
Chu Ran tightly grasped the hand of Chu Yiyi, pulled her back a distance.

Everyone did not leave the battlefield, but retreated to the side, watching the battle of the teenager nervously.

Mr. Blue’s eyes are awkward. I don’t know when her two granddaughters and granddaughters... have become so powerful and powerful that they can’t chase them.

Bai Hao’s strength is indeed very strong. His eyes are as sharp as a sword. When one rushes to his face, he quickly resists with his sword. Both sides are open and strong like a storm.

However, the number of the other party is too much, and the day is only one person. Even so, even if he is injured, he has not stepped back.

He is supported by perseverance.


Chu Yiyi’s distressed tears rolled down, and she bit her lip, her eyes were reluctant to move away from her white body.

Among the pretty pair of eyes, there are full of worry.


Suddenly, the feminine youth had already circled behind the white scorpion, stunned by the white, and slammed into the back of the white scorpion.

Bai Yu felt the momentum coming from behind, and hurriedly sideways. He raised his sword and the sword slammed into the feminine youth. The forced youth stepped back a few steps.


Not waiting for the whites to catch their breath, other people's attacks also swarmed, he was able to resist at first, to the back of the physical strength is more and more unsupported, the body also has several scars, blood dripping.


He must never lose!

If he loses, the person he wants to protect... one can't escape!

The white scorpion wiped the blood of the lower corner of the mouth, with a firm color in the eyelids, and rushed toward the front again.

The battle didn't know how long it lasted, and the sky gradually became dim.

The white face was pale and pale, and the robes were already red with blood.


Chu Yiyi pushed open the Churan, and quickly rushed toward the white scorpion: "You are not allowed to hurt, anything is directed at me! I am not only the sister of Bai Yan, I am still her future brother-in-law, you There is a kind to kill me, don't bully!"

The white eyes narrowed, and his footsteps stepped back. His hands rubbed the blood from his chest and asked, "Women, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know!" Chu’s tears fell. "I have been in love with you since I was in the country. I don’t care so much now. If you want to stop these people, I will be with you." Together, if you want to die, I will die with you. I will accompany you wherever you go. I don't care if you are willing to accept me anyway... Anyway, nine days, Huang Quan, I will follow you."

Chu Ran looked at the pale face of Chu Yiyi, he sighed helplessly, and his daughter grew up, and he had his own choice. He is a father, and he can only support him anyway.

"You guys are bullying the whites, what kind of thing is it? Although I am not as strong as you are now, I am not a scorpion, not just a death. Come, you will kill us, and later, Bai Yan and his husband will definitely Will avenge us!"

Bai Changfeng smiled and said: "My white long wind has not been afraid of anything in this life, and it is even more impossible... I really let a junior come out for us. Since you are looking for the troubles of Yan's loved ones, then I am not jealous. I am the most grandparent grandfather of Yan Er, the first one you want to kill, it should be me."

This book is from

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