"Fu Shuo Caijing" premiered at 3:30 in the afternoon, and Nan Ruoqiong talked on TV again.

"As I expected, Thailand has responded to the malicious short-selling of international hot money, limiting their sources of short-selling funds, and raising the cost of short-selling with punitive interest rates.

However, it is unlikely that the international hot money will stop here. At present, it is impossible to calculate how much foreign exchange reserves the Bank of Thailand has used in the past few days, nor how much is left. At the same time, it is impossible to know how many positions the international hot money has prepared.

However, what is certain is that in the next week, the Thai baht will still be attacked violently. If the Thai baht can withstand this wave of attacks, I believe that in the next one to two weeks, the Thai baht can sit back and relax..."

Hong Kong, an international financial center, has more than one-third of the population speculating in stocks. It is very fanatical for financial commentators and analysts who can accurately predict the market. Although today, Nan Ruoqiong showed her face twice, but Many people have remembered the name "Chunan".

Not to mention Nian Lufu, "Fu Shuo Caijing" has been on the air for nearly four months, and his predictions on Hong Kong stocks are extremely accurate time after time. His name is well known.

Many people thought about entrusting PY Securities to invest, but they went to consult with full of hope, but they returned in dismay. The threshold is too high, and people with small money don't like it at all.

Seeing the little girl on TV doing well, Nan Yi took the remote control and switched the channel to Liao Province Satellite TV.

On the TV, a man and a woman were shouting excitedly: "Good news, good news, Dongqing Jewelry imported a batch of gold ornaments from India. They are exquisite in style and cheap in price. Look..."

A batch of "gold" ornaments scrolled on the screen and displayed.

"Such exquisite gold jewelry, a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a ring are a combination, which can be used as gifts for wives, relatives, and friends. No need for 998, only 98, a set of exquisite gold jewelry can be taken home , why are you still hesitating, hurry up and call to order..."

An ad for gold jewelry was followed by another commercial for quacking black fungus, one after the other, on a loop during the TV station's garbage time.

These are the businesses of Dongqing International. It has been developed for more than a year, and it is located in a small corner. It is always in the northeast and nearby, and it is difficult to go out.

No problem, Nanyi set up a memorial archway in the bitch's den. Dongqing International's products are too serious. Let's say that the gold content of this alluvial gold jewelry is very low, but the workmanship is not bad, but the materials are not mentioned, and they are sold in jewelry stores. It can be sold for one or two hundred.

Dongqing International has just opened for half a year and its life is booming. After half a year, TV shopping companies have sprung up all over the country, and there are thousands of them at once. , Do not spread the secret recipe, appear on TV, breast enlargement, weight loss, acne removal, treatment of myopia, and even more unscrupulous prolongation of time and increase of hardness.

Only unexpected, not seen on TV.

Compared with these, Dongqing International's products are too practical, and their effects are mediocre, and they are not tempting at all.

What's more, all the agricultural products are moved to the TV. Black fungus, fungus gift pack, special honey, excellent ginseng, first-class deer antler, assortment of wild vegetables, and those that are not of high quality among the good things are all used to go to the TV. Shipping channel for shopping.

Of course, the not-so-high quality is for the inside, and for consumers, most of them are of good quality that they have only seen in their lives. For example, this native honey has no shelf life and several people have seen and eaten it. It's not that the beekeeper support plan has gone out of shape. The honey of the reclamation group will be exported to earn foreign exchange, and the honey that stays in the country is used for favors and internal profit.

Farmers are simple, but also have diverse personalities. They are non-facial, short-sighted, and there are quite a few who only care about small profits in front of them. Especially, the degree of commercialization in China is getting higher and higher. Some powerful businessmen have squeezed into the honey industry. One piece, the days of being invincible are gone forever, and the "quality" system built by the reclamation group for more than ten years has cracks.

Good quality doesn’t come just by opening your mouth. In the process of bee breeding, every step must be carried out according to high standards. For the output of the same catty of honey, ordinary breeding methods only need three parts of the effort, but the breeding methods of the reclamation group are not. It is rather awkward for farmers who are used to exerting force to exert 12 points of force, and it is skillful force.

Although the purchase price is guaranteed, it is difficult to achieve large-scale and mass-production farming.

It is better to have more quantity, this is the cognition engraved in the bones of farmers. Between "1 yuan/jin, annual output of 1000 jin" and "1000 yuan/jin, annual output of 1 jin", most farmers will choose the former, because The former has a high fault tolerance rate and is not easy to fail.

And in the process of bee breeding, the reclamation group does not think about progress, holds the original set, does not accept science and technology and modern breeding methods, refuses to participate in the human gene mutation plan of the element cycle, narrow-minded, good things only care about supplying the powerful, Unwilling to share the profits with ordinary consumers.

Because of this, many beekeepers have awakened, abandoned the cultivation group, and joined the embrace of mass production. The number of beehives has increased several times, and scientific farming methods have been adopted. One sugar is mixed with one water in spring and summer, and two sugars are mixed with one in autumn and winter. Water, it saves a lot of effort to raise it.

It's not like in the past, chasing the flowering period all year round, from the northernmost to the southernmost, running around with beehives, not to mention the high cost of transportation, people suffer in the wilderness all year round, bees are easy to raise to death, how good it is now, sugar water Once fed, the bees are easy to feed, and the honey shaker shakes, and the white molasses rushes.

