Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 917: The mind of the ancestors wanted to rule the world (five thousand four hundred charact

69, the fastest update ancestors are in the sky!

Everyone took the stage one after another, introduced themselves, and indicated that they wanted to run for class leaders.

No one abstained.

Even if he was the master of the early stage Tianmen with the lowest cultivation level in the classroom, he did not waste this opportunity.

Because everyone understands that everyone who can come to this pre-school class is not a top boss, and the emperor is watching.

Brush a familiar face here, make a good bond, and if you have any difficulties in the future, you can also ask for help.

With this mindset, everyone is very serious and sincere when speaking on stage.


It was the turn of the old village head of the Qinglin tribe.

Excited and excited, he trotted up to the podium, bowed and saluted the ancestor first, then turned to salute the big guys sitting in the classroom.

"Good teacher, good friends from Dahuang, good friends from longevity world!"

"I am the sacrifice of the Dahuang Qinglin tribe. My name is Qinger. The people in the tribe call me the old village chief. You can call me like that."

"I like to swim in the long rivers of time and space, climb mountains in the depths of the wilderness, and make friends."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly and smiled at the big guys in the classroom: "If any Dao friends and classmates also like swimming, come and call me, let's go swimming in the long river of time and space."

"I know a place where there are often beautiful and **** female Taoists!"

A joke made everyone in the classroom laugh.

At this moment.

Liu Fan was noticing that there was no girl in this preschool class.

At first glance, almost all of them were bald and bad old men.

"It seems that I have to say something to Liu Hai and call in a few big women!"

Liu Fan thought in his heart.

The old village chief was very humorous, and brought the atmosphere on the podium, making the classroom a joy.

"I want to run for the labor committee. Please support me and vote for me! Oh!"

The old village chief kissed his palms left and right, and then pushed out his palms, and he saw countless red lip prints flying out of his palms, densely packed, and flying all over the classroom.

The big guys were disgusted, but they all smiled happily.

The old silver ghost, the great king, even pointed to the old village chief and said with a smile: "Old village chief, you are not ashamed, you want to kiss us, shameless, hahaha"

"I will be free in the future, welcome to our Yinlin tribe as a guest!"

When the old village chief heard it, he was excited and excited.

He didn't expect that an interaction with his own inspiration would have won the favor and invitation of the great king silver old ghost.

made money!

Definitely earned!

Even if I can't become a labor committee this time, I will make a lot of money.

He bowed to thank everyone, and then returned to his seat.

Chen Beixuan gave him a thumbs up and praised: "Old village chief, there is yours, cowhide!"

The old village chief smiled and was about to say a few words of modesty, but he heard Chen Beixuan whispered in a low voice: "Be careful. I heard that the old silver ghost likes male favorites. You have to protect yourself when you go out."

The old village chief's eyes suddenly rounded and he was dumbfounded.

Chen Beixuan smiled triumphantly and stepped onto the podium.

"Dear handsome and invincible teacher, hello! Junior Chen Beixuan kowtow to you." Chen Beixuan saluted to the ancestor.

At the same time, he knelt down and knocked his head.


In the stunned eyes of everyone, he cupped his ancestor's feet with both hands and kissed him "Ba Hao".

I tried too hard and kissed a mushroom cloud.

The numbness of the ancestor Liu Fan's feet was not painful, but strange.

This is too beautiful!

He had never been kissed by a man who was not a descendant, so he couldn't help but stay for a while.

Turning his head, looked at Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai in the seats, and found that the two descendants winked at him mischievously.

Liu Fan suddenly understood that these two descendants must have given this Chen Beixuan Sect.

"I heard that you are the third brother of the Great Sage and the Second Sage, right?" Liu Fan asked with a smile, and hurriedly put away his feet.

Because of Chen Beixuan, he wanted to kiss him a second time.

So shameless!

Chen Beixuan felt sorry for not getting his second bite.

Because when he kissed his first bite just now, he felt that the three thousand big bosses in the classroom were all shocked by himself.

Rarely, this coercive, calm and graceful teacher of the Emperor of Heaven was also taken aback by himself.

As a result, his "Opening the World and Pretending to Be Divine Skills" swiftly ran and gained unimaginable shock value.

Especially from the Tiandi teacher in front of him, he gained a shock value beyond his previous life.

As long as he adjusts his breath and retreats a little, he can immediately be promoted from the late stage Tianmen of the Star Yao to the half-step king, and it is even possible to step into the early king of the king.

