Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 913: Unscrupulous offspring, 1 case of drinking the blood of our ancestors (two

Everyone wants to improve their cultivation and strength.

This is also one of their purposes in this world.

Nowadays, a bull monster with such vigorous energy and blood is here, and everyone's heart is moved.

The ancestor of Chonglou smiled slightly, and said: "In that case, the old man will be a butcher today and slaughter a cow once!"

"The ancestor is mighty!" Wutian clone, Liu Changshou and others cheered in unison.

Qingsu was also overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly led the way.

At the same time, they winked at the tribesmen around them, and asked them to return to the tribe, and greeted the tribesmen in the tribe, so as not to miss the words, and to be ready to open the formation restriction at any time.

Qingsu continued to lead everyone to the tribe.

"Dear friends, do you know what kind of cow this cow is?" Qing Su asked deliberately on the road, with a mysterious expression on his face.

Wutian clone is curious: "What kind of cow?!"

Qingsu whispered: "It's an ancient prehistoric bull demon, with blood returning to the ancestors, and extremely high grade."


The crowd took a breath.

The Liu family of their ancient family is not a bull without blood, but it is absolutely unimaginable to return to the prehistoric bull demon.

"Isn't it a pity to kill such a cow? Isn't it a face to use for transportation?" Liu Changshou wondered.

Qing Su was shocked, but couldn't let this cow be relieved by this group of people.

That's really a big trouble.

So he hurriedly explained: "This cow has a cruel and tyrannical temperament, and has a brain problem. It doesn't recognize people and is easy to kill, so it cannot be tamed and can only eat meat."

"In our place, cows like this are all are called beef cattle!"

"Beef cattle?"

"Yes, it's a beef cow. It's a cow that is specially raised to eat meat. Like this cow, we have been raising it for more than 100,000 years. We have been raising it since my grandfather’s generation, and we have to eat 100 catties every day. One hundred thousand years old medicine..."

Qing Su explained that the more he talked, the more serious he became. At the end, he himself almost believed it.

Wutian clone and others secretly smacked.

"I have to take one hundred catties and one hundred thousand years old elixir in one day. It is indeed a beef cow!"

"Blood back to the ancestors, a rare prehistoric bull demon, you can imagine how nourishing its flesh and blood is."

"Yes, after eating this kind of beef, there will be no problems in improving your cultivation..."

Several people discussed, their eyes filled with excitement.

The ancestor of Chonglou could not help but be moved.

He wants to eat beef too.

Speed ​​up and walk towards Shenliu.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the height of Shenliu, and there is a vigorous and stalwart breath of vicissitudes of life.

Like a sturdy tree in a mountain, the bark is like a horned dragon, and the branches are like a giant python. The tree is tall and luxuriant, but it is full of withered leaves.

The wind blows, and the yellow leaves are rising, as if it is raining in yellow autumn.

Beautiful, like a fairyland holy land.

The ancestor of Chonglou stared at Shenliu with doubts in his eyes.

According to the breath tracking, the source of the breath of the ancestor Liu Changsheng was indeed on this tree, but when he came to the front, he carefully sensed it, but found nothing.

"Strange, is the induction wrong?!"

"It's impossible for the ancestors to hide from me..."

Chonglou ancestor doubts.

He wandered around the sacred willow, his fingers in his sleeves quietly pinched the secret technique, deeply sensing the breath of the ancestors.

next to.

Wutian clone, Liu Changshou, and a group of seven elders, pointed at the bull's head around the roots of the tree, their eyes filled with surprise and shock.


They could clearly see the endless rule and order thunder falling from the willow, like a waterfall in the sea, rumbling down, bombarding the cow below.

With such an attack, they can know that the lethality is absolutely terrifying by sensing the breath, making them all feel horrified and terrified.


What made them feel incredible is that the cow didn't even show any injuries.

The endless law order was shot down by thunder, it was harmless, and it was squinted, looking like it was asleep.

"Is this cow really a beef cow? It's amazing!"

"There is also this tree, which is also a little weird..."

Wutian clone exclaimed.

The cow was suppressed in the sacred willow, most of the body was invisible, and it looked like a bull's head emerged from the root of a tree, which was extremely strange.

On its head, densely covered with purple-gold scales, getting closer, the more clearly it can feel its evil spirit and fierce intent, as well as a breathtaking majesty.

This majesty is even stronger than the ancestor of the Chonglou.

However, its cultivation base aura was hidden because of its cunning, no one noticed it.

