A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 349 Identification of Remains

In Blake's eyes, Grindelwald was the same existence as Voldemort. Faced with his invitation, he refused at first, but he was worried about what conspiracy he was up to, so he decided to be an undercover agent.

Early the next morning, Black carefully returned to the box and found that there was no one inside, only a hearty breakfast and a few Muggle books.

There is no magic applied to these books. They are all Muggle books that Charles recommended Grindelwald to read. They also contain Grindelwald's reading notes.

Blake didn't know what Grindelwald was trying to do and decided to read it critically.

When he came to his senses, Christmas was coming.

Back in late November, on the day of the match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, a group of Ministry of Magic officials came to Hogwarts to inspect the work, and then held a work summary meeting next to Black's box.

Dumbledore didn't want to waste time with these bureaucrats, so he left the reception task to his best friend, and ran away with Lupin after breakfast.

Lupine thought that the principal had found a clue about Black, but unexpectedly he led him to a cemetery, a cemetery where all wizards were buried.

Lupine was familiar with this cemetery. It held the burial place of an extremely brave friend, or so it was still believed.

There were other people in the cemetery, a middle-aged couple and a ten-year-old girl.

Ax Prewett was stunned for a moment when he saw Dumbledore. The last time he saw him in person was in Diagon Alley when he was ten years old. When his parents took him to the Florin Cold Drink Shop, they saw him eating there. ice cream.

The two groups of people met at the entrance of the cemetery, and Aix went over to say hello: "Good morning, Mr. Dumbledore, nice to meet you."

Dumbledore looked at his red hair and thought he was from the Weasley family, but he was wearing Muggle clothes without any flaws, and he quickly guessed the other person's identity: "Oh, Ax Prewett, we have two We haven’t seen each other for more than ten years, and I still remember that day when you wanted to eat the same ice cream as me.”

Aix said excitedly: "I didn't expect you still remember me."

"Oh, this is my lady, this is my daughter Mafalda, she is going to Hogwarts next year."

"Mafalda, this is Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts."

Mafalda said hello to Dumbledore politely. Dumbledore took out a pack of flying cockroaches and thought of replacing them with butterfly candies that were also flying and gave them to the little girl.

Dumbledore asked Ax: "How are you doing now?"

After being expelled to Muggle society, Squib was basically isolated from wizarding society, and Dumbledore's memory of him only stayed in the Florin cold drink shop that day.

Aix replied: "I have decided to accept Charles Smith's invitation to work at Fallbarton Castle."

Dumbledore smiled and said to Mafalda: "Miss Prewett, if you disobey at Hogwarts in the future, your father will know about it right away."

Mafalda said immediately: "I promise I will be very obedient."

The two groups of people chatted for a while and then said goodbye.

Peter's tombstone is huge, almost as tall as Peter.

In front of the tombstone, Lu Ping said: "We forgot to prepare a bouquet. I will buy it here."

He thought Dumbledore had brought him here to sweep the grave.

Dumbledore said to him: "Someone told me about a possibility. Please excuse me today. I hope we have a good result."

At this point, Lupine had already realized that Dumbledore was going to exhume Peter's remains.

Dumbledore waved the Elder Wand, and a crack opened in Peter's grave. The crack opened, and a copper box covered with soil flew out from inside.

Lupine looked a little uneasy. This box contained Peter's only remaining severed finger. He put it in during the funeral as Peter's best friend during his lifetime.

Now that Dumbledore is going to take out Peter's remains, is there any new discovery?

Dumbledore opened the copper box, confirmed that the finger bones were still inside, turned to Lupine and said, "Let's go, I've made an appointment with an expert."

Lupine hadn't figured out the situation yet, so he could only follow.

Dumbledore contacted a medical examiner, Dr. David Hunter, through Mr. Granger, and although it was the weekend, he was happy to help take a look at the condition of the bones.

The two wizards first came to Mr. Granger's clinic and then drove to Dr. Hunter's home.

On the way, Mr. Granger curiously asked Dumbledore: "Professor, can you introduce me to a werewolf? I know there is such a person from Hermione's textbook."

Dumbledore knew what he wanted to do, so that the werewolf would not be tortured by the dentist, he shook his head and said that this matter could not be done.

Lupine asked curiously: "Mr. Granger, are you interested in werewolves?"

Mr. Granger immediately said excitedly: "I want to see what their teeth look like after they become werewolves. Will they be different from ordinary people?"

Lupine felt a chill and stopped talking.

The group came to Dr. Hunter's home.

Just judging the bone cross section does not require much equipment, only a magnifying glass is needed.

Dr. Hunter carefully studied the cross section of Peter's finger bone with a magnifying glass for several minutes, and said puzzledly: "Judging from the cross section, it was definitely not caused directly by the explosion. The bones broken by the explosion were like broken branches, and the cross section would not be so smooth."

"The cross-section of the bone is very smooth. It was cut off at once with a very hard and sharp tool, without any trace of pause."

"It can be ruled out that saws and knives are used to cut bit by bit. I think it should be a specialized cutting machine that has such great power."

After he finished speaking, he went back to the study and took a forensic atlas to the living room, and showed Dumbledore and Lupin pictures of various broken bones one by one.

After reading it, Dumbledore asked: "I have a question. Is it possible that this finger was left in the explosion and cannot be found anywhere else?"

Dr. Hunter thought for a while and said: "Seldom is there such a situation, unless it is on an airplane or on the water, and finally a little bit of remains is found by luck."

Dumbledore thanked Dr. Hunter for his help.

After returning to Hogwarts, the two had just entered the castle, and Lupin asked Dumbledore nervously: "Headmaster, do you have any ideas?"

Dumbledore sighed and said: "I have a lot of ideas, but they all need evidence to confirm them."

"I know what you think, Peter may still be alive."

"He may just be hiding, and it is also possible... Oh, that is the worst result."

Lupin echoed: "Yes, that result is too bad."

The worst result is that the person who betrayed the Potter family was actually Peter, not Black.

If this is the case, there are many doubts. First, why didn't Black say he was innocent? Second, why did he suddenly escape from prison? Was there any opportunity?

Dumbledore said: "There is another possibility. Black is indeed Voldemort's man. He threatened Peter to do something. When he killed Peter to silence him, Peter ran away and hid until now."

Lupin said: "It seems that Black knows something. I think we must find him before the Dementors and Aurors and ask about this matter clearly."

Dumbledore nodded, and then asked: "You... Oh, it's not that I suspect you and Black are in collusion. I want to ask if there is any unique way of communication between you?"

Lupin shook his head and said: "If Black is in the castle, I think there is a way. Later, in order to avoid being discovered by Voldemort, we have no special way of contact."

Dumbledore thought so too. At that time, everyone was doing life-threatening work. If Voldemort found any way to contact them, they might be discovered.

He thought to himself, should I pretend to kidnap Charles once?

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