Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 4 Chapter 2213: Fanwai: Self-acceptance (3)

Since the moment when Fu Qingchen and Di Linger looked at each other, Nangong Yu’s eyes did not leave his body.

His gentle eyes are what she has known him for so many years.

Gentle to... let her heart hurt.

Until the two people's figure went away, Nangong Yu had never returned. Her hand holding the fist was getting more and more forceful. The nail file was set in the flesh, and the blood appeared from the fingertips. She seemed to be unaware. .


Night, slightly cool.

The breeze passed, the window screen man dance.

The emperor sat at the window, letting the wind blow over her cheeks.

A pair of beautiful and beautiful eyes are more dazzling than the moon in the sky.


Xiao Yan climbed up from the chair, and went up to the window sill. He also learned the actions of the Emperor's children, dragging the gangs and looking at the night sky.

"Oh, the night sky of this continent is really beautiful, more beautiful than the demon world..." The emperor flicked his eyes. "I don't know where the big brother and the second brother went. I haven't seen it for months. Going to them, I really miss them..."

If she is not looking for them, she will not come to this place.

Emperor Linger licked his mouth, and the little appearance did not mention more grievances.

"Hey, hey."

Xiao Yan nodded and seemed to be responding to the words of Emperor.

If the Prince and the Emperor left, the princess would not look at it and look for them. Then it is still living in the demon world, and now, like now, I have to worry about whether I will be caught and grilled. have eaten.


Suddenly, the Emperor looked at the moonlight near the distance, standing with a light purple figure.

Nangong Yu stood not far away, his eyes were always on the eyes of the emperor, and the eyes were unwilling, resentful, oh...

All kinds of emotions are blending, but she holds the palm of her hand hard, and she resists the impulse.

"You looking for me?"

The emperor jumped out of the window and stood in front of Nangong Yu. Her smiling eyes were like crescent moons, beautiful to dazzling.

Even if Nangong is a woman, she has to admit that this girl's smile is very infectious. If he is a man, he will be deeply trapped and unable to extricate himself.

She slowly exhaled a breath and said: "You will leave Fu family tomorrow. If Fu Qingchen asks, you say that you don't like it, you want to leave, do you understand?"

At the moment, Nangong Yu, with a high-pitched tone in his tone, is like a maid who commands her to kneel down. It is unceremonious, and there is no grief for a hundred days, but it is strong everywhere.

"Why do you let me go, I have to go? If you talk to me well, maybe I am willing to leave, but you still want to order me, in this world, except my mother and my brother. I will not listen to anyone, you let me go, I will not go."

In the demon world, everyone is petting her, and no one has ever spoken to her in such a tone.

Therefore, the emperor, who was also sympathetic to Nangong Yu, immediately fell down.

"You..." Nan Gongyu angered her hand to the emperor. She may be afraid that she would disturb Fu Qingchen when she was too big. She suddenly endured it and said coldly, "I have known the dust for many years, we have I have known each other since I was young. Until now, the wife of Fu’s family has treated me as a daughter-in-law. If you continue to stay, you will only take your own insults..."

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