"If I can be kissed for the second time, if Teacher Tiandi can be shocked by me again, can I get the shock value enough to advance to the Dacheng King?!"

Chen Beixuan thought in his heart, but he became more regretful and disappointed.

Hearing Liu Fan’s question, he hurriedly bowed and replied: “In return to the teacher, I am the third brother of the Great Sage and the Second Sage. The Jinlin Tribe has bestowed me the Haotian Three Sages, and I also have my own name, Chen Beixuan. Back then, people were called the king!"

"Forcing Wang Chen Beixuan, it turned out to be this guy"

In the second row, the few masters in the Great Wilderness, their eyes flickered, and they started talking in low voices.

Obviously, they thought of something in the past.

Jin Wentian of the Jinlin tribe can recognize Chen Beixuan, and some of the great masters of Jin Wentian's contemporaries naturally recognized Chen Beixuan.

"Back then, this guy pretended to be forceful in front of us every day. I thought he had fallen, but I didn't expect him to be reborn!"

"What a lucky guy!"

Several kings sighed, with envy on their faces.

Everyone talks about reincarnation and reincarnation, resurrecting the second and third lives, but the risks involved are immeasurable. There are many bigwigs in the Great Wilderness who are invincible, but they die in the process of reincarnation.

Because at that time, it was the most dangerous and weakest time, and it was even possible to lose memory and encounter enemy calculations.

Or even if you reincarnated smoothly, if you can't awaken, you will be completely obliterated.

There are very few successful cases like Chen Beixuan.

Liu Fan heard the discussions of several great masters, and saw that they did not evade, apparently let him hear it deliberately.

Chen Beixuan was frightened, afraid that Liu Fan would pursue what he had just pretended to be.


Liu Fan didn't care either.

With a deep gaze, he looked at Chen Beixuan and asked, "Chen Beixuan, have you ever been to a place with a real spirit clone, and named it Desolate God?!"

Because Liu Fan remembered one thing, the descendant Liu Dahai had been at the bottom of the Yellow River on the earth and got a heritage called "Desolate God".

The wild gods fell in order to suppress the demon and protect the earth.

Chen Tianhua of Nine Heavens Universe, the ancestor of the Chen family, is the desolate god.

Chen Beixuan was panicked after hearing Liu Fan's inquiry.

"Could it be that I once had a true spirit clone that offended this big man?!"

He was sweating like rain in an instant, and he hurriedly recalled.

Because in the past, in the previous life, in order to pretend to be force, he deliberately cultivated countless true spirit clones and went to the heavens and all worlds to pretend to be force.

His whole life was either pretending to be force, or on the road of pretending to be force.

As long as the shock value obtained by pretending to be enough, he can continuously break through the cultivation base and become stronger.

After serious recollection for a long time, Chen Beixuan nodded and said: "Yes, the younger generation did have a true spirit clone, and went to a place called the earth to preach and teach sutras."

"But later, the earth was invaded by an extraterritorial demon. Although the demon was finally repelled, in order to completely suppress the demon, my avatar of the true spirit died at the bottom of the yellow river of that earth."

After speaking, he looked uneasy, and his heart was extremely nervous.

However, Liu Fan laughed, stretched out his hand, touched his forehead, and praised: "Yes, a good boy!"

"Continue with your campaign speech!"

Chen Beixuan is amnesty, and I don't know what this big brother means.

With joy and excitement in his heart, he took a long breath and began his speech.

But because of an accident just now, he forgot the speeches and emotions he prepared in advance, and said a lot in a vague way, and finally indicated that he would run for the propaganda committee.

"Please trust me, propaganda committee member, I force Wang Chen Beixuan to do a good job!"

After speaking, he hurriedly returned to his seat.

The old village chief next to him gave him a thumbs up and praised: "It's a good speech, very contagious."

"Furthermore, I saw that when you were speaking, Teacher Tiandi had been smiling and nodding frequently. You, the propaganda committee member, be steady!"

When Chen Beixuan heard the words, he felt like chicken blood, his spirits lifted, his eyes were filled with joy, his hands suddenly took the old village chief's face, and he took a bite.

The old village chief shuddered, covering his face, frightened.

The election continues.

The big guys in the back row came on stage one after another.

Gradually, he reached the masters of the mid-stage star-level Tianmen and the early stage star-level Tianmen.

Their aura is much weaker, and their expressions are serious and serious when they speak.

