Ranla sneered, "I didn't expect that your people in Fairyland were quite powerful this time, and they actually sneaked into Thorns City."

Looking at Ranla's mocking look, Baili Hongzhuang's lips slightly hooked, "You can still laugh a little while now."

Obediently, Ranla's expression changed slightly. "As long as you kill me, you can't know the result."

"I know, so I didn't intend to kill you." The arc of the lips of Bailihong makeup showed the meaning of evil spirits, and the dark and bright eyes filled with coldness, "But soon ... you can't laugh anymore . "

"You ... what do you want to do?"

"You are a pharmacist, you should know what pharmacists are good at doing." Baili Hongzhuang said sharply, "Unfortunately, I am not only a pharmacist, but a poisoner."

Facing the smile on Baili Hongzhuang's face, Ranla could not help but take a few steps back, and her ugly face suddenly became harder to look at.

"This is impossible!"

The moment she confronted the woman, she knew that it was a master.

She did not believe that this person was capable and a pharmacist. Even though she could not see her age as a cultivator, her intuition told her that the woman was very young.

"Did you not feel the drug you made? How effective?" Baili Hongzhuang said.

As soon as this word came out, Ranla could not help but groaned, and gradually began to believe her statement.

The effect of that drug shocked her, because the speed was too fast, and she had lost her fighting power in an instant.

"I advise you to be good and tell the secret of antidote directly, otherwise you will only suffer a little bit more."

The moment the words fell, Baili Hongzhuang did not give Ran La the opportunity to speak at all, and raised her hand to feed a single elixir directly into her mouth.


Ranla didn't even have time to respond, and the elixir had already entered her stomach.

She could not help but widen her eyes and looked at Bailihong makeup incredibly.

Didn't you tell her to speak directly?

Even if she didn't even have the opportunity to say something directly, what would it be to just give her medicine?

Baili Hongzhuang was not anxious after she finished the medicine, she lay down on the lounge chair beside her and began to rest.

"Call me when you want to tell me."

Ran La was completely dumbfounded after looking at Bai Lihong makeup's relaxed appearance. Where did she ask such a question?

In fact, after Baili Hongzhuang said this sentence, she really started to rest, and didn't bother her thoughts at all.

Gradually, Ranla's expression was frightened, and she did not doubt what the woman said, because she acted too calmly.

Xiao Hei, watching this scene, couldn't help shaking his head, this guy wanted to play these means in front of the master, it was tantamount to death.

As long as the answer the host wants, she has a way to pry it out of the other party's mouth!

It didn't take long for Ranra to notice that something was wrong, and cold sweat gradually came out.

The pain deep into the bone marrow is like spreading out of the soul, breathless.

"You ... what did you feed me?" Ranra asked painfully.

"Poison," Bailihong makeup said, "but you can rest assured that it won't let you die easily, you can feel it well."

Ran La had long been tempted to scold her mother. Who wants to feel such pain?

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