China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 88 The hero raises his profile! Gambling, huge profits! (Fourth update)

These negative reports may make people hate them, but in fact they are not many.

At least big media doesn’t exist, but it does have an impact.

Lu Pingan was also speechless: "I think this is completely superfluous. What's the point of doing this? It's a certainty that our movie will exceed 200 million. Does he think we can exceed 300 million?"

Huo Wenxi, the Eagle Emperor on the side, smiled and said, "Maybe that's what I really think."

President Xiao Wang of Huayi also laughed: "Then he thinks too highly of us. I see, there is only one reason for him to do this, and that is because "Hero" is not good!"

This conclusion has been unanimously recognized by everyone.

If "Hero" works, why are you anxious?

You are in the Lunar New Year period, and the ticket price is at least 20% higher. Isn’t it easy to surpass our box office?

Now everyone is optimistic about you, but you are so anxious. Do you really think that everyone can't see that you are timid?

If this is the case, "Heroes" cannot surpass "Source Code".

Hey, that’s really interesting!

Lu Ping'an smiled and shook his head: "Our strategic goal has been achieved, but we can't pretend we didn't see people slandering them, so let's fight back."

Han Sanpin said at this time: "Fight back conservatively. The opponent has not shown his face, so we cannot name him."

"I understand."

This is just a guess as to who is smearing you. Naturally, you can’t name names in your counterattack, otherwise people will backhand you and say you got carried away, and this advantage will turn into a disadvantage.

So just use facts versus facts.

During the following Wuhan roadshow, a reporter asked about this matter:

"Director Lu, what do you think of reports that "Source Code" does not represent public opinion on domestic films?"

Lu Ping'an fired directly.

There is nothing to hesitate about.

"I have read all the reports you mentioned. The whole report tells the 1.3 billion people across the country that the Chinese are not worthy of science fiction! They are telling you that the Chinese will never be allowed to catch up with the world's advanced level in film technology! You have to watch For science fiction, you can only watch Hollywood. Only Hollywood movies can be called good movies. Even if the Chinese ones are better than them, they are rubbish!"

Lu Ping'an continued: "It's the 21st century. We have successfully bid for the Olympics. We have joined the WTO. We are embracing the world. We are catching up in all aspects and absorbing the most advanced knowledge and ideas in all fields. Why in film? No? Do they really not want to see Chinese movies bloom?!"



At the road show in Wuhan, movie fans burst into applause.

On the same day, all cooperative media directly released the original words and interview video intact.

This also directly aroused heated discussions among all parties.

The topic also quickly changed from "Source Code" to having no Chinese elements.

It has become a question of whether the Chinese are worthy of doing science fiction, and whether they can do well in science fiction.

Nortel stood up: "Support the diversification of domestic film themes!"

The Sixth Princess also reported this matter, without any bias, but also said: ""Source Code" is a successful breakthrough in domestic films!"

All parties support it, and the most favorable response is that the quality of "Source Code" is excellent.

Some media commented: ""Source Code" opened a door to domestic science fiction."

For a time, the box office of "Source Code" increased a bit.

By the 30th, the box office of "Source Code" exceeded 195 million!

The distance to 200 million is really only one step away!

The popularity of heroes still has an impact on the box office, so everyone knows that this momentum will continue in the future.

Because one month of release time is up.

The disc business is unable to hold back on releasing discs.

Theater protection must also end.

Plus "Hero" is gaining momentum.

The possibility of exceeding 250 million in the future is really not that big.

But it doesn't matter.

After all, the highest goal of "Source Code" at the beginning was 150 million, and Lu Ping'an himself even called out only 100 million.

Now approaching 200 million is a complete victory.

What's the regret?

On the 30th, the documentary "The Origin" of "Hero" was actually released in theaters!

This will occupy part of the "Source Code" film schedule!

Although the box office space was not large, less than 10%, Lu Ping'an also called Han Sanpin immediately.

There is negative public opinion, there is crowding out of film schedules, and piracy appears one after another. It is difficult not to think that it is the new picture.

Han Sanpin's answer was: "Zhang Weiping has his own connections."

To put it simply, Zhang Weiping and Lao Mouzi have their own connections. In addition, China Film cannot control everything. Even if it can, Han Sanpin, who is not the real leader at the moment, cannot stretch his hands as long as he can, so he can only try his best to be steady.

The good news is that the circles that Han Sanpin and the producers belong to are not vegetarian, so the film schedule and public opinion are under control.

In fact, Lu Pingan is not worried at all when "Hero" is played this way.

The reasons have already been mentioned, it is a certainty that "Source Code" will break 200 million.

Lu Ping'an has long been satisfied!

However, Lu Pingan still asked after hearing this: "Is "Hero" going to be postponed?"

If it were to be released, it would be a trivial matter to squeeze the box office and popularity of "Source Code".

What he is more concerned about is the changes in time and space caused by his appearance.

