Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 915: The Emperor of Heaven Preschool, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Five thousand five hu

69, the fastest update ancestors are in the sky!

Not to mention that you are now the top handsome in the class, not to mention that you are a super king, not to mention that you are a billionaire.

What is the use?

Under the exile magic, you will return to your mother's womb, and everything will come to nothing.

Just ask if you are afraid? !

In short, Yang Shouan, Yang Ruan was scared.

He was afraid to return to the past that frightened and pained him.


He was wrapped in exile magic, and went all the way against the direction of the long river of time and space.

Around, time fragments are flying, time and space waves are blooming.


He seemed to have seen Nine Heavens Universe, Scorpio City, and the face of his father who sold him to human traffickers when he was a child and was happy to count money.

And in the wasteland, my mother’s grave full of weeds

No one knows, including Liu Tao, that Yang Shouan grew up in this way.

His mother died after giving birth to him, and his father sold him because he could not survive.

He has been a slave since he was a child, being used as an animal, whipped and kicked, starved and cold, and he has tasted the sorrow and pain of life at a young age.


He has a gloomy heart, hates the world, and is determined to be a master of anger.

This is a very distant story.

Yang Shouan thought that he had forgotten these things, but at that time the light went back and went back to the past, all the old things repeated like a nightmare.

"Do not--"

"Old ancestor! Save me--!"

Yang Shouan snarled frantically, his eyes were blood-red, and subconsciously, he shouted for his ancestors.

In his heart, at this moment, only the old ancestor who gave him a chicken head can bring him a sense of security.

at the same time.

Longevity World, Sanlitun Liujia.

In the Tiandi Academy in the void, all disciplines and departments are teaching, studying, practicing, and preaching.

Kendo class, sword doo class, animal control class, medicine refining class, tool refining class, physical training class, all are overcrowded.

Several masters who have been hired with a lot of money are teaching the masters to solve the puzzles and the principles.

Every classroom, there are things in it, and there are millions of people attending classes, there are great lotus flowers, and the sound of Taoism roars.

And at the deepest point.

In a majestic classroom like an imperial palace, only three thousand people were attending the class.

Because this classroom is the Tiandi classroom.

It is a preaching classroom exclusively for the ancestors.

Here, every row of seats is full of students.

But these students are not young teenagers, but old men with gray hair.

And many are already bald.

One by one, they were full of death, anger was scarce, and they obviously had little lifespan.

However, their eyes were deep and vicissitudes, faintly exuding a terrifying aura, causing the void on their sides to collapse.

All of them were the Xeons who had slept underground for many years, and their lowest cultivation base was in the Starlight Grade Heaven Gate, and their bodies were covered with scales.

Many people still have divine soil on their hair.

Among the three thousand strong men, more than half are from the various tribes of the Great Wilderness.

Only a small part are the old antiques of the longevity world.

In the first row, it was the Master Huang who cultivated Gou Dao.

He is a half-step emperor, who dares to grab a seat with him? !

The great kings of the nine king tribes of Dahuang, such as the silver old ghost, the bronze old road and others, all sit in the second row.

In addition, there are a few people who are also great kings, but their faces are unfamiliar and they don't speak, sitting next to the old silver ghost and the king.

They are the ancestors of several great powers from the longevity world. Their longevity was exhausted, and they came to listen to the preaching of the ancestors with curiosity and experimentation.

In the world of longevity, the water is very deep. If there are no powerful masters, how can those ancient powers pass on to this day? !

Of course, most of the people who come here are clones or a true spirit.

Because of this kind of existence, no one is not a super power, and they will move the whole body, what if they are attacked by the enemy on the road.

Therefore, the three thousand people in the classroom, the people coming from the longevity world, are basically a true spirit or clone.

But in the Great Wilderness, they are all real deities.

Liu Wuhai, Liu Liuhai, and a few bald old men, who were also half-step kings, sat in the third row.

In the fourth row, there are a group of ancestors from the old star Yao-class late Tianmen from the Great Wilderness.

The old village chief of the Qinglin tribe is impressively listed.

He looked nervous and expectant, and he couldn't afford to provoke him on the left and right.

Beside him, sitting by Wang Chen Beixuan, but with a calm and unpredictable smile, he muttered to himself: "According to my strength, I should sit in the third row!"

"Old man, don't be nervous, here, I am covering you, don't be afraid!"

Chen Beixuan patted the old village chief on the shoulder and said angrily.

The old village chief forced a smile and nodded yes.

Pushing the king Chen Beixuan is also one of his most unreasonable bosses.

