Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 914: All are relatives, eternal exile

The breath of sudden recovery in the willow made Chonglou ancestor surprised and excited.

Because that is the breath of the ancestor Liu Changsheng.

However, the group of people behind them slurped the source of life of Shenliu, and gave themselves a big gulp, and the Chonglou ancestor passed out angrily.

A group of people rushed to wake up the ancestors of the Chonglou.

The ancestor of the Chonglou rudely rebuked: "You unfilial sons, wait for your ancestors to be skinned!"

While speaking, he knelt towards Shenliu and kowtowed.

Wutian clone and others also hurriedly kowtowed their heads, shocked in their hearts, Liu Changsheng was among this divine willow? !

at this time.


There was a loud noise.

A large mushroom cloud rose up from the roots of the willow tree, the void exploded, and the law and order were annihilated.


A purple-golden divine light soared into the sky, and turned into a big bison with a height of three thousand feet in the void, full of purple-gold scales, burning with purple-golden flames.

Extremely mighty and domineering, evil spirits are blowing in the void.

It was Yang Shouan who was out of trouble.

When the ancestor of the Chonglou used the ancient hall of the universe to hit the willow, he manipulated the willow leaf artifact and bombarded the restraining power that trapped him, and finally escaped.


He screamed with excitement, the breath of the star-level heavenly gate was released, and the wind swept through.

During the period when he changed into a cow, he became accustomed to cow barking. He felt that the sound was more domineering and fierce, which could greatly release the supreme majesty of his prehistoric cow demon.

The pupils of the ancestor of Chonglou shrank sharply.

"This cow turned out to be a star-level monster!"

far away.

The expressions of the people of the Qinglin tribe changed drastically.

"No! That cow, it's out!"

"Quick! The power of the communication **** willow suppressed him!"

Qingsu and several older generations of clansmen hurriedly communicated with Shen Liu.

Among the willows, the breath of the mysterious creature conceived suddenly increased.

In the ancient palace of the universe.

The ancestor of Chonglou was trembling with excitement, and he was already shouting: "Welcome the ancestor to leave."


Yang Shouan's four hoofs vacated, and the soles of his feet were filled with purple-gold divine light, and the eyes of the blood moon stared at the willow. He noticed that the breath of the mysterious creature bred in the willow increased sharply. He didn't dare to delay, so he acted first.

"call out!"

The willow leaf artifact turned into a ten thousand zhang sacred sword, pitch black like ink, cut through the sky, and fell in a battle, with a shocking black sword light, and fell to the sacred willow.

When the knife fell, the void was silently transformed into a black hole. In the black hole, the blade light merged with the black hole, and the endless evil and weird aura revolved in the black hole.

Endless horror.

The Chonglou ancestor and the others were all horrified, trembling all over, and at the same time angry and anxious, shouting: "Dead cow, don't hurt our ancestors!"

He was about to light the magic lamp to activate the faceless **** general's peerless killing power.

But at this moment.

On the willow, a white light flashed.

A hazy figure appeared, beautiful and extraordinary, making the sun and the moon pale.

This figure can't see his face, even if he is a man or a woman.

The whole body was shrouded in white light, like a cloud of fairy mist, ethereal and sacred.

The ancestor of Chonglou saw the figure and cried excitedly. He crawled no more and wailed: "Old ancestor, it's really you! The descendants have finally found you..."

Wutian clone was stunned.

"Liu Changsheng is hiding here. This deity's father's worry is not unreasonable!"

"You have to find a way to quickly notify the deity and let him destroy this sacred willow."

The mind turns in the mind and body without talent.

Go to the willow.

The figure was suspended on the tree of the willow, seeming to merge with the willow, the black hole of the void and the evil willow weapon bombarded it down, and the figure raised his palm and shot out with a light palm.


The world exploded, the void returned to primitive, and the black hole was shattered.

The power of a palm is terrifying.

Nothing can be seen, rules and order are annihilated, perception is chaotic.

When the world was calm and the void returned to peace, everyone looked up and found that on the Shen Liu, the figure was still floating, but the figure was more hazy, as if it was going to disperse at any time.

In the void, the cow was no longer visible.

Everyone cheered.

Especially the people of the Qinglin tribe, the cheers shook the sky.

They looked at the dim figure on the willow, excited and crying and howling, lying on the floor, kowtow hard, shouting: "Old ancestor!"

