A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 347 For the benefit of all mankind

The defensive magic set up by Moss Jeff and the others caught the thief within two days. In order to relieve the tension caused by Black's long absence, the Ministry of Magic instructed the Daily Prophet to increase publicity.

Jeff asked Dobby to deliver news to Charles. The orders were like snow, and many people were afraid that Blake would run into their homes.

Later, Charles learned that the recent thieves had dyed their hair black before stealing things. The Aurors were exhausted and the society was panicked. However, the Daily Prophet did not report it in order to avoid panic.

As time passed, the plants in the greenhouse grew taller and taller, and the dark circles under Hermione's eyes became deeper and deeper. Her days were peaceful and fulfilling.


Hermione received another familiar slap on her head, and immediately swatted Charles with her quill like a fly swatter.

Charles sat down at the long table, placed a large silver bottle in front of Hermione, and said as if giving an order: "Drink one drop before going to bed."

Hermione pouted and didn't reply, looking at the ceiling.

Charles continued: "If you don't drink it yourself, I can ask Ginny and the others to let you drink it."

Hermione continued to pout, turned to look at him, and muttered: "Always treat me like a child."

Charles shrugged and said, "You are a child to begin with, and you will become an adult when you start thinking about how to make money to support yourself."

Hermione snorted angrily, took the bottle and asked, "What is this?"

"Living Hell Potion." When Charles answered, two lines of words lit up on the bottle, reminding him that he had not taken any medicine today.

Hermione frowned and asked, "Why are you giving me this?"

"Drink it and you'll fall asleep."

She suddenly thought of something and clutched her collar tightly, looking scared.

Charles curled his lips and said, "What are you afraid of."

Hermione whispered back: "Those books you hid under the bookcase..."

Charles’ face turned dark immediately.

He had invited her to his home before. At that time, he wanted her to get to know Harry and watch a good show. Unexpectedly, Harry was locked under the stairs that day.

"Forget it." Charles shook his head, "Do you think your figure is the same as theirs?"

Hermione suddenly became angry, grabbed his neck and shook him violently, almost shaking his brains out.

At breakfast time the next day, Hermione came to the cafeteria angrily with her schoolbag, sat across from Charles and stepped on him hard.

Charles just squeezed a smile on his face. What he gave Hermione last night was an improved version of the Living Hell Decoction prepared by Spencer. She would not wake up until she got enough sleep. She probably slept until lunch time.

Anyway she has a time turner and looks like she came back from noon.

"Eat more." Charles handed Hermione a piece of cake.

The people next to him were already very familiar with this kind of thing, and everyone continued to chat about their own affairs.

Over at the professor's desk, Dumbledore had a headache because the weekend was the Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and the guys from the Ministry of Magic were coming to watch it, in the name of inspecting the sports development of Hogwarts. Anyway, we will finally inspect the Dancing Grass Restaurant.

The key is still the Dementors. If they fly over again, it will be a big problem.

Being bothered by such trivial matters all day long, he had no time to study the Horcrux locket or dig Peter's grave.

Everyone is busy, only one person is idle.

Because all the pumpkins in the centaur's pumpkin patch had been picked, Piedan lost his job when he turned 35 and spent all day wandering in the Forbidden Forest.

"The dog looks a little mentally disturbed."

"How about we stew it."

Black immediately returned to his human form and said to the two people who appeared in front of him: "Mr. Grindelwald, and this gentleman, are you looking for me?"

"This is not the place to talk," Grindelwald said.

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to Blake, indicating that he would disapparate and leave the Forbidden Forest before proceeding.

After a while, the three of them appeared in a private room at Dancing Grass Restaurant.

Grindelwald was ordering food, and Blake looked curiously at the man who looked like Marlon Brando, and couldn't help but ask: "What do you call this gentleman?"

"You can call him whatever you want," Grindelwald said casually while placing the order, "You can call him Otto Spinola."

Jack, whose appearance had changed, had no reaction to the name and just nodded slightly.

After a while, the food came. Grindelwald ordered a beef pie for himself, Jack ordered a plate of steamed cod, and what appeared in front of Blake was a plate of rice porridge with salted egg yolk, spider legs, and meat.

Grindelwald said to him: "You haven't eaten much recently. Eat some light food first."

Blake thanked him and started eating.

He ate quietly, waiting for the other party to tell him the origin.

After drinking some red wine, Grindelwald asked: "Do you know any families in Britain that were once prominent but almost extinct?"

Black didn't know what he was asking for, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "I remember that the Gaunt family has been extinct, the Prewett family is almost extinct, there is only one witch left who married into the Weasley family, and there is a man who is Squib."

Then he shrugged and said, "The Black family is coming soon."

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows and asked him: "Would you like me to help introduce you to someone? I know many ancient and prestigious families in Europe, and they should have suitable candidates there."

Jack said calmly: "I also know the family in India."

Blake was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Could it be that these two gentlemen came to me for this matter?"

Grindelwald said seriously: "Now there is more."

Blake didn't know what to say.

At this time Jack said: "Are you willing for the Black family's property to fall into the hands of your two cousins?"

Blake's hand holding the spoon paused.

Grindelwald said: "We will discuss this matter slowly later. It will take some time for me to help you find your future wife."

"We want to ask you a question today, what do you think of goblins and Gringotts?"

Blake replied: "I hate goblins."

He was about to say that the Black family had a piece of silverware that they bought from goblins with the family crest on it, but the goblins had been claiming that the silverware was theirs for five hundred years, which made the family hate it for hundreds of years.

Grindelwald interrupted: "That's enough, I hate goblins too."

"Goblins have exploited wizards financially for hundreds of years through coinage and Gringotts, and it's time to change all that."

"We must change the status quo. Wizards must take back everything that belongs to them. Goblins must re-establish their own concepts and reshape the relationship between goblins and wizards."

"For the benefit of all mankind!"

Black stared at Grindelwald dumbfounded, thinking that the description of him in the History of Magic textbooks was still too conservative.

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