40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 560 78 Interludes: Soul of the Night

Chapter 560 78. Interlude: Soul of the Night

Savita knew very well what happened to Shen, but he just never said it.

The Night Soul was so old, it was as old as he and Shen, so as early as when he boarded it, silent communication had been completed between them.

The soul of night informed him of Shen's departure with a whimpering and hollow voice, while Sevita used wordless silence to let him know that revenge was coming.

What he said was true. This has always been the case, the person he swore to kill has never escaped, but this time it is different. Erebus was not killed by him alone. The decisive blow came from the Night Soul.

And he was just a spark, responsible for directly detonating the boiling rage of this ancient battleship.

Sevatar did not see its ending, but he was sure that when the adamantine keel of the Night Soul gradually turned into ashes in the flames of revenge, it must be with pleasure.

It avenged Shen.

What about him?

Yago Severtarion fell rapidly with a gloomy look on his face, his weapon thrown by Ka'banha shortly after.

The dust-like thing that couldn't be called a cloud tore at his armor and the sight in front of him, and the demon's dark wings that covered the sky occupied the remaining part. In the strong wind, it and Kabanha fought with each other, and every collision between the claws and the giant sword made the sky change color.

Black or scarlet, two eternal colors, two colors that have survived from the earliest places of human history. Now, they are splashing and waving in the sky of Calth, treating it as a drawing board that can be used at will. .

Kabanha's wild laughter is another embellishment, not thunder, far better than thunder, cruel but courageous. This is not the case for its opponent, Shen only knows silence.

Sevatar couldn't help but laugh as he fell - such a signature silence, my dear brother.

In the wind, he stretched out his hand to hold his chain halberd, and then calmly turned over, facing the ground that had been completely covered by the scarlet demon army, with the light of psychic energy in his eyes blooming violently.


He smashed into them one after another and started fighting.

He swung his halberd over and over again. The monomolecular saw blades were supposed to be curled. They were not designed to be durable, but they were still extremely sharp and could easily tear apart the flesh of any demon that stood in his way.

Spiritual energy pours out of his body, and this instinct that has been suppressed for ten thousand years is completely integrated into every cell of his body during battle, making him extraordinarily powerful.

His power is so pure that he can cut through the armor of a steel bull with a simple slash, and his speed is as fast as a 'Meteor' shuttle flying close to the ground. That extreme spacecraft only carries a heavy cannon. The speed that Sevatar had never seen in his life.

He has completely transformed into the storm of death. Even those demons on the edge will be completely chewed up by this dark storm with completely unquestionable violence.

He killed and ran all the way until he reached the ruins of a Kaosian fortress.

The place had been burned to the ground, and the bodies of the workers, scientists, and soldiers inside were dumped haphazardly on the roadside, and their skulls were piled into a Jingguan pile.

There were Khorne daemons who claimed they only wanted the heads of the mighty, but to Sevatar they were farting. These things don't care about the strength of their opponents at all. They just want to slaughter, and they just want to see rivers of blood and corpses everywhere.

Perhaps a big demon like Kabanha who is allowed to have his own will can barely resist the temptation of massacre, but those bloodletters don't care so much.

He rushed into the fortress, with thousands of demons roaring behind him.

+Sevita Chapter Master. +

A voice rushed into his mind, with calmness and a certain signature void. Savita did not answer immediately, he did not want to do so. He rushed deep into the fortress and found a hall that had been artificially blown up among the collapsed ruins.

Each fortress has vertical tunnels and supporting facilities that lead directly to the underground of Cowes, and this place is no exception. However, man-made explosions have buried all traces of its existence.

Sevatar waved his arms and roared, turning his psychic energy into a tidal wave of flames that spread out from under his feet.

These flames completely burned the collapsed ruins and large pieces of building debris to ashes in just an instant, and a huge deep pit appeared in front of Savita's eyes.