Most of the people in the Great Wilderness knew Chen Beixuan, and smiled when they heard the words, and also cast a friendly smile at the old village chief.

But the master of the longevity world looked cold and sneered, and gave the old village chief a cold look.

The old village chief cried secretly in his heart.

If there are no seats around, he really doesn't want to sit with Chen Beixuan, it feels too high-profile.

Behind him.

They are all the ancestors of the great wilderness small tribe, as well as several ancestors of the longevity world, who cultivated as Xingyao in the early or mid-term Tianmen.

In the classroom, there are three thousand people, no matter what their cultivation level, those who come here are all asking for something.

Except for a few people who want to go further and become stronger, most people hope to break the bottleneck here and increase their life.

In the outside world, all the people present here are the ancestors of a great power. They are as majestic as the sky, and a single word can make countless creatures roar.

They represent the top combat power in the Great Wilderness and the Longevity World, and they are well-deserved powerhouses.

The strong have the pride and attitude of the strong.

Therefore, at this moment, they gathered in the same room. Except for those with a large difference in cultivation level, they looked at each other in awe and avoidance. Other people with equivalent cultivation level looked at each other, and they all had a fighting spirit.

Especially the Longevity Realm and the Great Wilderness, which represent the two camps respectively, and many people see each other uncomfortably.

No one accepts anyone!

The classroom is intertwined with horrible auras, even if Changshengtian walks in, it will be instantly annihilated.


When the class bell rang, everyone in the classroom looked at the door of the classroom.

Because there, a figure came.

It is also the purpose of many of them to listen to the Dao-the emperor of the emperor city!

According to legend, a supreme strong man who has cultivated to the emperor.

The air in the classroom was depressed and solemn, no one spoke, everyone's eyes were fixed on the door of the classroom.

Such as Lord Huang, Old Silver Ghost and others, they have seen the power of the ancestors, and all of them are full of awe.

Others, who had never seen the power of the ancestors, came mostly with curiosity.

Therefore, these gazes are curious, indifferent, and carelessly smiling.

But at this moment.

In the corner of the classroom, Chen Beixuan suddenly shouted in unison, "All stand up!"

"Hello teacher--"

He was the first to stand up and shout loudly, his voice was so loud that the emptiness collapsed into a black hole, scared everyone, especially the old village head nearly fell under the table.

Lord Huang, Old Silver Ghost and others, upon seeing this, stood up, Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai naturally also stood up, shouting "Hello teacher!"

The others behind them, some stood up, and some sat, motionless like a mountain, with cold eyes.

There are rumors that the emperor has set foot on the emperor's way, and they will believe it or not believe it at all. It is not without the intention of weighing the ancestors.

At the door of the classroom, ancestor Liu Fan came.

He is holding a book in his left hand and a ruler in his right.

He has white hair at the waist, and the hairstyle is the big-backed hairstyle Liu Wuhai helped him erect.

He looks handsome and extraordinary, his skin is crystal clear as jade, and he has a sacred atmosphere.

He was tall and didn't have the kind of virginity of small meat, but there was a breathtaking and domineering between his eyebrows.

Liu Fan scanned everyone in the classroom, his eyes widened to see, the light of Hongmeng Taixu appeared in the void, and the vision of chaos opening up the world was permeated.

As the line of sight passes, the order is disordered and the law is annihilated.

Of those who are sitting, only a few of them have no problem.

Most of the others vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to withstand the sweep of the ancestor's eyes.

Lord Huang, Old Silver Ghost and the others all laughed.

"The emperor's dismounting power, first class!"

The other people who stood up before looked at those who vomited blood and fell to the ground, all gloating, and at the same time they were shocked and panicked.

"Is this the majesty of the emperor's way, it is terrible!"

"We are the masters of the late stage Celestial Sect, and we can't stand the majesty of the opponent's eyes."

"It's so horrible, it seems that the old man has come to this class today!"

Their thoughts tumbling in each other's hearts.

in the corner.

Chen Beixuan was shocked and jealous.

"The old ancestor of the eldest brother and the second brother is so handsome, it turned out to be a handsomer than me!"

"Unfortunately, he won't pretend to be coercive. It's a waste of him to look like this."

At this moment.

Liu Fan walked to the Sanchi podium. On the podium, there was a roll-call book that Liu Liuhai had prepared in advance.

"Hmm! Hello everyone, I am Liu Fan, the emperor of Tiandi City, the ancestor of the Liu Family in Sanlitun, the ancestor of physical cultivation, and some people called me a bulldozer!" Liu Fan's gentle voice sounded.

"You can call me Emperor, you can call me teacher, of course, you can also call me Liu Fan!"

