
At noon the next day, Chu Yansen personally sent Chu Xi to the airport.

Originally I planned to have the secretary go with her to Z City, but after talking with Mrs. Jiang on the phone yesterday, she dismissed this idea.

"Call me over there."

Chu Yansen didn't talk too much, just simply ordered a few words.

Chu Xi nodded, thinking about seeing Jiang Zixie, the whole person was excited.

"And ... to control yourself, even though the kid is so good, he can't ...

"Dad ... what are you talking about?" Chu Xi blushed and interrupted him.

She knew what he was going to say ...

"Just know!" Chu Yansen nodded.

"Well, I'm gone. I'll call you when I think of you!" Chu Xi hugged her father before turning to security.


Because the plane was late, it arrived at the Z city airport that evening.

Chu Xi took a taxi and went to her dad's assistant to help her book the hotel.

The hotel is very close to the university of Z city!

By the time we arrived at the hotel, it was already dark.

She went to the front desk of the hotel with her ID ...

However, the other person's answer made her a little dazed.

"Sorry, your booking was not found."

"No, you can check again ..." Chu Xi was a little mistaken.

"It's been checked, no." The other responded with a smile.

"Well then ... help me open another room." Chu Xi said nothing.

"Sorry, our hotel room is fully booked." The other side still smiled.


Chu Xi is a little speechless, so clever ...

It is not the peak tourist season, and the rooms near the school are full.

"Well then, I'll go and see the other hotels." Chu Xi sighed helplessly, pulling his luggage to leave.

"Miss, wait a minute." The waiter stopped her.

Chu Xi quickly stopped and looked at the other side expectantly, thinking that the other side would tell her that there was a vacant room.

But ... she thought too much.

"It's a bit uneven here recently, it's better to be careful." The other side glanced from side to side and whispered to her.

Not quite ...

Upon hearing these three words, Chu Xi froze all over, her hairs rising.

"What happened?" She opened her mouth and asked the other side nervously.

"One night last month, a woman was dumped and jumped off the building in red clothes ... Recently, several people saw her walking on the street in red clothes in the street ... And, listen to our waiter at the hotel next door, there are several guests who suddenly have blood in their rooms, and they are all the same as you, and they are all staying in the hotel alone ... " Then, saying that he came to the hotel alone, his tone suddenly stopped.

Chu Xi suddenly felt a cold behind her, and the whole person was bad.

"It's ... it's all rumored ..." She laughed, trying to hide her expression of fear.

"You can see, there aren't many people outside now." The waitress shrugged and pointed outside the hotel.

Chu Xi hesitated, took the suitcase and went outside, and saw ...

There are really no pedestrians ...

Thinking of the waitress's words just now, she suddenly felt cold all over.

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