China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 597 Professor Du settled in Hangzhou

In half a day, Xingchen Mailbox received more than 10,000 preliminary trial registration emails.

Among them there are serious actors and there are also amateurs who are full of confidence.

The road is safe and the order is accepted.

It's the first test anyway, and you can actually tell if you can advance to the next round just by looking at it.

So I asked the company to reply to the email.

Of course there are still requirements.

The initial audition requirements for each role will be attached to the email.

The requirements are very simple, only limited by race, appearance, hairstyle, clothing, etc.

Let them prepare based on their target roles first. They can audition for multiple roles, and then take videos and photos and reply to the email together.

Therefore, the initial test will be conducted online.

Otherwise, if everyone came, it would cost tens of thousands, and the traffic around the Star Center would be blocked.

After the first test, there is still a second test, and now you have to come to the scene.

At that time, they will have to complete the general outfit according to their target role to improve the efficiency of the second test.

Among them, Lu Ping An also asked the company to send emails to several seeds that were promising earlier, such as Yang Yang, Zhu Yilong and others.

The email was sent, and the entire internal entertainment suddenly became active.

A large number of handsome men and beautiful women from all over the country are heading towards the center of the stars.

Investment promotion and auditions for Lu Pingan's new drama have begun.

In places where the industry doesn't pay much attention, Xingchen is also preparing crazily.

In addition to surrounding industrial industries such as Burger King.

The most important thing is still the video website.

The AYT video website is also stepping up optimization.

The AYT video website is divided into domestic and Hong Kong versions, which are overseas versions.

Both versions are undergoing a new round of copyright acquisitions.

Including the online screening rights of finished film and television works, as well as IP reserves.

At the same time, the interface optimization of the player side and the upgrade of the server are also being carried out.

The purpose is to give users a better viewing experience in the future.

The name AYT will also be changed to Star Video at the end of the year.

In addition to videos, foreign target markets, such as East Asia and Southeast Asia.

We are also beginning to promote the news that Lu Ping An will be filming a TV series.

The idea of ​​big directors making TV series is not only new in China, but also abroad.

It's just that the main target groups of "Star You" are basically Asian and Chinese, so the focus of the promotion is basically concentrated on Asia.

In Europe and the United States, Xingchen has also begun to negotiate copyright cooperation with Naifei and TV stations from various countries.

The initial target is still the Chinese community.

This is the basic plate.

After stabilizing, seek to radiate other areas.

In short, it is following South Korea’s propaganda route.

It’s just that in South Korea, the state machine has driven the “Korean Wave” for many years and cooperated with the wind.

Lu Pingan used his fame to open up wasteland.

It looks difficult, but the overall response is pretty good.

Lu Ping An's movies over the past nine years have become very famous and have many fans.

After everyone knew that Lu Ping'an was going to make an interesting TV series this time, they were very interested.

Of course the controversy remains.

It is the original sin for a great director to make a TV series.

But it also ensures the popularity.

So many foreign TV stations also directly sent invitations for cooperation, wanting a piece of the pie.

The company's finances also took the opportunity to do some calculations.

turn out.

Currently, if we follow the mainland's "4+10" plan, it means four satellite TV stations and 10 local stations.

The film sales scale of the three overseas TV stations selected is added up.

The estimated production cost of "My Star" is only around 50 million, excluding the Lu Ping An studio, and after 21 episodes, it has already been able to make back the money!

Because the current quotations are very high, each episode in China has exceeded 1.5 million.

The price is not high. The highest price this year is said to be over 1.8 million.

But this is also related to the number of episodes. The more episodes there are, the more TV stations can make money from advertising.

"Star You" only has 21 episodes, which seems to be a bit of a disadvantage.

Lu Ping'an is also wondering whether to lengthen it.

In other regions, TVB, for example, quoted HK$1 million, and South Korea quoted US$100,000 per episode.

This does not include revenue from ad placements.

So in terms of profit, the start of "Star You" is already perfect.

That's the benefit of fame.

Of course, these preliminary quotations come with some conditions.

Such as ratings, advertising sharing, copyright cooperation years, etc. Among them, a TV station in South Korea also attached a supplementary condition: "If the ratings do not meet the requirements, Lu Ping An will need to use its investment share in the next movie to compensate."

Although everyone is hot-headed, it is not a brainless hot-headedness. They still have their own thoughts.

But it still shows that "Star You" has no worries about selling, and as long as the quality is decent, there is no problem making money this time.

After two days of discussions, the "Star You" project also completed investment promotion, investment share division and city cooperation matters.

For advertising investment, after putting forward its own brands such as Burger King, and under strict control, the remaining 7 new implanted brands were accepted, with a total sponsorship of 27 million.

The total investment cost of "Star You" was 100 million, of which 30 million was Lu Ping'an's director's salary.

Among them, Xingchen retained 70%, and seven or eight companies divided up 30%.

Shares still have to be given. In terms of TV dramas, Xingchen's basic base is not large, and the project has attracted a lot of attention. In order to shield some troubles that can be avoided in advance.

It’s not a big problem to set aside a little bit to buy insurance.

Furthermore, Lu Pingan also plans to use a new method for the broadcast of "Star You" this time.

The original "Star You" was aired weekly when it first came out.

21 episodes, broadcast for more than two months.

As the timeline lengthens, the effects also multiply.

It will also have a better effect on the customer adhesion of the video website.

And like other ordinary dramas, first of all, the number of episodes is a bit less, and it ended in about ten days, which was too fast.

Moreover, Lu Ping An always felt that it was not up to par and could not highlight the momentum and style of "Lu Ping An's debut TV series".

But if you want to broadcast two episodes a week, you need a TV station to cooperate.

In this regard, Jingcheng TV and Lantai are interested and are willing to explore new forms with Lu Ping An, while the others have expressed their intention to wait and see.

After all, to do this, the quality of the TV series is one aspect, and it also involves challenging the existing rules of the entire television industry, which is a big deal.

So after thinking about it, Lu Pingan finally decided to bring in Jingcheng TV and Lantai to produce together.

Among them, Jingcheng TV is very familiar, so there is no other reason to invest.

According to Lantai, it is because it needs to be tied to the tourism strategy of the TV series.

That's right, Professor Du's family in "Star You" finally settled by the West Lake.

The Zhejiang Provincial Government attaches great importance to this and provides the largest support of any region, with a production subsidy of 10 million, as well as full cooperation with local TV stations and cultural tourism. The local Greentown Group provides n sets of lake view rooms for free as a shooting venue. Other enterprises and the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce also sent sincere invitations.

With this kind of courage, no wonder Zhejiang Province is developing so well.

It’s just that Hangzhou is said to be a food desert.

Forget it, Professor Du is an alien. He lives a regular life and is strict with himself. It is normal to have no particular desire for delicious food.

Moreover, it is now 2009, how do people across the country know that Hangzhou is a food desert?

Even if you know it, the food in Hangzhou is still much better than that in Kimchi country.

In Kimchi Country, just three melons and two dates can produce an effect that makes people flock to them.

Lu Ping'an didn't believe it. With his skills, he couldn't take pictures of Hangzhou's delicacies! (End of chapter)

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