He jumped into it without hesitation, and at the same time used his spiritual power to guide it, forming a confusion at the entrance. This can't stop the Blood God's demon army for long, but it can buy him some time.

He began to fall again. The rock walls on both sides were full of symbols, sentences or names, as well as caves with winding paths leading to them. This huge hole was not dug in a day. It was the people of Cowes who devoted themselves to it generation after generation and created this miracle with their hands.

Those caves were their former homes, and the traces left behind were naturally carved by them one stroke at a time.

No one wants to be forgotten.

+ Chapter leader, please come underground quickly, we are waiting. +

Sevatar gritted his teeth, and an inhuman roar burst out from deep in his chest.

+Fuck you, hunter.+

+Shen was summoned by us voluntarily, Chapter Leader. Soul Hunters respect all brave people who bravely die bravely. Please believe that we are by no means extreme people. +

On the psychic end, the hunter sent the location coordinates and then left, very simply. Savita could no longer feel his cold and cold thoughts. Instead, his own mind was so frantic at the moment that it seemed like it was being burned by fire.

So many years. A voice spoke slowly in his heart. You're still stupid, bigoted, and short-sighted, and you just can't be indifferent to the death of others.

You don't have this beautiful quality, Yago. From the beginning to the end, you have always been the cowardly child living on the dirty streets, watching rats nibbling dead people's fingers but not daring to come forward.

So embrace me and you will have the strength to bear it all.

Get out of here. Sevatar thought coldly.

The voice faded away without regret and revealed the last scene. In that illusion that seemed real but not real, Sevatar saw Khalil Roharus taking out Robert Guilliman's heart with both hands.

He tore the scene into pieces, and then began to warn himself not to let down his guard.

It, the voice that warned Sevatar. It had been there for a long time, in fact, it had been there as long as Sevatar had been there.

It once appeared to the young Yago Savitarion in the form of a black dog, a crow, or a reflection in the rain. After he became the First Reserve, it disappeared for a long time until recently.

Until the seal left by the mourning bird Phil Zalost was completely unlocked, and then this thing made a comeback.

Savita would not say that he enjoyed its company. In his opinion, this thing was just some side effect of psychic energy, but it was just a bit too much.

Owning it is like taking a loan from a local famous greedy banker. In addition to the principal and interest that must be repaid, he also has to worry about the banker's thugs all the time.

And this thing is a thug, and it is the most terrifying kind of thug. It is the kind of beast that will beat other people to paralysis for a little money, and does not care what will happen next.

Sevatar landed lightly, and the additional effect of gravity no longer existed on him. He did not even bend his knees to relieve his force, as if he had just stepped down a step with ease, and reached the underground of Calth.

The demonic army of the Blood God is still raging here, and the artificially dug underground cave system is now flooded with blood. Savita forced himself not to look at the pale corpses, but just moved forward.

He wasn't from Calth, and he didn't know the place as well as they did, but he was a psyker, and probably a very powerful psyker, and he didn't need to know much about it to be found here. road.

In less than ten minutes, Savita ran wildly to the coordinate point provided by the hunter. This was a very huge space, so big that it was even a little awe-inspiring.

A hundred soul hunters were standing not far away from him, and a dim light was lighting up under their feet, revealing the existence of a complex magic circle. Sevatar glanced at it and recognized that it was another summoning circle.

The corner of his eye twitched, and in two or three steps he crossed a distance of several hundred meters and arrived in front of the hunter. The latter opened his eyes just in time, and the turbid white disappeared, replaced by a pure white of nothingness.

He nodded to Savita and said, "The summoning circle has been prepared for you, my lord."

"Should I thank you for this?" asked Sevatar.

He smashed the chain saw halberd towards the ground. It was deeply embedded in the edge of the magic circle, and the entire head was submerged into the hard rock wall.

The hunter was silent, just shook his head, made a gesture to his brothers, and began to warm up the formation. The sound of chanting sounded immediately after, and the light of the magic circle began to bloom, as dazzling and bright as a rising sun.

