Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 916: Squad leader, who wants to do it? (Five thousand seven hundred words, two

69, the fastest update ancestors are in the sky!

Tiandi preschool, in the classroom.

As soon as Lord Huang started his pretend speech, he was called to a timeout by his ancestors.


The ancestors suddenly tore through the void, and the ten-color divine light crossed the void and came to the long river of time and space.

Time and space, the big guys in the classroom are no strangers.

Many people even use time and space to flush their **** when they go to the toilet


Everyone's eyes widened, wondering what the Emperor Heaven was going to do and who was calling for help from his old man.

When the ancestor’s ten-color divine light came out, naturally there was a sacred and vast aura permeating out, and the classroom suddenly seemed to have come to the chaotic era, with a terrifying aura permeating.

That is the coercion of the emperor.

Everyone shuddered.

And Lord Huang, standing next to the ancestor, felt the most real, with awe and yearning in his eyes.

He is a half-emperor and looks forward to being promoted to the real emperor one day.



The sound of clear water waves came out.

It was the sound of the rushing river in time and space, the sound of waves crashing.

The mist is faint, and the vast river of time and space derives from nothingness, without knowing the end and the origin.

"Help, help—!"

The cry for help rang again.

Everyone in the classroom heard it.

Everyone was very surprised and curious. They tore the void on their sides, probed into the void and spied on who was calling for help.

As a result, everyone saw it.

"Ah! It's a big bison!"

"What a beautiful scale, purple and gold, and the bloodline returned to the ancestors has become a prehistoric bull demon!!"

"Huh!? Isn't this the big bison that the Qinglin tribe dedicated to the great sage and the second sage of the Jinlin tribe?!"

"Huo! Really! Hahaha, it's not good to stay in the Jinlin tribe, go to the time and space river to take a bath?"

Everyone talked a lot.

The master in the Great Wilderness recognized this big wild bull monster and was even more surprised.

The old village chief of the Qinglin tribe stared, thinking that he was wrong.

But there were other people around that also recognized this big bison, and the great sage and the second sage in the distance were also pointing and talking, with expressions of surprise and joy.

Elder Yin waited for a few great masters, but saw more and looked serious.

In particular, he noticed the magical technique that shrouded the big wild bull monster, which was very terrifying and made them all feel thrilled.

Moreover, this magical technique made them feel very familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

"Exile magic, eternal exile!!!"

Tong Lao Dao exclaimed, "Isn't this the exclusive magic technique of Liu Changsheng?!"

Tong Lao Dao's words reminded Yin Laogui and other great kings.

Everyone was shocked, suddenly got up, rushed directly into the void, staring at the river of time and space.

Sure enough, in the long river of time and space, the magic of the big wild bull monster seemed to be white, like a fairy and a fog.

But actually.

This magical technique has transcended law and order, and is no longer in the three thousand avenues, leaving time and space helpless.

"Yes, this is Liu Changsheng's magic!" Old Yin ghost said solemnly, his eyes serious.

"I had the privilege of conquering the world of cages that year, and I was fortunate enough to have seen it once. Once this move was dropped, it was very terrifying to exile thousands of powerful enemies to the mother's womb."

"I thought there would be no chance to see this magical technique in my lifetime, but I didn't expect to see it today!"

Master Huang said solemnly: "Everyone, this is not the point!"

"The point is, Liu Changsheng has fallen, how can this magical technique reappear in the world?!"

"This magical technique was enlightened by Liu Changsheng in his later years. There is no inheritance left, and no one else will perform it."

Everyone can't help it.

"Could it be that Liu Liu Changsheng really returned from reincarnation?!"

The old silver ghost's voice trembled.

Tong Lao Dao, and several other great masters, looked a little panicked.

Because several of them were all veterans who followed Liu Changsheng to conquer the world of the cage, the reason why they did not die was because they had escaped a catastrophe by pretending to be dead on the battlefield.

Then, he picked up corpses from the dead to hunt for treasures. Since then, he has developed, and he has gotten the chance to prove that he is the king of Dao. He has become the existence of Megatron.

If Liu Changsheng returns, they will certainly be unable to escape accountability.

In classrooms.

The masters of the world of longevity, after hearing the discussions of several great masters in the Great Wilderness, couldn't help but flicker.

Especially when hearing the words of Liu Changsheng's fall, a few people's eyes changed for a while, they looked at each other, their eyes were faint, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

The ancestors didn't care about the thoughts of everyone in the classroom.

Because he wants to save the cow.

The ten-color divine light and big hands cover the sky and the sun, cut through the void, cross the long river of time and space, roll up the huge waves and roar, and go upstream, straight to the big wild bull monster Yang Shouan.

In the long river of time and space, time and space are chaotic, and the storm is roaring. It is one realm to be able to fish in the long river of time and space, and to wash **** with the water of the long river of time and space is another realm.