This scene was seen by the Chonglou ancestor and others, and couldn't help but stare.

"What do these people mean?! Robbing our ancestors with us?" Liu Changshou asked strangely.

Wutian avatar shook his head and hesitated: "They seem to be more excited than us. Could it be that they are descendants of our ancestors in this world?"

This remark reminded everyone that everyone couldn't help but move their hearts.

The ancestor of Chonglou ignored them. He stood at the door of the Ancient Hall of Universe, bowed his head to the figure on the willow, respectfully shouting: "Old ancestor, ancestor, descendant Chonglou, the little building that you loved most to touch your head back then , Come to see you!"

"My ancestors, my children and grandchildren have slept for nearly a million years, and have lived to this day, just to see you again one day."

"Today, I finally saw the old ancestors, and I beg the old ancestors to return to the family and lead us to rebuild the reputation of the family!"

"Old ancestor! Old ancestor! Old ancestor..."

The ancestor of Chonglou called out the figure on the Shen Liu.

In the distance, members of the Qinglin tribe were also hissing loudly.


The figure on the willow is hazy, like a cloud of fairy mist, as if there is no mind and soul.

I turned a deaf ear to the shouts of the crowd, just stared at the endless sky blankly, not knowing what I was looking at.

After a long time, the figure suddenly sighed slightly.


The sky is quiet, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, this sigh speaks with the law, and the Tao is natural, letting everything return to peace.

Then, a misty voice sounded, not distinguishing men and women...

"Nine monuments return to the sun, heaven..."

The Chonglou ancestor and others, as well as the people of the Qinglin tribe, were listening carefully with their ears erected.

But at this moment, the words were not finished yet.


A black willow leaf evil weapon suddenly cut out from the void.

too suddenly.

With endless black light, the void suddenly turned into a dark night like splashing ink.

The evil and weird breath filled the world.


The blade light fell on the figure on the willow, with a solid blow.

The Chonglou ancestor and others, their eyes were splitting, and they roared in horror: "Dead cow!!"

He directly ignited the magic lamp and sacrificed to the ancient temple of Universe. The Faceless God raised his hand and patted the statue with a palm.

The terrifying divine light broke through the void, hitting Yang Shou'an to roll in the void, his body flickering.

Obviously, the ancestor's body protection magic technique saved his life again.

at the same time.

Go to the willow.

The figure furiously fought back, and pointed it out, twitching millions of miles of void air flow, motivating the long river of time and space, and hitting the great illusion and divine light, which was extremely terrifying.

This blow was countless times stronger than the attack from the Ancient Palace of Universe, which was unimaginable.


Yang Shouan screamed in horror, and the Willow Leaf Magic Sword was beaten back into the air. Together with him, he was driven into the long river of time and space and disappeared.

This is eternal exile!

Seeing this trick, the ancestor of Chonglou exclaimed excitedly: "This is the exile magic of the ancestor!"

"This trick can make the enemy return to his mother's womb, die in the abdomen, abort and die!"

"As long as I'm alive, I can still see my ancestors perform this trick. I can look down upon death. That dead cow must be completely dead this time!"

Wutian clone envy, kill the enemy in the mother's womb, such a magical technique, he really wants it.


God on the willow tree.

The figure made this blow, the loss was huge, and the figure became more hazy and fuzzy, and after a burst of illusion, it completely disappeared into the willow.

"Old ancestor! Old ancestor!......"

Chonglou ancestor shouted anxiously.

However, after the figure concealed into the willow, the breath closed, as if falling into a deep sleep, and could no longer feel the slightest.

The willow shook, and the yellow leaves fell all over the sky.

The ancestor of the Chonglou Yangtian cried out sadly.

He didn't know why the old ancestor would possess this willow, but the old ancestor's state seemed extremely bad and unconscious.

At this moment, he was sneak attacked by that **** big bison, depleting his origin, and now fell asleep again.

on the ground.

The people of the Qinglin tribe were also crying in grief and crying even more sadly.


After a long time.

In a stone house in the Qinglin tribe, Qingsu and a few older generations entertained the Chonglou ancestors and introduced their identities to each other.

This time, neither party concealed anything, and was very serious.

And it was confirmed.

"Your ancestor is also Liu Changsheng?" Chonglou ancestor asked.