"Dear friends, you kill the cow first. I will prepare the disaster and the ingredients for you. Then we will eat beef stew."

Qing Su glanced at the Big Bison with some fear, found an excuse, and hurried away.

Everyone's thoughts were on the big wild bull monster, and they didn't notice Qing Su's look of fear.

At this moment.

An elder couldn't help it anymore, walked out, and said, "I can see that this cow has amazing defensive power. It will definitely not be able to be killed by conventional methods."

"However, it is a coincidence that I have an extremely sharp knife that can cut everything, even rules and order, let me kill the cow!"

"If I can't kill, let the ancestor try again."

The elder was very confident, and a divine light flashed in his hand, and a magic sword appeared. In an instant, the blade shredded the void.

Liu Changshou and others stepped back to make room.

Wutian clone frowned slightly, and he always felt a little unspeakable uneasy.

As the black smoke of death, he is more sensitive to danger than others.

Unconsciously, he took a few more steps back.

Liu Changgui is a loyal fan of Wutian Clone. He was puzzled when he saw Wutian Clone back, but he also backed away.

Liu Changshou and others are slightly ahead.

The ancestor of Chonglou is still using secret methods to sense the willow, looking for the ancestor Liu Changsheng.

"Kill! Dead cow!"

The elder suddenly roared, the blade of light turned into an arc, and a white light lit up, cutting the void and shattering, straight to the bull's head.

Tree roots.

Yang Shouan closed his eyes, as if sleeping soundly, he was actually practicing the "Ancient Monk's Body Refining Technique" taught by his ancestors.

And there was a group of people in front, and he didn't care.

Yang Shouan opened his eyes until there was a sharp breaking sound above his head and a murderous intent came.


The Eye of the Blood Moon lit up instantly, and the terrifying killing intent rushed out like an endless hurricane of fierce air, and a murderous rumble that was countless times more terrifying than the elder flooded out.


Then the elder screamed, and the whole person was swept by this murderous intent, and his body involuntarily flew upside down. When he was in the air, it exploded and turned into a rain of blood.

The spirits were all annihilated and completely fallen.

The knife in his hand also cracked to the ground with a crack.

In the eyes of Yang Shouan, a star-level celestial master, the Half-Step Longevity Heaven was weaker than the ants, and could not even bear the killing intent.

Liu Changshou and others at the front, their complexion changed drastically, and they backed away in horror.

But they were also affected by the murderous intent, and they vomited blood and flew upside down, but fortunately, they were far away, so they didn't burst and fall.

Wutian Clone and Liu Changgui, who were far away, retreated instantly when they saw this, very alert.

not far away.

The ancestor of Chonglou was awakened by Yang Shouan's murderous intent and looked back, suddenly turned around, took a palm shot, and directly bombarded Yang Shouan's bull head.


The palm print created a mushroom cloud, and also shattered Yang Shouan's murderous intent.

But Yang Shouan's bull's head was intact, waiting for the Eye of the Blood Moon, looking at the Chonglou ancestor coldly.

"What a big wild bull monster!" Chonglou ancestor shouted sharply, his eyes flashing to kill Senhan.

At the same time, he turned his head and glanced at the Qinglin tribe hiding behind the stone house sneakily in the distance.

That Qingsu, didn't tell the truth, should be killed!


His backhand was a palm, and the huge palm print volleyed down, covering the entire Qinglin tribe, with a terrifying aura sweeping all over.

A star-level master is absolutely extraordinary.

The clansmen of the Qinglin tribe screamed in horror, and Qingsu and a few older generation clansmen hurriedly activated the big formation.

"Boom Rumble"

A large formation leaped from the ground, blocking this palm.

At the same time, a forbidden divine light broke out, surrounding the divine willow, sealing up the Chonglou ancestor and his party there.

"Huh! So courageous, I dared to attack us, today you don’t even want to live!" Wutian clone angrily turned and said to the ancestor of Chonglou: "Old ancestor, kill them first, and then deal with this cow. Not later!"

Then, quietly transmitted a voice message to the ancestor of Chonglou: "This cow is not right. I always feel an unspeakable sense of anxiety. Don't touch it."

The ancestor of Chonglou nodded. In fact, he had already noticed something was wrong without killing the cow with a palm.

"Okay, the old man broke this formation first, and then destroyed the village." The ancestor of the heavy building nodded, and bombarded the banned formation that trapped them.

"Boom Rumble"

The big formation shot down a terrible attack and bombarded the Liu family masters in the formation.

The elders like Liu Changgui, unable to resist the half-step immortal cultivation base, shouted in panic for help.

