Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 274 Chapter 280281 Five-color sacred tree water! The mysterious medicine sect! The trial of

[5: You searched for the witch saint Jiu Zi yesterday but failed. You obtained information that Jiu Zi was imprisoned in the saint's mansion and was not allowed to come out. 】

[6: You searched for the witch saint Jiu Zi yesterday but failed. You got information that Jiu Zi did not agree to sacrifice Wan Yan Meng. She has secretly contacted the opposition and planned to rescue Wan Yan Meng. 】

[7: You checked the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday and obtained information. There is the colorful sacred wood water needed by the Five Elements Divine Light Jar in the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower. If it can be obtained, part of the power of the Five Elements Divine Light Jar can be restored. 】

[8: You mentioned to Zhang Fujiang yesterday that you had faked your death. After receiving intelligence, the senior officials of various factions in Central Continent learned the false news of your death. They became curious about the Southern Territory and arranged for people to enter the Southern Territory to investigate the situation. Find your opportunity base. 】

[9: You used the Qingyou Small Sword yesterday and obtained information. The Wu family discovered a subtle change in the sword domain and is organizing personnel to investigate. Traces of Wu Su will be found in three days. 】

[10: Yesterday, you touched the bag Qin Xuemei sewed for you and obtained information. People from the Medicine Sect began to contact Qin Xuemei. The Medicine Sect was beneficial to Qin Xuemei but not harmful. If the Medicine Sect interferes in the dispute between the Wanhua Immortal Sect and the Wuji Sect, it will definitely be able to easily repel the Wuji Sect. However, Qin Xuemei is wary of the Medicine Sect now and needs time to understand it. 】

After reading the information, Qin Wang couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

If you want to repair the Skyfire Tower, you need to collect not only the fragments, but also ten kinds of heaven and earth fires. It seems that there is a long way to go.

Then we can only put this matter aside for the time being.

The most urgent matter now is Wanyanmeng and Qin Xuemei.

Originally, he wanted to make some noise and let the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile cause trouble in Central Continent to attract the attention of the Wuji Sect.


The current contact between Yao Zong and Qin Xuemei is beneficial and harmless to Qin Xuemei. And the fact that the Medicine Sect can easily defeat the Wuji Sect shows that the Medicine Sect is much more powerful than the Wuji Sect.

In this case, there is no need to let Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile cause trouble.

In this way, he can practice dormantly and improve his cultivation.

After experiencing so much, Qin Wang felt more and more that his current cultivation level was too low.

Then there is Wanyan Meng.

The witch clan tried to sacrifice Wan Yanmeng in order to resurrect the twelve ancestral witches.

However, as a saint of the witch clan, Jiu Zi did not agree to sacrifice Wanyan Meng, so she was imprisoned in the saint's mansion.

You need to find an opportunity to enter the Holy Girl's Mansion and meet with Jiu Zi to discuss countermeasures.

From this point of view, entering the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower and starting the trial challenge is the only opportunity to get in touch with the top leaders of the Witch Clan as quickly as possible.

Early the next morning.

Qin Wang, led by Zhu Heng, came to the entrance of Zhulong Tower.

Ahead is the towering Zhulong Tower. The lifelike candle dragons are carved on the tower, which is more lifelike than the candle dragons on the altar of the Zhuyin Witch Club.

Approaching the Candle Dragon Tower, Qin Wang felt some heat on the back of his right hand, which was obviously related to his Candle Dragon mark.

It's just that he is the only one who knows about this kind of induction. Even Zhu Heng next to him didn't notice anything unusual.

"My lords, we are here on behalf of the Zhuyin Witch Club to conduct a trial challenge."

Zhu Heng said to the guard guarding the entrance of Zhulong Tower.

Although his tone was neither condescending nor arrogant, as a real Nascent Soul being able to speak calmly to the guards of the Golden Core stage and address them as "my lords", this was extremely humble.

There is no way, now that the Zhuyin Witch Club has just arrived, they must be more careful.

"Are you still coming to the trial at such an old age? Aren't you afraid of embarrassment?"

The guard glanced at Zhu Heng and said contemptuously.

Zhu Heng frowned slightly, but quickly suppressed the anger in his heart.

The situation is stronger than the person, so we can only endure.

"My lord, you are joking. The one who challenges us is naturally the strongest warrior of our Zhuyin Witch Tribe, Qin Ba."

Zhu Heng introduced it very seriously.

"Qin Ba, the strongest warrior?"

The guard looked at Qin Wang doubtfully, looking left and right, up and down, but he couldn't see how powerful the opponent was.

