Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 4 Chapter 2214: Fanwai: Self-acceptance (4)

Chapter 2214: Outside: Self-acceptance (4)

"Oh," the Emperor said with carelessness. Her curved eyebrows looked great, just like the crescent moon in the sky. "What does that have to do with me?"

Nangong Yu’s angry words are like a punch on a group of cotton. Her madness is red, and her fists are clenched.

"Do you really don't know or don't know? Fu Qingchen has always respected those women for years. I have never seen anyone contact him, but why did you show that you are so gentle and familiar, you really Do not understand?"

"I understand, I may not understand," the emperor nodded slightly, her expression was quite helpless. "Probably I am too cute, so Fu brother is so caring, so like my two brothers, If you really want to find trouble, you should first look for my grandmother. My grandmother is so beautiful to my mother, so I will inherit the advantages of my mother."

Nangong Yu lived.

She is clearly talking about Fu Qingchen, why... The Emperor will involve her grandmother and her mother.

Still so shameless to say such shameless words.

"The emperor girl," Nan Gong Yu's nephew with anger, she approached the emperor to a few steps. "You know how to write shame? I don't dare to be so shameless, you are even like this." If you can, you can say it."


Xiao Xiao’s dissatisfied raises two calls.

A human princess, dare to compare with the princesses of their demon world, who is giving her confidence?

Just as Nangong Yu wanted to continue to humiliate, her eyes suddenly saw a glimpse of the figure at the corner of the front, her face suddenly changed, biting her lip, tears in her eyes: "Linger girl, I know you don't like me." The mother who can clean the dust let me accompany the dust. If you really don't like me, I can leave, as long as the dust is happy enough, and... I hope Linger girl can take care of the dust."

If she had dealt with those women in the past, she would do it directly, but now she did not bring many guards here. If Fu Qingchen defended the woman, she would definitely not beat Fu Qingchen.

Moreover, she also understands that Emperor Ling has a different status from other women in Fu Qingchen's mind.

If she is too tough, she will only make Fu Qingchen more and more disgusted with her. This is not what she wants.

Emperor's hands clasped her chest, her eyebrows bent, like a smile, and did not have any movement because of her words.

Even more, she has long discovered that Fu Qingchen has also come.

Therefore, she wants to know what kind of choice Fu Qingchen will make at this time.

If this Fu family can't tolerate her, then she is not living in this continent, at most... At most, it is more trouble, and it is no big deal.

The figure at the corner, after hearing this, paused, and then he took a step and walked slowly toward the Emperor and Nangong.

On the occasion of Nangong Yu’s head, I saw Fu Qingchen’s slow-moving figure. The tears in her eyes were more and more, and it seemed to be endlessly wronged.

She is indeed aggrieved, and this tear is not deliberately loaded.

Now, as soon as she thinks about what Fu Qingchen has done to her, her tears are rolling down like pearls, and her eyes are full of sadness.

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