Want to save people in the long river of time and space, that is a very high realm.

What's more, the big wild bull monster Yang Shouan has a terrible exile magic technique on his body.

this moment.

Lord Huang, Old Silver Ghost, and other great masters, their eyes widened, wanting to see how the emperor rescued this big wild bull monster.

After all, that is Liu Changsheng's exclusive magic!

Once this trick, countless killings, power shocking.


The long river of time and space exploded, and mushroom clouds splashed in the waves.

Old ancestor Liu Fan's ten-color luminous hands, set out the chaos, marched in the chaotic time and space, and accurately caught Yang Shouan.

Yang Shouan was surprised and excited, tears came out.

Sure enough, my ancestor is the one who loves me the most!

"Old ancestor, moo! I love you!"

Yang Shouan barked and roared, and the roar shook the river of time and space.

Liu Fan's ten-color divine light and big hands rolled up him, but the exile magic on his body was so powerful that he climbed up along the ancestor's arm, unexpectedly pulling the ancestor into exile.

"This magic is indeed mysterious!"

Liu Fan exclaimed, closed his eyes, let this magical technique roll him up, and fell into the long river of time and space with a whistling sound. Together with Yang Shou'an, he was swept up by the river of time and space, and went upstream, eternally exiled.

"Ah this--!"


"Old ancestors!"

In the classroom, an exclamation sounded, everyone was stunned.

Before the Emperor of Heaven began to teach them, he was involved in the long river of time and space and exiled? !

"I'll rub! I'm **** your lungs, funny?! Such a thing happened?!"

"Monkey Sai Lei, Monkey Sai Lei! Do you know that the Emperor of Heaven will go to Biandu Acridine? (It's amazing, do you know where the Emperor of Heaven has gone?

"It's gone, everyone is gone, go back to each house, and continue to bury yourself to sleep!"

In the classroom, there was a mess.

When the incident happened suddenly, no one expected such a thing to happen.

At the critical moment, the Thunder Dragon on the side of the podium roared, roaring lightning and thundering, making the classroom quiet instantly.

"Quiet! Quiet! No noise!" Thunder Dragon roared.

The big guys in the classroom just remembered that Lei Longlong was still a disciplinary committee member of the Tiandi Preschool.

"But, the Emperor of Heaven is gone, do we still go to this pre-school class?" a master of the Tianmen in the early stage of the Star Grade asked.

"Shut up!" Lei Longlong scolded angrily.

"Such a stupid question, I don't want to hear it a second time!"

"Also, please pay attention to your words, the emperor is the emperor, don't profanity!"

After being reprimanded in public, the master of the early days of the Star Yao-level Tianmen blushed with shame and squeaked his fists, but did not dare to attack.

The strength of the Thunder Dragon Dragon Star Yao-level late Tianmen is not just to talk about it, it will die.

As for the Emperor of Heaven being swept away by the Exile Divine Art, Thunder Dragon Dragon, including many people, couldn't understand, and his face was puzzled.

It is naturally impossible to say fall.

The big guys in the classroom, there is no vision for which one fell, let alone the emperor.

"Master Huang, please wait for me to solve my doubts!" ​​Lei Longlong saw that in the void, Master Huang looked thoughtful, so he hurriedly asked for advice.


Everyone's eyes turned to Lord Huang.

In order to listen to the answer up close, everyone tore through the void, came to the void, stood on the bank of the long river of time and space, surrounded by Master Huang.

It was the first time for Master Huang to be surrounded by so many masters, and everyone looked at him with scorching eyes, full of respect and expectation, which made Master Huang extremely satisfied.

He waved his sleeves and pointed to the long river of time and space: "First of all, the emperor is safe. This point must be clear."

Everyone nodded.

"Secondly, the Emperor of Heaven was deliberately swept away by the Exile Divine Art just now. It was his old man who deliberately did it, not the ship overturned in the gutter!"

Everyone was suddenly surprised, and they didn't understand why the Emperor of Heaven wanted to do this.

Master Huang pondered and was about to explain, but suddenly saw the opposite of the long river of time and space, the void was torn apart.

Then, a young man in a green robe came in through the void, holding a fishing rod in his hand and humming a small song in his mouth, as if he was planning to fish in the long river of time and space.

"A wave in the wave, a wave in the wave, I'm Bai Xiaochun, today I want to catch a big fish"

The young man in Qingpao was very happy.

But suddenly, he saw the opposite side of the long river of time and space, and saw Lord Huang and a group of people.

Each breath is magnificent, the laws and roads on the side roar, and the light in the eyes deeply reflects the light of the universe.

Uncontrollably, he was dumbfounded and screamed strangely. He threw down the fishing rod, tore through the void, and instantly escaped.

Time and space across the river.

A group of big guys laughed.