"Yes, the ancestor Liu Changsheng is our ancestor!" Qing Su replied with a proud look.

The ancestor of Chonglou flashed in his eyes and asked, "But your bloodline is not the same as ours."

Qing Su said: "The ancestor Liu Changsheng conquered the world of prisons. There were ten great generals under his command. They were the adopted sons of the ancestor Liu Changsheng. The ancestor of the Qinglin tribe, Qinglin, was one of them."

"Our Qinglin tribe is the descendant of the Qinglin **** general, and naturally also the descendants of the ancestor Liu Changsheng."

It turned out to be a descendant of goddess.

The ancestor of the Chonglou was stunned, and then asked a few more questions about Liu Changsheng, Qingsu and other members of the Qinglin tribe could answer them.

The ancestor of Chonglou confirmed that they were indeed the descendants of ancestor Liu Changsheng.

The Qinglin general, the ancestor of the heavy building also knew that this person was the same master as the faceless general.

"If that's the case, are we relatives?!"

"Yes! Relatives."

A group of people were in an uproar, some inexplicably excited, and a little weird.

Wutian clone and others were also speechless for a while, he didn't expect that the ancient Liu family had relatives in this world.

The other members of the Qinglin tribe also looked at the Chonglou ancestor and other members of the Liu family with some surprises. They were curious about this group of relatives from the longevity world and looked up and down.

Qingsu ordered the tribe to prepare a rich feast to entertain the Chonglou ancestors and others.

After a few cups of milk wine unique to the Great Wilderness, everyone got a lot closer, talking and laughing with each other.

The ancestor of Chonglou communicated with several older generations of the Qinglin tribe.

But Wutian avatar is drinking with Qingsu.

"Little cousin Wutian, your cultivation level is a little low, and you have only half a step to live forever. Walking in the wilderness, but it is very dangerous." Qing Su hooked the shoulders of Wutian clone, looking concerned.

Untalented and uncomfortable physically and mentally, for the first time he was called a little cousin.

He wants to be a big cousin!

Hearing what Qing Su said, he put on a sad expression and sighed: "I was an epic ancestor, sleeping in the ancestral land, but this group of unscrupulous descendants dug out."

"Hey! Digging early, I haven't broken through my cultivation base!"

Not far away.

Liu Changshou, Liu Changgui, several elders and Qijie, all bowed their heads in shame.

Because they dug out Wutian ancestors.

Qing Su pondered for a moment, and said: "I think your cultivation is in the half-step longevity heaven, but the foundation is extremely solid. If you have the corresponding magical medicine to help you, you will be promoted to the longevity heaven, maybe you can directly open the physical heaven gate."

Wutian avatar hurriedly added a glass of wine to Qingsu, and said excitedly: "Big cousin has eyes like a torch, you are too right!"

"We people have outstanding talents. As long as we have magical medicine to help us, we can fly into the sky!"

"I beg your cousin to give me medicine. In the future, we will grow up and we will never forget the great kindness of our cousin."

This is Wutian avatar, he has cultivated a cheeky face from the deity.

Liu Changshou and the others were all embarrassed. They felt that Wutian Patriarch was too direct and didn't know how to be subtle.

But Wutian turned his head, kicked them, and gave them crazy winks.

Liu Changshou and others also gave their hands and said in unison: "I beg your cousin for medicine!"

Qingsu couldn't help but stunned.

Seeing Wutian and others' sullen expressions, he couldn't wait to slap himself.

That's too cheap!

This is how to do? !

Qingsu jumped with a rabbit, got up hurriedly, and dragged a tribe elder far away.

"Clan elder, it seems that I haven't managed my mouth well, causing trouble to the tribe..."

I told this clan elder what happened just now.

When the clan elder heard this, his angry eyes burst into flames.

"Qingsu, Qingsu, are you honest or stupid!"

"Our Qinglin tribe is so poor, we don't have enough magic medicine by ourselves, so there is no spare time for this group of relatives."

"Furthermore, this relative is not too close. Two worlds are separated, millions of years old are dead and not communicating with each other. Today, the blind cat ran into a dead mouse and ran into it."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The clan elder sighed again and again, and stared at Su who hated iron and steel.

Qingsu bowed his head aggrievedly and did not dare to look directly at the clan elder.

The ancestor at the entrance of the village testified, he really just said casually!