Although his aura is reserved and his specific cultivation level is elusive, it seems that he is not very strong either. With such a thin figure, he was considered weak in the eyes of the guards.

It seems that the Zhuyin Witch Club is not that good either.

This is what the strongest warrior looks like.

The guard sneered, recorded it on the jade slip, and threw it to Qin Wang.

"This jade slip is your challenge certificate and your life-saving thing. Once you encounter life danger during the challenge, it will help you block the fatal blow and teleport you out. So you must wear this jade slip on your You can’t put it in a storage bag or throw it away, do you understand?”

The guard said lazily.


Qin Wang nodded slightly.

"Now that you understand, let's go in."

The guard said as he opened the door of the Candle Dragon Tower.

A colorful stream of light appeared inside the door, which was obviously the entrance to a teleportation array.

"Young Master Qin, the glory of our Zhuyin Witch Club depends on you."

Zhu Heng said quite excitedly.


Qin Wang nodded to Zhu Heng and then entered the teleportation array.

The guard glanced at Zhu Heng, who was looking forward to it, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry, he will come out soon. After all, most of the first trial challenges will be teleported out if he cannot pass the first level. If he can enter the second level, then He is already a genius. Hahahahaha."

the guard said with a smile.

People nearby also echoed.

"Yes, yes, that's right."

"I've been here for five years, and I've never seen anyone reach the second level in the first trial."

"The highest achievement now is to enter the eleventh level below the Nascent Soul?"

"Can't even the Nascent Soul True Person reach the twelfth level?"

"What are you thinking? The trial of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower can only be entered by those below the Nascent Soul."

People were talking about it.


Inside the Candle Dragon Tower.


Qin Wang felt his vision go from dark to bright.

He found himself in a grassland.

Looking over, the blue sky, white clouds, and green grass were peaceful.

A breeze blew, bringing bursts of coolness.

This feeling was very comfortable.

However, as the trial site of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower, would it be so simple?

Qin Wang looked around vigilantly.

At this moment, he noticed that the space not far away was shaking like ripples. After the shaking subsided, a huge tiger with fangs appeared in front of Qin Wang.

Ancient beast, saber-toothed tiger!

This saber-toothed tiger was a full 10 feet tall, like a small hill, and its aura was similar to that of a human in the early stage of the Golden Core.

Qin Wang immediately realized that his behavior of restraining his cultivation aura had been discovered by the Candle Dragon Tower.

Defeating a wild beast with a higher cultivation level than himself should be the first level of the test.

If that was all...

That would be too easy.

Qin Wang released the Qingyou small sword.

Twelve Qingyou small swords were lined up in a row.

But Qin Wang did not use his full strength. He just flicked his finger and one of the Qingyou small swords shot out and went straight to the saber-toothed tiger's eyebrows!

The saber-toothed tiger roared, raised its tiger claws, and slapped the Qingyou small sword that was shooting at it.


The Qingyou small sword instantly pierced through the tiger's claws and eyebrows.

The saber-toothed tiger never thought until his death that the human in front of him was so strong.


With a muffled sound, the saber-toothed tiger's body fell to the ground.


Outside the Candle Dragon Tower.

People hurried by without stopping.

Every day, someone would take the test, but only a few could pass it.

Over time, people got used to it.

Just as the guard was about to find something to kill time, suddenly, the dim Zhulong Tower lit up.

The tower lamp on the first floor burned a circle of flames.

This means that the first level has been passed!

The guard was stunned when he saw this scene.

He passed the first level in his first trial? Could it be that Qin Ba was really a genius? Or did the Zhuyin witch department give Qin Ba the treasure at the bottom of the box to help him pass the level?

The guard looked at Zhu Heng in confusion.

"Passed the level, passed the level!"

"Huh? That young man is not bad, he actually passed the first level of the trial."

"Which witch department is this?"

"I heard it's called the Zhuyin witch department."

"Zhuyin witch department? I haven't heard of it. Is it a witch department that has just arrived in the ancestral land?"

Everyone was very curious.

Zhu Heng laughed out loud when he saw this situation.

He knew how powerful Qin Wang was.

Even he didn't dare to say that he could defeat Qin Wang.

After all, Qin Wang was a strong man who could even shatter thunderclouds. The trial below the Nascent Soul stage was too easy for a demon who could kill a Nascent Soul stage demon.


The second level.

Qin Wang found himself still standing in the prairie.

The only change was that the opponent in the second level became ten saber-toothed tigers.

"Is it just an increase in number? It's still not good enough."

Qin Wang used the Qingyou sword to easily kill ten saber-toothed tigers.


