At the same time, four other people in the city of Thorns looked nervous after hearing the news.

"Someone broke into the city's mansion directly? Isn't this city man too terrible?" Guan Zishan couldn't help but be a little funny, "But the three people are really powerful enough. He killed the city-owner's son and ran away. There is no removal now caught."

"I don't know who these three are, but just after such an inspection, we almost found out."

They both sighed. Since sneaking into Thorns City, they thought about how to find the antidote they needed.

However, the two did not have a deep understanding of the toxin, and after knowing how many different kinds of medicinal materials were different from Xianyu, the two were completely confused.

With so many herbs, they can't buy them all at all.

In addition, they also tried to catch a few people and asked them if they knew how to crack the toxin.

No surprise, no results.

In desperation, nothing they could do in the city of Thorns was left.

The two can only do their best to buy some medicinal materials to return. Although they have a lot of training resources, it is not easy to exchange them for the spirit stone of the demon domain here.

Thinking of this, the two simply robbed a drug store.

In addition, they really can't think of other ways.

After robbing a drug store, they were not sure whether the medicinal material was available. Now they are discussing whether they should rob another auction house.

After all, the things in the auction house are definitely more rare than the medicinal materials shop. They also don't know what kind of antidote is needed for this kind of toxin.

As soon as they set their goals, thinking about when they started to act, such a thing suddenly happened, and the whole city suddenly became tense.

Their plan was so disrupted, and they dared not do anything else for a while.

After all, the possibility of the top crime being discovered is too great.

"I don't know how the red makeup is progressing now. They are doctors. The progress should be faster than us?" Guan Zishan thought.

Cui Bohong shook his head. "It's not good. Who can think that there are so many medicinal materials? I think if they analyze it by themselves, it will be more difficult."

"If you can find someone who knows the antidote directly, you don't need to worry so much."

Guan Zishan sighed. When I came here, I thought about it all pretty well. It wasn't until after I arrived that how bad the situation was, it was far more complicated than they thought.


This night, Baili Hongzhuang did not rest, but went directly into the ring of chaos.

She needs to figure out the poison before returning to Xianyu. If she needs any medicine, she needs to take this opportunity to take some more.

After all, it's not difficult to dive into the demon domain every time.

The next time you come back, you may take more risks.

After awakening, Ranra saw Baili Hongzhuang at a glance, and could not help but feel a little panic and fear.

"You ... where is this place?"

There was a completely strange environment in front of her. She had been in Thorns City for so long and never knew that there was such a place.

"You don't care where it is, I just ask you a question, what is the antidote?" Baili Hongzhuang said coldly.

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