Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 821 Right and Wrong Ideas

Japan, Scarecrow Village.

The personnel of the Huaiqing Research Institute are sitting on the beach to discuss. In order to cover up the news of the gold mining, Nanyi once invested in the establishment of a resort hotel there.

The Huaiqing Research Institute is composed of personnel drawn from various groups such as the heart control group, the financial group, and the intelligence group, and recruited from outside and recruited talents from other institutions. It is mainly responsible for researching the consumer psychology of women around the world. The nature of the work is relatively special and rarely seen Contact with outsiders, so I seldom need to be on duty, and I often go on vacation while brainstorming.

Kitamura Junko, a Ph.D. student who graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Waseda University, worked in the Nomura Research Institute before, and has been engaged in research work in the retail industry.

"Everyone." Junko Kitamura adjusted her glasses, "I think that if we want to find out what kind of opportunities Huaguo's retail industry will have in the future, we can study the laws behind the changes in Japan's entire macro society and business formats, and then analyze the specifics. Start with the enterprises, look at the time point when some structural changes occurred in the Japanese retail industry, and map it to the current Huaguo.

The reason why I say this is that, first, Japan is a very good research sample because of its small size, single ethnic group, and relatively neat pace of consumer society changes, and it is easy to sort out the context.

Second, Huaguo and Japan share similarities in culture. At the social level, Huaguo’s first-tier large cities and second-tier medium-sized cities are very close to Japan’s Kanto and Kansai metropolitan areas in terms of population density and urbanization development. .

On the whole, I estimate that in twenty years, the population structure of Huaguo will be very close to that of Japan today.

Third, Japan’s consumer retail industry was inherited from the United States. In the early 1970s, it transplanted the American convenience store format, and now it has a faint tendency to become the world’s number one. As a late-developing country, China’s consumer retail industry is still in the middle In the primary stage of development, if one can see 'opportunities' by studying the United States, one can see 'reality' by studying Japan.

Fourth, when a business model that has appeared in a developed economy is used in an emerging economy, it is like going back decades, and it can be repeated according to the existing logic. I think the consumer retail industry is also like this.

I divide Japan from the post-war economic rise in 1954 to the current 1991 into two consumption eras.

The first era of consumption was from 1954 to 1971. Generally speaking, during this period, Japan absorbed the achievements of the first three waves of technological revolution, social and corporate investment in equipment was unprecedentedly active, and consumers all went to a well-off life. The population has risen from 90 million to 100 million, the per capita GDP has risen from 400 US dollars to 4,000 US dollars, the level of urbanization has risen sharply, and the land prices in Tokyo have also risen wildly.

Around 1975, nearly 90% of the people in the entire Japanese society considered themselves to be middle class. Mass production and mass consumption in the whole society, homogenization of demand leads to homogenization of consumption, and homogenization of consumption is followed by homogenization of lifestyle.

The representative consumer goods in this period are TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines. The representative retail formats are department stores and GMS [chains, supermarkets, discount stores], which mainly satisfy the consumer psychology of the new middle class with standard packaging and one-stop shopping.

Let me talk about the second consumption era, from 1971 to 1991.

Before 1980, due to the two oil crises and the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the entire Japanese economy was extremely depressed.

At the same time, after Japan experienced a period of rough expansion in the era of primary consumption, many companies realized that for Japan, where resources are scarce, low-cost, low-consumption and high-efficiency operations are crucial, so they began to turn to fine Operations, such as flexible manufacturing, engineering management, and some highly cost-effective business formats are slowly emerging.

After 1980..."

After a short pause, Junko Kitamura said with a slightly depressed mood: "At present, this period is Japan's economic bubble period, and some interesting things happened during this period, and they can also be regarded as a sign.

For example, the carnival of luxury goods, the imminent real estate bubble, the land price around Ginza can now buy the entire Texas of the United States, and the birth rate in Japan during this period is already showing signs of declining birth rate and aging population.

In the era of first consumption, the phenomenon of homogeneous consumption is very serious. Consumers are keen to buy expensive products that can improve their living standards. Reflected in Huaguo, consumers there are also keen to buy color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and even Chinese products. The four major pieces of marriage for Chinese people have also changed from watches, bicycles, radios, and sewing machines to color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and tape recorders.