Don't talk about sugar dextrorotation and fructose dextrorotation. There are many trace active and beneficial ingredients in natural nectar. Even if the king of heaven is here, the essence of honey must also be sweet and fart beneficial ingredients. Just control the amount of sugar water, don't feed strong bees into weak bees, don't feed them to death, there is a shitty difference between natural honey and white molasses.

Because there are more and more beekeepers who have this knowledge, and the industry secrets of honey are not known, the market conditions of honey are good, and the income of scientific mass production is not worse than that of local methods. Many beekeepers have left the reclamation group, and the beekeeper support plan Basically in name only.

Therefore, the bee breeding of the Reclamation Group no longer follows the model of cooperatives, but has changed to a group model. The Reclamation Group, Shennong Nanliang, and Qiantangsheng jointly established the Changbai Mountain Honey Industry, and merged the beekeepers who are willing to continue to cooperate. Closed, intensive Modernized and scientific soil farming.

The so-called indigenous farming method is to send bees to the deep mountains where flowers are blooming. It is necessary to ensure that the bee colony has honey to collect all year round, and the flowers must be screened to prevent them from enjoying the scientific power of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and to pursue honey persistently. beneficial ingredients.

In the eyes of the conservatives headed by Nanyi, the cost of honey is there, and it is impossible to popularize it at all. Instead of changing honey and turning it into another inexplicable thing for ordinary people to enjoy, it is better to let it circulated on a small scale.

After the change of the nature of the reclamation group, although the chairman is still Ge Cuizhu, Hualiang has a great say. The people of Hualiang have questioned the business model of Changbai Mountain Honey Industry-should not only focus on the high-end market, but be backward compatible , while seizing the mid-range market.

Little things, peace is the most precious, Changbai Mountain honey industry adds a common farming method, cutting off the high-cost link, only chasing the flowering period between the north and south rural areas, and feeding sugar water to the bees in winter, but the white molasses will not be collected , but throw it away directly.

This is the local honey sold by Dongqing International, but the final product has been diluted, from one catty to three catties, a little compound is added, and after thickening, an 18-month shelf life is written on the outer packaging according to national requirements. In this way, the price is suppressed, and the common people can afford it. At the same time, the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

Not to mention, really not to mention, Changbai Mountain native honey is selling well, and people who have bought it say it is good.

However, limited by the harsh selection of products, Dongqing International is only at the middle level in the field of TV shopping, which is not enough to look at compared to leading companies. Fortunately, there is still a little bit of street stall business-Dongqing International has attracted a vote of laid-off workers. Go to various parts of the country to set up mobile stalls, selling some wallets, belts, and leather shoes.

Although most people jump out and work alone as soon as they find the way, there are abundant sources of laid-off workers. After leaving a group, they can quickly recruit another group. Generally speaking, the benefits are considerable.

In addition, Dongqing International and Wu Xiaowei’s Peregrine Express pioneered cash on delivery, allowing Peregrine Express to stand out from the crowd of express companies, not obsessed with the document disputes with the post office, and create a new way to create a new way and TV shopping A new way for companies to work together.

Last time, Wu Xiaowei talked to Nanyi, saying that when the time is right, he wants to build a shopping website similar to Ebay and Amazon in China.

Nanyi's reply to him was that it was too early, and it would not be too late to think about it after ten years. He could think about building a national multimodal logistics network first, and take advantage of the fact that it is not difficult to obtain land now, and the investment can be recovered through real estate Opportunity, seize the time to get it started, don't worry about the start-up capital, I will attract dozens of investors for you.

On the other side of Fengtian, Zhang Feng, the person in charge of Dongqing International, stood in the studio, watching the contracted actors try to shoot the advertisement of the new product "Gong Cha Pu'er". Standing beside him was Xu Lu, or she should be called Zhang lady.

Zhang Feng and Xu Lu came together, their certificates had already been withdrawn, and the banquet had not yet been set.

"Do you want to eat it, Quacking?" Xu Lu put the pie in Zhang Feng's nose.

Zhang Feng sniffled and pushed Xu Lu's hand away, "Don't make trouble, it's work, you eat by yourself."

"I'm hungry, feed me."

Behind the two, Chen Wenqin came out and took the pie from Xu Lu's hand.

Seeing Chen Wenqin, Xu Lu exclaimed in surprise, "Wenqin, why are you here?"

Chen Wenqin took a bite of the pie and said, "I'm here to say goodbye, and I'm also here to ask you something."

When Xu Lu heard this, the joy on her face froze, "Are you leaving?"

"The work here has been arranged, and I should go back to Nansheng." Chen Wenqin smiled calmly, "There are a few children from the master's family who graduated from elementary school this year. I heard that Class 9000 wants to send the children there. There are three should not pass the exam, I entrust the matter to you, you help solve the three weighty notes."

[This year, according to the policy of Fengtian Primary School Promotion, in addition to the division of school districts, there is also a piece of private land. Each school decides independently, screens 100 students, and only after passing the exam can they be eligible to pay 9,000 yuan in tuition. These 100 students will be trained with the best teachers in the school. Because of the expensive tuition of 9,000 yuan, it is honorably called the 9,000 class. ]

"It's easy to say, I really don't want you to leave." Xu Lu said while hugging Chen Wenqin.

"I will come back later."

After Li Weijing joined Green Core Development, her original plan to take over Nanyi's personal business could only be discounted. Chen Wenqin was stranded in Fengtian to be in charge of the management of Shenbeidou Company. After staying here for a long time, she often hung out with Xu Lu, and the two became successful. Made a very good girlfriend.

Now that Shenbeidou Company is on track, it's time for Chen Wenqin to come back.

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