"This class is preschool, after that, there will be more"

Before he finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded in the classroom: "I have a problem!"

All the big guys in the classroom laughed and the show began.

They looked for reputation and found that it was an old man in the fourth row who was asking questions.

He was covered in purple scales, he was cultivated as a star-level late Tianmen, his eyes were vicissitudes and deep, with a breathtaking light of thunder and lightning.

Someone recognized that this person was the great ancestor of the Thunder God Sect, the ancient sect of the Longevity Realm, and a giant-level tycoon who had been powerful in the Longevity Realm for countless years.

Many of the masters of the longevity world in the classroom have slightly changed their complexions, and their eyes have a sense of awe.

Obviously, the Supreme ancestor of the Thunder God Sect was not an unknown person, his strength was absolutely tyrannical, and he was an extremely terrifying master.

And he was one of the few people who had just endured the coercion of the ancestor's eyes but did not vomit blood.

Liu Fan glanced at the list of names on the lecture table. There was a person's name and information in it that echoed the law of that person, and Liu Fan immediately learned of his situation.

"It turns out that classmate Lei Longlong from the ancient sect of Thunder Dragon Sect is disrespectful and disrespectful!" Liu Fan smiled gently, "Classmate Lei Longlong, do you have any questions, but it's okay to ask!"

But as soon as the words fell, someone in the classroom couldn't help but laughed.

Because the name of this ancient sect of the Thunder God Sect, the Supreme ancestor, turned out to be Thunder Dragon Dragon.

What an earthy name this is!

Thunder Dragon Long was furious and stared at the people who laughed at him. Those people suddenly screamed with electricity from their seven orifices. Although they were not seriously injured, they were extremely embarrassed, and they never dared to laugh.

Lei Longlong looked at Liu Fan on the podium with anger in his heart, and said: "I want to ask, I will call you by your name in the future, is there a problem?"

Liu Fan nodded and said, "Naturally."

Lei Longlong laughed and shouted, "Liu Fan, old man--ah!"

He had just called Liu Fan's name, but as if he had violated a certain taboo, a terrifying blood-red lightning attack fell on his head.

No warning, very weird.

Thunder Dragon screamed and his forehead was split.

Even if he majored in Thunder Dao and was a super master in the late stage of the Star Yao-class Tianmen, he couldn't resist.

Scarlet lightning split his forehead, raging on his flesh, and the purple scales were shattered.


With a loud noise, Thunder Dragon Dragon exploded.

Purple scales are flying, hard to reorganize the flesh,

The few masters of the longevity world around him all dodge in a hurry, their faces full of horror, not knowing what happened.

That **** lightning is not the power of law, nor the power of order, it is like a punishment from heaven.

"But, what kind of heavenly punishment, with such a mighty power, can severely hurt the existence of a star-level late Tianmen?!"

Everyone was panicked and at a loss.

Chen Beixuan's pupils shrank sharply. He glanced at the Thunder Dragon, who was screaming against the **** lightning, and then at the smiling ancestor on the podium, his heart was extremely shocked.

"This is definitely the real name, Dadao's real name!"

"Tiandi, you have cultivated your real name to the forbidden realm!"

Chen Beixuan's voice was loud, resounding through the classroom, and everyone heard it.

Everyone was shocked again.

They also practice the Dao’s real name, but that’s the last way. They practice at most to call my real name, and I will mirror the heavens and kill the enemy.

But if you want to cultivate to the point where you just call out your name, you will suffer misfortune, and your body will explode.

That is the forbidden realm of Dadao's real name.

Lord Huang changed color, Old Ghost Yin and others were shocked.

The old village chief smacked secretly.

"It seems that I came right this time. The Great Sage didn't lie to me. This big man is really terrifying!"

In the hall.

After everyone was shocked, there was another wry smile looking at Liu Fan on the podium.

Big brother, since you have cultivated your name to the taboo list, why let us call you your destiny!

Isn't this digging a hole deliberately to harm us? !

They couldn't help but look at Thunder Dragon Dragon and saw that he had reorganized his body, but his breath was weak and he looked terrified, and they couldn't help secretly thanking him.

Lei Longlong took a deep breath, bowed to Liu Fan on the podium, and tremblingly said: "Please forgive the junior for his recklessness. From now on, I will never offend you again."

He was terrified and ashamed, and felt ashamed this time.

But fortunately, this is his true spirit clone, if the deity explodes, it will really be a serious injury.

Liu Fan nodded and smiled, "It's okay, it's okay, everyone in the cultivation world doesn't know. Those who practice Thunder Dao are straight-tempered and violent!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone laughed.

