When she mentioned the city of Z, she was very excited ...

Next year she can go to school with Jiang Zixue.

"It's City Z. Book it and send me a message!"

"Okay, boss."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yansen glanced at Chu Xi, "It's not too late. Go back to rest early."

"Well, Dad, good night." Chu Xi nodded, then trot upstairs.


After taking a bath, Chu Xi was lying on the bed |, because she was going to Z city tomorrow, she could not sleep again and again.

Hesitating, should you call Jiang Zixie.

Just thinking, her cell phone suddenly rang.

At first glance, it was the call from Aunt Wen Xin.

She quickly picked it up.

"Hey, Aunt Wenxin."

"Xiao Xi, are you going to Z City tomorrow?"

"How do you know ..." Chu Xi asked, surprised.

How did she know so quickly.

"Oh ... your dad just called to ask about Zi Xie's situation." There was a laugh from Song Wenxin there. "I also remembered just now that Zi Xie went to Z City University. My memory is really bad "Song Wenxin knew that his acting skills were not good, but it was enough to deceive Chu Xi.

"Well, it's tomorrow's plane, but the exact time is not yet clear." Chu Xi nodded and answered.

"Yeah, you can just tell Zixie about your top ten grades and give him a surprise." Song Wenxin's voice came next.

Surprise ...

Hearing that, Chuxi paused, then smiled.

"I see, aunt."

"That's it. Don't tell him the news you're going to, wait until you see him." Song Wen was busy and asked.

Chu Xi nodded. "Well ... listen to you."

"Good boy, let's say so, good night ~"

"Good night, auntie." Chu Xi nodded, then hung up and went to sleep peacefully.


And on the other side, Mid-level Villa ...

In the bedroom.

Song Wenxin has been busy playing with his mobile phone. After calling Chu Xi, he dialed another number.

"Help me check Chu Xi's hotel in Z tomorrow morning."

"Okay, ma'am." A man's voice came over the phone.

Song Wenxin then hung up the phone with satisfaction and set the phone aside.

"You're not afraid that the boy will break off with you?" At this moment, a low voice around him sounded, Jiang Beihan frowned and looked at her.

From what he knew about his wife, he already thought about what she wanted to do.

"This is not something I learned from you ~" Song Wenxin put his lips off and said innocently, "It has been a long time to live with a black wolf, and it is normal to learn a little fur." ​​She said with a smug smile.

Since marrying Jiangbeihan, Song Wenxin's ability has grown larger ...

Of course, her greatest skill is her husband!

The second and third child in the family is the strongest evidence!

Looking at her pride, Jiang Beihan couldn't help but smile.

"Really, do you want to learn more?"

The words fell, and Jiang Beihan suddenly leaned over and pressed her under her.

His abilities are far more than that!

"Jiang Beihan is old and serious!" Song Wen glanced at him silently, this man is not too young, and there is no right!

Upon hearing her words, Jiang Beihan's face froze!

"Song Wenxin, it seems I still have to prove it to you, what does it mean to be strong!"

Damn, she thought he was getting old?

Very good, but he has to prove to her that he is not old!

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