This gives me an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Han Sanpin replied: "We are still following the original plan, but we do not rule out this possibility."

When Lu Pingan heard this, he still felt that "Hero" was not that stupid.

There is no need for a good Lunar New Year stall, just lift the stall to dry the yarn.

But he also felt that this was not impossible.

What is the movie "Hero" like? If others don't know, how can he know?

I also know the difference in quality between the two films in terms of new pictures, and now I am probably really scared!

Seeing "Source Code" rushing for 250 million, they are coming to stop it!

As for the way to block the attack, raising gears is one way, but Lu Pingan feels that they should use other methods, otherwise the cost will be too high.

For example, it is a good method to use public opinion containment and "Origin" to squeeze out the film schedule.

It can not only occupy the film schedule, but also build momentum for "Hero", which is the best of both worlds.

And now it does work.

The DVD copyright of "Hero" was auctioned for nearly 20 million.

"Origin" was a huge hit on TV stations and theaters.

Some negative public opinions.

Coupled with the squeeze of arranging films.

A series of combination punches greatly weakened the popularity of "Source Code".

In addition, it has been nearly a month since "Source Code" was released.

This has slowed the film's current box office growth to less than 3 million a day.

As of the 31st, the box office of "Source Code" has only increased to 198 million.

"It only rose to 198 million."


Lu Ping'an suddenly felt a little Versailles.

I didn't expect that my film could make them so anxious.

So interesting.

These people really think our target is 300 million!

"They might be on their own."

Lu Pingan said with a smile.

Han Sanpin also smiled and pointed at Lu Ping'an: "Who told you to give others such a surprise?"

"Just don't blame me then. I really didn't do anything."

"Don't worry, I think it's impossible for "Hero" to be weaker than your "Source Code"."

"you're right..."

Lu Pingan smiled and touched his chin.

I thought "Hero" might really be gg

. . . . . . . . . . . .

November 1st.

"Hero" held a grand preview.

Like the original time and space, in order to meet the conditions for next year's Oscars, this screening will be held in Shenzhen City. The trial screening will last for one week. The ticket price is not 50 yuan, but 100 yuan. Each person is limited to two tickets. Admission is based on identity. According to evidence, during the screening of the film, a man-marking defensive strategy was also adopted.

That night, the preview screening of "Hero" ended, and the media was optimistic and sang its praises!

"A real blockbuster!"

“The picture is absolutely beautiful, Zhang Yimou’s pinnacle work!”

"The movie that best represents China"


The hymns were sung loudly.

Is this different from the original film, or did they charge too much?

Lu Ping'an was speechless and remained confused.

But Feng Ke gave him the answer. He called: "Director Lu, I have watched "Hero"."

"How about it."

"I think Lao Mouzi may be in trouble."

"No way?" Lu Pingan's tone was full of disbelief.

"Director Lu, you will know when the time comes. Maybe your movie will really become a box office record."

"Yeah, I'll take a look then..."

hang up the phone.

Lu Ping'an didn't expect much of the honor of "box office record".

It was "Heroes" after all.

The support given to it by the higher authorities is much greater than that of "Source Code".

Even in the deadlift, I will be ranked first.

If nothing else works, there will be a "shadow soldier crossing the border".

What can you do?

So he no longer paid attention to "Hero".

Just celebrate your own.

On November 2nd, "Source Code" exceeded 200 million!

Lu Pingan also became the first 200 million director.

On the same day, news came from "Hero" that it was really going to be released!

. . . . . . . .

""Source Code" exceeded 200 million!"

"The first 200 million director is born!"

"Lu Ping'an: The box office has doubled as expected, I'm very satisfied!"

""Hero" holds a press conference, scheduled to be released on December 1st!"

""Heroes" is coming, how long can the 200 million record be maintained?"

On October 25th, Zhang Weiping once again held a press conference regarding new images and announced that "Hero" will premiere on December 1st!

This news is actually not surprising to anyone except Lu Ping An.

"Hero" was originally expected to be released during the Lunar New Year in December. Now it is announced that it will be released on the 1st. There is not much surprise, and some are just expectations.

After all, "Hero" is extremely popular these days.

The test screenings were promising, the copyright deal hit a new high, and all the publicity campaigns came to a screeching halt.

There is another important reason why the audience has great expectations, and that is the unexpected quality of "Source Code", the "second blockbuster".

Again, "Source Code" is so good-looking, how can "Heroes" be any worse?

This is an inertia of thinking, and not many people can stop the car.

So December 1st is a date that everyone is paying attention to.

It's just Zhang Weiping looking at the 200 million box office of "Source Code".

I felt very regretful.

Still a few days late!

If I hadn't gone abroad to talk about film deals or attended some cocktail party, I would have come back five or six days earlier.

"Source Code" will never achieve this result.

Now, it's too late to say anything!

If the article does not match the title, there is no need to be surprised, because it has been corrected and does not affect reading.

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