Outside the Candle Dragon Tower.

The tower lamp on the second floor also burned a circle of flames.

People were stunned when they saw this.

How long has it been?

How did he pass the second level?

After a while, the tower lamp on the third floor also began to burn, and then the fourth and fifth floors.

When the tower lamp on the fifth floor began to burn, the people who gathered around had surrounded the Candle Dragon Tower.

"Oh my god! He passed five levels in a row!"

"Isn't this too strong?"

"Which young master of the great witch tribe is challenging?"

"I heard it's called Zhuyin Witch Tribe."

"Zhuyin Witch Tribe? I haven't heard of it."

Everyone whispered.

When Zhu Heng saw this situation, he felt proud.

This is the glory of their Zhuyin Witch Tribe!

However, even so, it did not alarm the witch clan leaders.

After all, there are few monsters who can pass through the five senses in a row, but there are some.

They are just monsters. Who can enter the ranks of the True Lord of Transformation is not a monster?

Talent, luck, and background are all indispensable.

For a talented junior, the witch clan leaders have not taken him seriously.


The sixth level.

At this time, the grassland has changed into a sandy and gravel open space.

Looking over, it is a desolate place.

Qin Wang took out the elixir, adjusted his internal breath, and replenished his mana.

After all, at the fifth level, 10,000 saber-toothed tigers appeared.

If Qin Wang's magic power was not so strong, far exceeding that of the cultivators of the same level by several times, he would probably not be able to hold on.


If the challenge of the sixth level is 100,000 saber-toothed tigers, then even someone as strong as Qin Wang would have to adopt guerrilla tactics, fighting and retreating.

At this moment, the sand and gravel on the ground gathered from all sides to form a huge stone statue three meters high.


The stone statue suddenly burned with raging flames.

Flame gargoyle!

This flaming gargoyle has the breath of the peak of the golden elixir!

After the flaming gargoyle appeared, it jumped and stepped towards Qin Wang.

Qin Wang immediately summoned the Barbarian God Shield to block it in the air.

Bang! ! !

With a huge sound, the flaming gargoyle stepped hard on the Barbarian God Shield, but could not break through the defense, but was overturned.

Qin Wang would naturally not miss this opportunity.

Kill it while it is sick!


The Qingyou sword formed a long snake formation and smashed the head of the flaming gargoyle.

Even so, the Flame Gargoyle did not dissipate, but stood up and continued to attack Qin Wang.

Qin Wang used the Barbarian Shield to block the Flame Gargoyle's fist, and then he noticed that the core of the Flame Gargoyle was in the center of the torso.

He immediately put his fingers together as a sword and pointed at the core of the Flame Gargoyle.


With a crisp sound, the core of the Flame Gargoyle was destroyed, and the body piled up with sand and gravel gradually collapsed, and finally fell into a pile of rubble.


Outside the Candle Dragon Tower.

"Look! The tower lights on the sixth floor are also lit!"

"He passed the sixth level! Oh my God!"

"Too strong, such a strong man, does he have a wife?"

"I am from the Youxiong Witch Tribe, I am here on behalf of our tribe leader to ask for marriage for the tribe leader's daughter."

"I am..."

For a while, the scene was a bit chaotic.

Zhu Heng looked at the chaotic scene in front of him with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, these people were celebrating for the Zhuyin Witch Tribe.

Cleared six levels in a row!

Such a record can be said to be the best in a hundred years.

After all, even a strong witch saint needs to pass the levels intermittently, and finally reach the eleventh level, and then cannot pass.


Qin Shao can pass the twelfth level, and reach the twelfth level, becoming the first peerless demon to enter the twelfth level in tens of millions of years?

Thinking of this, Zhu Heng's breathing became rapid.

He took a deep breath and stabilized his mind.

No, no, no matter how strong Qin Shao is, it is impossible to pass eleven levels in a row. This is too against the sky.

As long as he passes seven levels in a row, Zhu Heng will be satisfied.


The seventh level.

Qin Wang didn't know Zhu Heng's thoughts.

When he saw the two flaming gargoyles appearing in front of him, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not like before, with a tenfold increase.

Otherwise, let alone ten thousand flaming gargoyles, even a hundred flaming gargoyles would be difficult for Qin Wang to resist.

If there are two flaming gargoyles, it can still be easily dealt with.

Then there is the eighth level, five flaming gargoyles.

The ninth level, ten flaming gargoyles.

At this time, Qin Wang has reached the tenth level.

What appeared in front of him was no longer a flaming gargoyle, but a candle dragon!

A candle dragon at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage! (End of this chapter)

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