The ancestor of the Chonglou waved his hand, and the Ancient Hall of Universe appeared, swept everyone in.

The big array fell down and attacked, hitting the ancient hall of the universe, and the void was annihilated and turned into a black hole.

In the black hole, the ancient temple of the universe is suspended, the bronze divine light blooms, and it has received numerous attacks from a large array, and it is still intact.

In the ancient palace of the universe, Liu Changshou and others laughed excitedly.

"This treasure left by the ancestors is really extraordinary!"

"Yes, with this treasure, we can cross the world."

"Huh! A trivial native, when I break through the big formation, I will kill them all, leaving none."

Everyone looked at the clansmen of the Qinglin tribe outside the big array with murderous eyes.

They couldn't help but change their faces when they saw that the Great Array could not kill this group of people.

"Quickly, communicate with Shen Liu and let Shen Liu kill them."

Qingsu said to the tribe.

A few older generations hurriedly dissuaded: "Shen Liu is suppressing the big bison, and it seems to hurt the vitality. If we divide the power to deal with these people, it will be bad if we let the big bison get out of trouble."

Qing Su said anxiously: "What should I do then? These people are not good people either!"

"Don't worry, they won't be able to get out, continue to bombard with a large array, see how long they can last."

In the big array.

The ancestors of the Chonglou controlled the ancient palace of the universe, attacking left and right, trying to break through the big formation.

However, the large formation of the Qinglin tribe was arranged by the old village chief and used the large formation left by the ancestors of the Qinglin tribe. It was extraordinary. The heart of the formation was the sacred willow. The sacred willow was immortal, and the large array was not destroyed.

The ancestors of the Chonglou controlled the ancient temple of the universe and fought hard, but still couldn't break through.

"Ancestor, can't we go out?" Liu Changshou asked.

The ancestor of Chonglou said with a gloomy face: "If you light the magic lamp in the hands of the faceless **** general and use the power of peerless killing, you can definitely break the line."

"However, you may not have noticed that there is not much oil in the magic lamp. I don't want to waste it."

Wutian clone curiously said: "Lamp oil? Is there anything special about this lamp oil?"

The ancestor of the Chonglou whispered: "This lamp oil is the blood of the great king..."

As soon as the words fell, everyone took a breath.

Looking back at the magic lamp in the hands of the faceless **** statue in shock.

The heart of Wutian clone was even more shocked.

Suddenly, a thought came to him, if he tricked a few drops of the deity's blood into lamp oil, would it be possible to perfectly display the attack power of the faceless **** general.

But immediately, he dismissed the idea again.

The strength of the deity's father surpasses this faceless **** general by a few blocks. With his blood, can this faceless **** general be able to move it?

Don't explode the statue of the faceless **** and this ancient temple of heaven and earth.

Everyone is in a dilemma.

far away.

Tree roots.

Yang Shouan's eyes were deep and ferocious.

Seeing that the group of people in the distance was bombarded by the large array, he realized that this group of people were not the reinforcements invited by the Qinglin tribe, but the enemy.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

So he spoke.

"Friends of Taoism, we are all trapped here. Why not join forces to break the formation?!"

He spoke suddenly, and his voice was like thunder, shaking the void.

In the ancient palace of Qiankun, Chonglou Old Ancestor and others were taken aback.

They came across many monsters along the way. They all just roared, thinking that under the influence of the rules of this world, the monsters here would not speak.

Unexpectedly, this big wild bull monster could even talk.

Yang Shouan's ability to speak is also because of cunning.

The ancestor of Chonglou looked at Yang Shou'an, his eyes glowing.

Yang Shouan's thoughts moved, and he released his cultivation base aura, but it was only the fluctuation of the diamond-level heavenly gate, and it was not completely exposed.

"The big wild bull monster of the diamond-level Tianmen is also very good!" Chonglou old ancestor smiled, "but you don't seem to be of much use to help the old man."

Yang Shouan said: "This large formation has the Shen Liu. You bombard the Shen Liu from the outside, and I attack the Shu Xin from the inside. As long as the Shen Liu is injured, the great formation can destroy itself without attack."

Chonglou ancestor thought.

Wutian avatar said: "Old ancestor, why don't you try, we don't light up the lamp, just hit the willow with the ancient temple of the universe."

"Just destroy this sacred willow."

The ancestor of Chonglou nodded: "Yes, but the ancestor of Wutian is right."

Immediately he gestured to Yang Shou'an, and rushed up the Ancient Hall of Controlling Universe.

far away.