They did not expect to meet such an interesting young man.

Master Huang had an idea and smiled: "You see, that little baby named Bai Xiaochun, he thinks his fishing is easy to understand, but he can't understand why we are standing here."

"For the same reason, we don't understand why the Emperor of Heaven was deliberately swept away by the exile magic."

"This is the difference between Dao and Xing. If you don't reach that level, you will never understand."

After a word, everyone thought.

Afterwards, everyone bowed their hands and saluted Master Huang, and said in unison: "Thank you Master Huang for calling, I will realize it!"

Lord Huang was taken aback.

Enlightened? ! Are you enlightened? !

But what I said, I don't know what I mean, why do you realize it? !

Master Huang was lost, looking at the rolling river of time and space, his mind suddenly moved.

"Maybe, I shouldn't run for monitor, I should run for psychology committee."

"The squad leader has too many things to bear, and he has to get ahead when he encounters trouble. This is not in line with my go-to criteria."

"And these guys in the class, which one is not a stab! It's not easy to manage!"

"The Psychological Committee, I just talk about it, this is good, it suits me well"

Master Huang smiled.

at this time.

On the upper reaches of the long river of time and space, there was a roar, and the huge waves rolled over, as if the deep-sea dragon was stirring in the long river of time and space.

Vaguely, a brilliant ten-color light appeared in the long river of time and space.

Getting closer, getting closer.

Finally, everyone saw it.

In the chaotic time and space, a figure clad in ten-colored divine light, like a sacred god, rides a big purple-gold bison, riding the waves.

A few steps down, the long river of time and space tumbling, purple-gold flames filled, the big wild bull monster was already near.

The figure on the back of the cow also appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Hi! It's the emperor! It's the emperor who is back!"

"The Emperor of Heaven rode a bull and returned, walking along the long river of time and space, this picture is absolutely stunning!"

"When I return to the Great Wilderness, I will also ride my donkey to Time and Space Longhe to pretend to be forced."

Everyone talked aloud and looked surprised.

When the ancestor Liu Fan approached, everyone hurriedly huffed and knelt down and said in unison, "Gong welcoming the return of the Emperor!"

Liu Fan rode on the back of the cow and smiled and said: "From now on, in the Tiandi preschool, you can call me a teacher!"

"Of course, you can call me by my real name!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and looked at the Lei Longlong classmate beside him.

Calling the Emperor's real name directly, just kidding! Just look at Lei Longlong's ashamed face.

Everyone tore through the void and returned to the classroom of the Tiandi preschool.

Shortly after.

On the opposite side of the long river of time and space, a figure in a green robe poked its head and glanced sneakily left and right.

"Those big guys are gone?!"

"I was really scared to death just now. I think I'm Bai Xiaochun, I'm also a dignified fairy emperor. How can I feel that those people can crush me to death with one finger."

"What is their cultivation base? Are they Tianzun?! Or are they gods of the gods?"

The young man in a green robe is lost

In the classroom of the Tiandi preschool, everyone was seated again.

Yang Shouan, the big wild bull monster, shrank to the size of a normal bull, and squatted down beside the podium.

"From now on, just stay here to listen!" Liu Fan said, "Try to be the king for a hundred years!"

Yang Shouan bends his front knees and kowtows to his ancestors, "Yes, follow the ancestors' order!"

In classrooms.

Yin Laogui and others were surprised. Is it possible to be promoted to the king for a century? !

Either one of them is a king who has been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years before being promoted.

Yang Shouan didn't hide his cultivation base at this time. Everyone could perceive the aura of Tianmen in the early stage of Star Yao-class.

Those masters who were also in the early stage of Star Yao-level sitting behind, grind their teeth one by one.

"It would be really shameful to be surpassed by a cow!"

Liu Liuhai glanced at Yang Shou'an, feeling nervous, he couldn't fall behind.

Liu Wuhai smiled and gave Yang Shouan an encouraging look.

"Come on, continue to campaign for class cadres!" Liu Fan said, "After the election, I will explain to you the exile magical technique that I just encountered by chance!"

"I have insight into this magical technique. I will teach you this lesson as a reward for the first lesson!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar in the classroom.

Especially the masters in the Great Wilderness, such as Yin Laogui and others, know the terrible and horrible exile divine art. Unexpectedly, the emperor would have learned it and would teach it to them. The excited eyes turned red and the chicken turned purple.

"Thank God, oh no, teacher!"

"Thanks to the teacher, the teacher is broad-minded, I will admire it!"

They salute sincerely, with a lot of emotion in their hearts, this time they came to preschool, they came right.

Liu Fan smiled and pressed his hands, the classroom suddenly became quiet.

Looking at Lei Longlong, he said, "Lei Longlong, come, make arrangements for us and let everyone continue to run for class cadres."

