudly, "No need to worry, the restrictions outside have gradually loosened. As long as there are seventy-two formations, the restrictions will be broken in a short time."

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