The clansmen of the Qinglin tribe hurriedly controlled the large formation and bombarded the ancient hall of the universe, but the defense of the ancient hall of the universe was extremely terrible. All attacks came from the black hole and directly hit the willow.


The willows shook, and withered leaves all over the sky rose up.

Tree roots.

Yang Shouan clearly noticed that the power of suppression and entrapment was suddenly weaker.

His eyes lit up, and immediately opened his mouth, and a black willow leaf flew out of his mouth.


As soon as the willow leaves came out, the void became black, as if splashed with ink, and the evil, strange and dark atmosphere filled all directions.

"What is this!" The Chonglou ancestor and others changed color and were taken aback.

"It looks like a terrible evil weapon."

They never imagined that this big bison was suppressed, and could still issue such a terrifying attack.

Just like when they first came, the big wild bull monster suddenly came to them so suddenly, all of them were carelessly afraid that the group was destroyed.

Thinking of this, the ancestors of Chonglou, Wutian Clone and others all had a chill in their backs.

This big wild bull monster has a city too.

At this moment.

The evil willow weapon takes off.

It became a hundred meters in size, shimmering with black metallic black light, cut across, and bombarded the willow.

This blow was even more terrifying than the impact of the Qiankun Ancient Temple, leaving a huge wound on the trunk of the willow.

From the wound, there was a green source of life flowing out, the sky filled the sky, the fragrance of medicine was intoxicating, and it was intoxicating.

Wutian avatar saw the source of life, his eyes brightened, and with a wave of his hand, the divine power rolled up a source of life, took a sip, his body was boiling with blood, and his cultivation was instantly improved.

"Good stuff, everyone, hurry up, do it together and collect more." Wutian Clone shouted, his eyes red.

Liu Changshou and others hurriedly collected the source of life from the wound of Shen Liu.

As everyone collected the source of life from the wound of the willow, the willow withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and some of the branches on the top of the tree were dried up.

far away.

The clansmen of the Qinglin tribe saw the changes in the sacred willow and cried out in pain.

Qing Su roared with red eyes: "Communicate with the willow quickly and kill these evil wolves!"


A group of tribesmen responded in a sudden.

The older generations didn't stop him, because if this goes on, let alone trapping the enemy, Shen Liu will die.

The Great Wilderness is endlessly dangerous, and if the sacred willows are destroyed, they will have no shelter, and they may be eaten by the evil monsters in the Great Wilderness without even living the next day.

"Aga Curry Sola Damia Haraleo slightly..."

The people of the Qinglin tribe chanted ancient spells, which turned into mysterious symbols and blended into the willow.


The branches and leaves of the sacred willow moved all over the sky.

At the same time, a strange and terrifying aura in Shen Liu's heart revived.

The moment I noticed this breath was driving the ancient palace of the universe and bombarding the ancestor of Shenliu Zhonglou for a moment, then his face changed drastically.

Excited and shouted: "Old ancestor! Old ancestor, it's ancestor..."

Yang Shouan felt that the restraint against himself had been weakened a lot, as long as he worked harder, he would be able to escape.

But at a critical moment, I saw that the ancestor of Chonglou stopped unexpectedly.

Moreover, in the heart of the tree, the mysterious creature that was conceived, unexpectedly awakened again.

This is not good!

While continuing to manipulate the evil willow weapon to attack the sacred willow, he hurriedly rebuked: "Old man, are you sabotaging your work? Quickly bombard this **** willow tree!!!"

His voice was so loud that the emptiness was wiped out by his roar.

The ancestor of the Chonglou was awakened, recovered, and cursed: "You are a dead cow, shut up! The old man is endless with you!"

"You dare to lie to the old man to bombard our ancestors, you are really **** it!!"

The ancestor of Chonglou was angry and self-blaming in his heart, and he unexpectedly harmed his ancestor with a big bison.

The moment he turned his head, he found that Wutian, Liu Changshou and others were drinking the source of life from the willow of God happily, and suddenly staggered with anger.

If the Shen Liu is related to the ancestors, then what is the difference between drinking the life of the Shen Liu drippings and drinking the blood of the ancestors? !

But this time.

Wutian avatar had quick eyes and quick hands, and he held the Chonglou ancestor, and at the same time, he poured a mouthful of the source of life into his mouth like lightning.

"Old ancestor, come, have a blessing and share, drink together, good things, hahaha..."

The ancestor of the Chonglou stared at the beads, round and big, and a mouthful of blood spurted out: "Unfilial son, unfilial son, you, you..."

He fainted...

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