The suppressed tense atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

Thunder Dragon Dragon also took a long sigh, and secretly admired the big man's tolerance and restraint.

Liu Fan pondered for a moment, looked at Lei Longlong, and said, "Lei Longlong, you dare to be the first to eat a crab, and ask me questions. It's courageous, very good!"

"From today, you will be the disciplinary committee member of our Tiandi Preschool!"

Leilonglong heard the words, excited and excited with thunder in his eyes, and said: "I, I, I, I, and I are cadres?!"

"Yes, you are no longer the Thunder Dragon Dragon before, but Thunder Dragon Dragon, the Disciplinary Member of the Tiandi Preschool Class!" Liu Fan smiled and nodded.

Thunder Dragon laughed excitedly, very happy.

Unexpectedly, when I first came, I would become a class leader.

in the corner.

Chen Beixuan's envied eyes were red and the chicken was purple.

What's so great about the Disciplinary Committee? I, Chen Beixuan, want to be a monitor as well!

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai were also anxious, they kept winking and winking at the ancestor.

Old ancestor, just once, go for a nepotism, let us also be class leaders!

Lord Huang, Old Silver Ghost and others also looked strange.

They are half-step emperors and great masters. If they can't be a class cadre, then go back to the Great Wilderness, where do you put this old face? !

As for the others, they all started whispering, their eyes flickering.

On the podium, Liu Fan saw the looks of everyone in his eyes and smiled slightly: "Next, there are many positions, everyone is going to run!"

"Squad leader, deputy squad leader, organization committee, art committee, life committee, sports committee, science and technology committee, psychology committee, labor committee, large group leader, group leader."

"Everyone follow the order, come to the stage one by one, introduce yourself, and run for the class leader you want to be!"

Liu Fan said, beckoning to Lei Longlong, "Lei Longlong, come up and organize the discipline and make statistics for everyone."

Hearing the words, Thunder Dragon Long hurriedly ran up with joy on his face.

In classrooms.

The air was depressed. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, their eyes gleaming, they all wanted to be on stage, but they were afraid of each other.

Because the super bosses sitting in the front row haven't moved yet.

At this moment.

The Lord Huang sitting in the first row moved and bowed to the ancestor, and then walked onto the podium in small steps.


Master Huang coughed slightly and suddenly became a little nervous.

Because under the classroom, three thousand pairs of eyes are looking over.

This is not the eyes of ordinary people. They are all top masters. Their eyes are gathered together with terrible pressure.

The void beside Lord Huang was silently annihilated and turned into a black hole.

He can only stand in a black hole.

And beside him, the ancestor Liu Fan also looked at him, vaguely, the horrible aura like a prehistoric beast filled him, making him sweat.

This is the emperor's coercive and air force, which is terrible.

Close distance Master Huang is going to be scared to pee.

"Da Ga Monkey (Hello everyone), my single name is Huang. I am 1.2 million years old this year. I come from the Wild God Mountain in Dahuang. I major in Gou Dao, and I am a half-step emperor!"

Speaking of this, Master Huang paused.

Because in the classroom, a roaring tornado has sounded.

It was not natural wind, but many people were so shocked that they sucked in cold air and sucked out the tornado.

Especially some masters in the longevity world, they still don't know Master Huang.

I didn't accept Master Huang sitting in the first row.

At this moment, hearing Master Huang introduced himself about his age and cultivation level, everyone was startled and their eyes fell to the ground.

His eyes were full of shock, and his expression became extremely awe-inspiring.

Tiandi preschool, really crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

The super giants of the half-step emperor came to class unexpectedly.

Now, he is on the stage to campaign for cadres.

So, does this giant want to be the monitor? Still want to be a study committee? !

Master Huang was very satisfied with the reaction of everyone in the classroom, and immediately recovered his self-confidence, his face was full of majesty and domineering, and it seemed that even the ancestors around him didn't feel so scared.

He coughed slightly, and said again: "My major is Gou Dao, and my principle is that I don't believe in jumping off a cliff to survive, I don't believe in adversity, and I don't believe there are so many grandpas in the ring."

"I practice the Taoism, only believe in my own fists, and pursue the high level to crush the low level, I—"

Just now, the ancestor Liu Fan beside him suddenly changed his expression, as if he had sensed something, and said anxiously: "Pause for a moment, it seems that someone is asking for help."

He said, "Hula", tearing apart the void, reaching out into the void, the ten-color light and big hand, into the mighty long river of time and space

In the long river of time and space, a big purple-gold bison is struggling.

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