In the outside world, on their own territory, they do overlook the world and dominate the world, but in the Tiandi Preschool, their cultivation base is the lowest.

It is the existence of the crane tail.

Here, they can't tolerate them talking loudly, and they don't dare to joke casually, for fear that some big guy sitting in the front row will be worried about and slaughter their own family or sect.

Therefore, the subsequent speeches are all quite satisfactory and seem to be doing a review.

The positions they are running for are big team leaders, team leaders and the like.

As for the organization committee, propaganda committee, life committee, etc., they dare not open their mouths at all.

Just kidding, let them, these early or mid-star star-level rookies, go to work for the veteran masters and masters of the late star-level stage, wouldn't it let the little rabbit go to the tiger to pay a New Year greeting? !

Everyone in the classroom participated in the election, including Yang Shouan.

He ran for the psychological committee and the team leader.

"Although I am a big bison, I also have a name. My name is Yang Shouan, and some people call me Yang Ruren. Maybe I killed too many people!"

Yang Shouan stood on the podium and said.

His hind legs stood upright, and his front legs held the hooves in an arched shape.

"I am sensible and understand the road. I hope everyone will choose me."

"Whether I serve as a psychological committee member or a large group leader, I will work hard and serve you all."

"Furthermore, I promise here that if anyone dares to bully everyone, or if an enemy seeks a door, they can come to me. As long as the strength allows, I will save everyone's life!

As soon as these words fell, in the classroom, the eyes of the early and mid-stage star masters brightened.

Yang Shouan exited.

"Now everyone vote for the Daoist classmates who they think are most suitable for a certain position." Liu Fan said, "Vote anonymously, only I can see it."

Everyone in the classroom, except for Master Huang and those great masters, everyone sighed and their expressions relaxed.

Anonymity is best, otherwise, if you offend a big boss, you will be in trouble in the future.

Soon, the voting results came out.

Liu Fan announces the result

"Tiandi Preschool, the first class cadres list is as follows:

"Squad leader: Liu Wuhai, Monkey King of the Jinlin tribe."

"Deputy squad leader: Yin Ruohai, that is, the old ghost of Yin."

"Organization Committee Member: Tong Banwen, that is, Tong Lao Dao."

"Sports Commissioner: Liu Liuhai, the second sage of the Jinlin tribe."

"Psychological committee member: A barren Taoist friend of the Wild God Mountain."

Liu Fan pronounced a name, there was a tumult in the classroom, and everyone raised their hands and babbled.

The chirping kept on, and mushroom clouds rose up in everyone's palms, and the void in the classroom, at a glance, one after another black holes, horrible auras intertwined.

Here, only the elites of the star class can be qualified to attend the class.

Others, even the masters of the diamond-level Tianmen, would have to vomit blood and be seriously injured when they enter.

"Thank you for your support! Hahaha"

The selected person stood up excitedly, his face was full of excitement and joy, and he bowed his hands to thank everyone around him.

The laughter echoed in the classroom.

The rest, apart from envy, are nervous.

In particular, Chen Beixuan's envious eyes were red, and the jealous chicken was purple.

He doesn't know whether he will be selected.

Class leader, he really wants to be!

At this time, on the podium, Liu Fan suddenly read: "Labor Commissioner: The second Qinglin tribe is the old village chief!"

"Papa Papa"

The chirp sounded, and everyone looked at the old village chief.

The old village chief looked incredulous and excited, stood up, trembling lips, tears came out, and said: "I didn't expect that I would also become the cadre of our preschool!"

"Thank you all for your trust and support. The old village chief will definitely serve you well in the future and be a good labor committee member."

Having said this, he raised his arms and roared: "The same sentence, which fellow Taoist likes to swim, you can call me, let's go swimming in the long river of time and space, I will show you the sexiest female boss!"

In a word, the atmosphere in the classroom was ignited, and all the big brothers laughed.

Next to the old village chief, Chen Beixuan cheered for the old village chief, and his jealous eyes turned red.

Along with the literary and artistic committee, the life committee, and the study committee, one by one "flowers have a master". They are two great masters from the world of longevity and a veteran master of the star-level late Tianmen.

Only the last "propaganda committee member is left."

Liu Fan paused and said with a smile: "The last class cadre, the propaganda committee member, is—"

Liu Fan stretched his voice, suffocating everyone's appetites.

Everyone's heart is itching and their ears are pricked up.