Sevatar stepped past him, his eyes penetrated the darkness of the space here, and saw many scenes that made him even more angry.

He saw countless civilians taking refuge here, and more were coming in vehicles under the protection of the Sons of Calth and their auxiliaries.

Then there is a precarious line of defense. The Shadow Knights, Blades of Judgment, Crimson Claws, and Midnight Blades—the four warbands of the Children of the Night are fighting side by side with the Sons of Calth.

The Auxiliary Army and the Skitarii of the Mechanicum were interspersed among them, and the Mechanicus Priests and heavy firepower troops provided fire cover behind them. The destructive firepower controlled by these people is the only reason why the defense line can continue to this day.

The Mechanicus that continues to this day on Calth has not inherited their 'glorious' tradition of hiding secrets, and various weapons that Sevetar has never seen are showing off.

But this is still only a drop in the bucket, and it can only be said to slightly slow down the momentum of the Devils.

Their numbers are endless, as is the case with every demonic invasion. Before a certain door is closed, they don't need to worry about any military issues at all.

War is cruel, but it can no longer be cruel if one of the parties does not have to care about the number of casualties.

Sevatar turned and looked at the hunter himself. At this moment, the scriptures hanging on his body were flying up and down in the light. They were not any language that had ever been popular in this universe.

So far, very few people know about it and use it. Even Sevatar only knows that it is a kind of cuneiform script, and its characters are as red as blood.

"How long?" he asked.

"Five minutes." The hunter answered his question in a calm voice, but his own chanting did not stop.

He was making two completely different voices at the same moment. One was extremely calm and carried extreme rationality, while the other was extremely fanatical. People could tell at a glance what a devout believer he was.

Sevatar frowned sternly.

The cries of civilians echoed in this huge cave, artillery fire shook the ground, and the air was filled with the smell of blood that could choke people to death. The shouts for Calth hit among the corpses, explosive bombs, and sword blades. The laughter of the demons turned into an indescribable echo

"Too slow," Sevatar said mercilessly. "I want to eat faster."

"Five minutes has special significance in mysticism. Sir, this is already the fastest speed."

"Shut up and get back to your job!" Sevatar snarled, before unsheathing his chainsaw. His movement was so rough, but it did not damage the magic circle at all, even if it was stuck on the edge of the magic circle half a second ago.

As the gravel flew away, he calmed down and for the first time began to actively call for darkness to cover him. This is not stealth technology, but something completely opposite.

The world in front of Sevatar was completely obscured by darkness in just an instant. All living creatures turned into simple gray and scarlet colors, and their vital points were pointed out one by one by the whispering darkness with twisted and slender fingers.

They expected to kill, but that was not why Sevatar called to them. He resisted the urge to leave and started walking here.

Some existences, large or small, passed by him, some were indifferent, and some were full of malice - as Khalil Lohars said, there are more than just monsters like them in the darkness. .

Sevatar continued to move forward, and in non-existent time, he easily reached the front of the line.

Then he strode out, the darkness disappeared, and he appeared in front of everyone without warning. The roar of the chainsaw halberd suddenly sounded, inserted into this war concerto, bringing bloody slaughter and lightning storms like heavenly punishment.

Unfortunately, his killing spree didn't last long, five minutes flew by in the blink of an eye.

Sevatar returned to the center of the circle from the darkness in one second.

He gasped, clenched his fists, and began to call for the Night Soul. His power was continuously poured into the magic circle, the air began to become viscous, and vaguely huge lines were slowly outlined in the blooming light.

However, a fleeting image appeared in Sevatar's mind, which was the scene of a ferocious burning battleship rushing out from the deepest part of the Bone Wasteland.

He turned this image into reality.

The Night Spirits answered their call, coming from the depths of the Warp. The engines roared and the guns fired.

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