Thunder Dragon took the stage excitedly, letting Lord Huang restart his campaign speech.

Lord Huang Barabara said a lot, then loudly said: "I want to run for-psychological committee!"

The big guys in the classroom were all taken aback.

Liu Fan also glanced at Master Huang in surprise.

You are so dignified that you are not the monitor? !

Lord Huang didn't dare to look at the ancestor, bowed his head and bowed, and hurriedly retired from his seat.

"Continue to campaign, next one, come on stage!" Lei Longlong shouted.

It's time for the great kings in the second row.

Several kings exchanged their eyes, and the old silver ghost stood up first.

He took the stage to give a speech, very brief, and finally indicated that he was running for deputy monitor.

"If the deputy squad leader can't be, then I will be an organization committee member!"

Silver old ghost added with a smile.


Tong Lao Dao, as well as several other Dacheng kings in the Great Wilderness, and several strange Dacheng kings in the longevity world, also took the stage.

And the first goal they campaigned for was indeed the deputy squad leader.

The second goal is the organization committee, life committee, study committee, etc.

Soon, it was the third row's turn.

In this row, the half-step kings are sitting.

Liu Liuhai was the first to come to the stage, first praising the ancestor's wise martial arts, and then vigorously supporting all the big men in the classroom.

After that, everyone was smiling and exasperated. They thought that they were so awesome!

"I want to run for the deputy squad leader, followed by the life committee and the sports committee!"

Liu Liuhai finally said, "As for why I want to run for sports committee, I just want to say, everyone here, who has my muscles?!"

While speaking, he took off his clothes, showed off his muscle lines, and performed a muscle dance, which made everyone here laugh.

The ancestor also laughed.

Liu Wuhai went on stage, and after the speech, he directly stated: "I want to run for squad leader!"

When a word fell, everyone was shocked.

The atmosphere in the hall also became somewhat depressed and solemn.

Everyone's eyes are deep and faint.

Why are so many big bosses on stage, no one wants to be a monitor? It's not that monitors are not good, but they are not easy to manage.

In the Tiandi preschool, everyone here, who is not a giant of a big power, is used to being free and loose, and used to domineering.

In a word, it's a stab!

Want to make them obedient, want to manage them, unless there is a tyrannical cultivation and strength above everyone else.

Otherwise, who will look at you directly.

This is not a preschool for mortals, but a preschool for the leaders of the cultivation world. It's different.

Liu Wuhai looked as usual, as if he hadn't noticed the changes in the atmosphere in the hall, and continued: "Although my cultivation base is not the highest and my strength is not the strongest, I am confident that within a hundred years, I will prove to be the king!"

"I also have the confidence to lead everyone in cultivating the Tao, help the weak and small students, and go further."

"If I were the monitor, I would pass on the virtues of friendship, harmony, mutual assistance, kindness, and sincerity, and lead everyone together to create a peaceful and free world of cultivation."

Liu Wuhai's speech was sincere and heartfelt, and his passionate voice echoed in the classroom.

Those whose cultivation bases are in the early stage of the Star Yao-level can hear the ups and downs of their hearts, while those with high cultivation bases, such as those of the great masters, have calm eyes and no they have seen too many. Darkness and slaughter, even some of them are the Lord of Darkness and the King of Slaughter, what Liu Wuhai said is too far away from them.

But at this moment.

"Papa Papa"

A strange sound rang.

Everyone looked at it, and was surprised to find that it was the emperor on the side of the podium that was chirping.

In between, he raised his hands, opened and closed his chest, popping loudly, his palms patted mushroom clouds.

"The Emperor of Heaven is chirping for the Great Sage!!"

Everyone's mind turned, seeing the smile on the face of the Emperor, they obviously recognized Liu Wuhai's words.

Therefore, Master Huang was the first to take the lead and also started to chirp.

The old silver ghost and other great masters hurriedly followed.

The others behind him couldn't sit still, and started chirping.

"Papa Papa"

There was a croak in the Tiandi preschool.

Everyone is the top boss of the pyramid, even if they didn't use their force when babbling, the order was chaotic, the laws roared, and mushroom clouds grew.

Outside the classroom.

Some students from other faculties were out of class. When they passed the door, they heard the roar of the preschool classroom and the explosion, and they turned pale.

The big guy's class is different!

Then, curiously snooping, he found that under the podium at the entrance of the classroom, there was a big bison sitting cross-legged, and the two front hoof wheels got up and slapped at each other. The purple-golden light flickered and the black hole exploded, terrifying as heaven.

A group of students were scared to pee.

"It deserves to be the most awesome preschool in our Tiandi Academy, it's terrible!"

"A cow is so scary!"

"Yes, let's go in with our cultivation base, let alone enlightenment by listening to the class, if someone just chuckles, we have to die!"

s: ask for votes, ask for votes

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