Especially Chen Beixuan, his nervous palms were all sweaty. ,

The old village chief next to him patted his shoulder for comfort, and said softly with a smile: "I am lucky if I have lost my life. Life needs to be seen and let go. Don't be too obsessed with fame and wealth."


Chen Beixuan roared in a low voice, like an ancient fierce lion, startled the old village chief.

Although both of them were the existence of Tianmen in the later stage of the Star Yao-class, the old village chief and Chen Beixuan, the reincarnated big man, were still far behind.

At this moment.

Liu Fan's voice rang: "The propaganda committee member, force Wang Chen Beixuan, congratulations, and become a member of the preschool cadres."

"Wow-woo woo woo."

Chen Beixuan cried.

Crying like a child, then smiled again, laughing like a fool.

When all the big guys in the classroom saw this, they were all speechless. Are they just class leaders? Is that important? !

Everyone gave Chen Beixuan chirps, congratulations to Chen Beixuan for being elected as a publicity committee member.

"Boom boom boom"

Liu Fan knocked on the table, the laws of the table were intertwined, and the mushroom cloud rose.

The classroom became quiet.

"The candidates for the class cadres have been determined, but our preschool class has 3,000 people. We still need to elect three large group leaders and 30 group leaders."

"Now it is announced that the person who received the most votes in the voting results just now."

Liu Fan said, scanning the classroom, his majestic gaze made everyone afraid to look straight.

"Three big team leaders: Baili Shouyue of Bailin Tribe, one of the Ten Great Wilderness Tribes;

"Xuan Daozi of the ancient sect Xuantian Holy Land of the Longevity Realm;

"Yang Shouan, a prehistoric bull demon in Monster World."

Liu Fan read out the names of the three big group leaders, and then the first one raised his hand to chirp, and said with a smile: "Come on, everyone chirps for these three daoists, congratulations to them."

"Papa Papa"

There was another chirping sound in the classroom, mushroom clouds booming, and black holes flashed continuously.

Baili from the White Phosphorus tribe, a short old man, who was cultivated as a great king, bowed his hands to everyone excitedly.

The ancient sect of the longevity world, the Xuan Daozi of the Xuantian Holy Land, a thin and tall old man, wearing a yin and yang robe, is an old monster who has just entered the king, and he also greeted everyone with joy.

At the door of the classroom, Yang Shouan stood up, his two front hooves arched his hands, his eyes were very excited.

At the same time, he was wondering, why did the ancestors just call him "Monster World Prehistoric Bull Demon Yang Shouan" instead of Yang Shouan from the Great Wilderness or the Longevity World? !

"Could my ancestors imply something to me"

"The three big team leaders come from three worlds. Does the ancestor want us three to be swords to control and dominate the three worlds separately?"

"It's not impossible! The ancestors' every move must have a deep meaning."

Yang Shouan thought in his heart as a commander of the Shadow Army for nearly ten thousand years. He is delicate and sensitive, and he is the best at guessing people's hearts.

At this moment.

Liu Fan continued to announce the candidates for thirty group leaders.

The distribution of candidates basically maintained the distribution of ten places in the Great Wilderness, Monster World, and Longevity World.

"Is this a coincidence, or did the emperor operate in a dark box?! Deliberately?!"

In the classroom, everyone has this idea in their hearts.

Involuntarily, everyone's heart was stunned.

This time, the selection of the cadres of the Tiandi preschool, the selection of the large group leader and the group leader, is it the division and layout of the future forces?

But this is everyone’s guess, without any basis.

"The selection of class cadres is over, now we have a break between classes to stick incense."

Liu Fan said.

He flickered and disappeared into the classroom.

As soon as Liu Fan left, the emperor's majesty and spirit disappeared, and the air in the classroom was no longer so depressed.

However, the classroom became very quiet.

There was even silence, no one spoke.

In fact.

All the big guys here are calculating in their hearts, there are gleams in their eyes, and their lips move slightly, and they are obviously communicating with each other.

"Master Huang, what do you think?" Old Ghost Yin asked Master Huang.

Master Huang's eyes were deep, and the sound transmission replied: "The emperor's actions must have profound meaning. We must be psychologically prepared, but we can't guess."

The old ghost did not understand, and continued to ask: "The selection of the three big team leaders seems to indicate the emperor's mind to dominate the world, we"

"Shut up, don't say any more!" Lord Huang hurriedly interrupted with a serious expression.

"It's the same sentence. Just be mentally prepared. Don't guess, otherwise, don't blame the old man for not reminding you."

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