She originally planned to stay here first, and then went to Jiang Zixie ...

But now hearing such gossip, she suddenly lost the courage to stay in a hotel.

I heard such a thing in a strange city and said that I was not afraid that it was false.

Chu Xi sighed for a long time and stood at the hotel door for a long time, but did not dare to go out.

After hesitating for a while, she didn't hold back and called Jiang Zixie.


"Hey." On the other end of the phone, Jiang Zixie's voice was still cold ...

Nineteen-year-old Jiang Zixie's voice has become much calmer.

Listening to his voice, Chu Xi's heart felt relieved for a moment.

"it's me……"

"I know."

"I'm in Z city now." Chu Xi said softly, holding her phone.

After listening to her, there was silence for a few seconds, and then Jiang Zixie's voice sounded again.

"It's not April Fool's Day."

"I'm really in Z city. I don't believe you open the video, I'll show you!" He didn't believe her, so Chu Xi was anxious, and quickly explained.

"You came alone?" Jiang Zixie's voice turned, and there was some worry in the cold voice.

"Well ..." Chu Xi responded, then asked, "Well, the hotel room is now full, I ..."

"Where are you now?" Without saying her words, Jiang Zixie's voice rang.

"At the hotel door ..."

"The name of the hotel."

Faced with her confusion, Jiang Zixie seemed very calm.

Chu Xi froze for a moment, then quickly looked around and reported the hotel's name.

"Don't stand there, I will be there in ten minutes!" Jiang Zixie hung up the phone after dropping such a sentence.

Chu Xi stopped in place, holding the phone, thinking about what he just said, smiling happily ...


After that, she was very obedient and stood at the door of the hotel without daring to move.

Now it is winter, because there is no air conditioning, her nose and cheeks are red with cold air!


When Jiang Zixie arrived, she saw that she was wearing a white down jacket and short boots, standing at the door of the hotel, her body shrinking.

He paused ...

The 18-year-old Chu Xi was not the little girl at the time.

Despite all these years, she wears white down jackets, skirts, leggings and boots every winter.

However, there are many things that are changing silently.

She ... has grown up.

These are the words that suddenly emerged from Jiang Zi's mind.


"Jiang Xie Xie!" Chu Xi looked to the left and right, and at a glance he saw Jiang Zixie wearing a long gray coat, and immediately waved at him happily.

Jiang Zixie withdrew his thoughts and strode towards her.

"Why not wait inside." Jiang Zixie glanced at her red face and nose, and couldn't help asking.

Although the temperature in city Z is not as cold as that in city A, the cold wind in winter is very harsh because of the coast ...

"Don't you let me not move ..." Chu Xi looked at him happily and said with a smile.

He told her not to disturb, and she did just that.

"..." Hearing such an answer, Jiang Zi paused, but did not know whether to laugh or get angry.

She just listened to him like that?

"Let's go. I live nearby."

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