"Right!" Blue Master has also come out of the excitement of seeing Bai Hao again. His old face is full of tension. "You are going, let me go!"

He hasn't seen the day again for many years, but now it is this time, he is back...

How can he come back in such a dangerous situation?


Chu clothing quickly walked to the side of Chu Ran, she looked at the group of people in the sky and said: "I and I followed them sneaking from behind, I originally wanted to see this group of people sneaking What did you do here, I didn’t expect you to be in this place, right, what about white?"

"Yan Er is fighting with people outside. When you came, didn't you see her?" Chu Ran groaned and asked.

Chu Yiyi’s eyes were stunned: "No, we didn't see the white face along the way."

Churan's face is gloomy. It seems that these people should have been touched from other places. Even the formations under the white Yan are broken by them...

Under the blue sky, the breeze is shallow, and the young silver robes are raised. His beautiful face has faded from the past, and the eyes are filled with indifference.

He scorned his lips and ignored the relatives in the back. The cold eyes stared at the strong men in the sky.

"Who are you after the demon?" The sulky young man looked down at the boy holding his sword and asked.

The white voice is light: "She is my sister."

It is also the person he has exhausted and wants to protect...

"Oh, I didn't think that the person we had to deal with in the field first was her younger brother. I don't know how much pain after losing the younger brother after the demon?" The feminine youth smiled bizarrely, his power suddenly rushed for The sword in his hand also shook.

The white cockroach still holds the long sword tightly, and the eyes are cold: "Grandpa, you leave this place first, I will stop them."

"Hey..." The voice of Blue Master was a little trembling. "Are you going?"

"In this world, there is nothing that can't be done, only things that I don't want to do. I have never been afraid of anything in my life, as long as I am alive... I can stop them!"

Under the gust of wind, the boy's face was firm and his eyes were bright, and it was the kind of light that was easy for ordinary people.

"The Lord, you bring your clothes and leave here."

Bai Hao did not look to Chu clothes, but did not forget to entrust her to Chu Ran.

"I don't!" Chu Yiyi left Churan's side. "My strength has also improved a lot. I can fight together..."

"The strength of these people is the lord, you are not their opponent, obedient, you first leave with the Lord."

The white brow is light and wrinkled, and the voice is as cold as ever.

It seems that except for Bai Yan, he is like this to anyone.

It’s just... in his words, he still has concerns about Chu’s clothes.


Chu Ran’s gaze, these enemies, the strength is the realm of the lord?

Even if the day is so strong, it is impossible to be so many opponents of the lord...

Unfortunately, Bai Hao has no chance to talk to them because the enemies have swiftly rushed over.

Among these people, all of them have a strong momentum, and when they all come, they are like a catastrophe.

But in the face of so many strong, the teenager's face has not changed, and the beautiful face is shrouded in faint light.

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