But that **** Wutian little cousin, actually hit a snake with a stick, too shameless, too shameless.

"Remember, they are relatives, but they are not close to us!" the elder sternly warned.

"Also, that Wutian is not a good thing at first glance. Your eyes are constantly turning around. Don't move forward. Don't be sold by someone one day. You can help to count the money."

Qing Su hurriedly nodded, then asked: "Then this magical medicine..."

The clan elder sighed: "Didn't you go out and pick a lot of magical medicine today?"

"Pick some of the inferior ones, which are about to expire, and refine them with the coolest secret method. During the refinement, try to make more visions as much as possible, just say it is a great medicine divine liquid, and just give them a drink."

"As for whether the cultivation base can break through, it is a question of their qualifications."

Qingsu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he praised: "Jiang is still hot, clan elder, you are this!"

He gave a thumbs up to the clan elder, heading towards the sky.

The clan elder was taken aback, what action was this? Why hadn't he seen Qingsu use it before.

Qing Su whispered: "Taught by my little cousin Wutian, hehehe..."


The clans raised their crutches.


On the square of the Qinglin tribe, a pot of divine medicine was refined.

Qingsu and others used the coolest handprints to control the cauldron to refine.

This is a very, very old method of drug introduction. The Chonglou ancestors and others have never seen it before and are fascinated by it.

Wutian avatar curiously asked: "Did the ancestors pass this medicine to us?"

The ancestor of Chonglou nodded and said: "No, I guess, it may be the method of refining medicine that the ancestor came to this world to understand."

As he spoke, he suddenly remembered some of the magical medicine he had collected, the medicinal materials he had collected on the way, and some monsters he had hunted, and he waved and threw it out.

In an instant, the magical medicine on the ground was tangy, and several strains were close to the town clan-level magical medicine.

"Add these too. If you want to refine, you need to refine good medicine and big medicine." said the ancestor of the heavy building, domineering as the sky.

"When the training is finished, everyone drink together!"

Qingsu and the others looked at the magic medicine on the ground, and couldn't help but secretly startled.

Hearing the words of Chonglou ancestor again, I felt ashamed.

Liu Changshou, Liu Changgui and other elders, as well as Qijie, also took out their own magical medicine.

Wutian clone took out the magic medicine brought back from the restricted life zone.

This is the part that he intercepted when he offered medicine to his ancestors.

As for the town clan-level magic drug that the old ancestor rewarded him, he did not take out.

"That was rewarded by the deity's father, I can only enjoy it alone! Humph!"

Thought secretly in the mindless body and mind.

Although there are many magic medicines on the ground, they are not as effective as half of the town clan-level magic medicines.

The stone pot for refining medicine is a spare pot. The previous pot was broken when Yang Shou’an was refining But the Qinglin tribe mastered the mysterious method of refining medicine and quickly refined it. A pot of magical liquid, although not that amazing, it is also extraordinary.

"Come on, one bowl per person, just right!"

Qingsu dispenses liquid medicine.

Wutian clone also got a bowl.

The fragrance of the medicine is permeated, in a bowl, the gods are misty, and there is a vague voice of law and Tao.

"There is a secret room over there, everyone can go and drink medicine to retreat by themselves!" The clan elder of the Qinglin tribe said with a smile, his face full of enthusiasm and joy.

Because of the magic medicine this time, they took a big advantage.

The magical medicine was basically produced by Chonglou ancestors and other relatives, and they only used some low-quality medicinal materials that were about to expire.

Wutian clone holding the bowl, hurried into a secret room.

He didn't use the restraint in the secret room, he set up a large restraint array himself to shield all breath.

Then, he drank the liquid medicine in the bowl in one gulp, then took out the town clan-level magic medicine bestowed by the ancestor, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian, ​​whether you can take off or not depends on this time!"

He secretly cheered himself up in his heart and began to practice exercises...


In the long river of time and space, a big bison was ups and downs, swept by a terrifying power, and went to an endless distance.


It is the upper reaches of the long river of time and space, and it is also the way to come.

Everyone has a past, and you can go back to your past by going upstream along the long river of time and space.

But if you go back in time, you will lose everything.


Yang Shouan roared and struggled, and his huge figure made the river of time and space shake.

However, his body was surrounded by a white divine power, which was a divine exile technique.

To exile him back to his mother's womb...

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