But in the second era of consumption, some stratification has emerged, and the theme of consumption is from quantitative change to qualitative change. Some different user portraits have appeared in the entire Japanese market——

There are some different user portraits in the market:

First, pay attention to the differentiation of labels, so fashion brand culture spread from the United States;

Second, pay attention to personal preferences rather than other people's eyes. Consumption is not pure consumption, but consumption to create your own way of life;

[This type of consumption is called "creation fee". In human terms, all consumption for the purpose of pretending to be aggressive is called creation fee]

Three, began to pay attention to high cost performance. Don Quijote has just been established for three years, and its sales have exploded every year because of its outstanding features-late night business, compressed display, a large number of POP (point of sale advertisements), and low-priced products;

4. Emphasis on spiritual and cultural consumption, culture and industry began to penetrate each other, and many cultural research institutes were born one by one;

At the same time, the retail industry is also changing. Large-scale general supermarkets are still the main force in the market, but category killers (chain specialty stores with large business areas but fewer product categories, such as Jingxi Tesco) are beginning to rise, especially in Clothing, home furnishing, and home appliances have more advantages than large general supermarkets in terms of depth of selection and cost performance.

In addition, extremely low-price and extremely cost-effective formats, such as 100-yuan stores and SPA formats began to appear. After 1985, the convenience store format rose strongly, because the theme of differentiated consumption had emerged at that time. quick. "

"From the point of view of Japanese women's shopping psychology, usually, Japanese female consumers often do not have any specific purchase goals before shopping. Most Japanese women like to go shopping, and they usually cannot control their impulses during the shopping process. Psychologically resulting in purchasing behavior.”

As soon as Kitamura Junko finished speaking, Cui Hongji, a Malaysian who was born in the heart control group and specialized in female psychology, was not polite, and said directly: "Many Japanese women take shopping as a way of life when they are in a bad mood or encounter unpleasant things. A way to relieve stress, balance emotions, and vent helplessness.

According to the survey conducted by our research team, as many as 93.5% of Japanese female consumers aged 18-35 have had irrational and impulsive consumption behavior, and irrational consumption accounts for 20% of their consumption expenditure.

Because there is no clear and substantial purchase target, Japanese female consumers are easily influenced by environmental factors, including the store environment, the atmosphere of the shopping scene, the words and deeds of salespersons, and the opinions of other consumers.

Therefore, Japanese female consumers are more likely to be affected by the emotional function of the product when purchasing products that they do not need. Sometimes even the name, style, and atmosphere of the product meet their psychological needs, which can stimulate their purchase motivation. .

Japanese women are rich in emotion and good at associating. They often break away from the use value of the product surface level, but endow the product with a special emotional connotation and value, and are willing to experience the feeling and artistic conception of shopping.

The buying behavior of most Japanese women usually has a strong emotional color. When buying, they rely on experience and intuition, that is, women's sixth sense to buy products that meet their wishes.

With the opening of the social environment, Japanese women's social status continues to grow due to economic independence, and more and more Japanese women begin to pursue their individuality and express themselves.

Modern Japanese women, especially urban professional Japanese women, usually choose products that suit them according to their identity, temperament, occupation and economic affordability in the purchasing process, so as to show their self, freedom and self-confidence in individual consumption.

They pursue change and diversification in clothing, hairstyles, decorations, etc. They usually have a strong interest in new things and are eager to try and experience different life styles.

Today, with economic development and fierce competition, more and more professional Japanese women are beginning to advocate high-quality and high-grade consumption concepts. They believe that brand means quality assurance, and tasteful, classic fashion is a symbol of identity and status.

According to the statistics of our survey team, more than 60% of Japanese female consumers believe that although the price of famous brands is relatively high, the quality is guaranteed; about half of Japanese female consumers believe that the processing materials of famous brand products are high-quality, well-made and easy to use. Durable and trustworthy.

At the same time, Japanese women are very sensitive to the pursuit of beauty. Whether it is coordinated color matching, unique shape design, avant-garde and bold fashion sense, high-quality raw material processing, exquisite packaging, meticulous service and gifts, brand-name products can win the consumption of Japanese women. favored by those.

It can be seen that famous brands are a symbol of credibility and security, a symbol of high-quality life and social status for Japanese female consumers.

Let me use Japan's cosmeceutical industry as a case to analyze:

Japanese drugstores were transformed from traditional drugstores when the pharmaceutical separation system was implemented. Because consumers can easily buy daily groceries and cosmetics when buying medicines, they are popular with the public and develop rapidly. .

Modern pharmacies in Japan include private pharmacies, cosmetics stores, and daily grocery stores that sell medicines, health foods, and cosmetics.

The Japanese industry expects that with the relaxation of various policies and regulations, the number of pharmacy stores will increase to 24,000 by 2000, and sales will reach 8 trillion yen.

Japanese consumers have regarded drugstores as the primary place to buy skin care products, and after nearly 30 years of development, drugstores have become the primary channel for Japanese cosmetics sales.

Japanese female consumers are generally impulsive shoppers. Japanese drugstores can always use colorful, exaggerated and conspicuous POP advertisements or product displays that simulate scenes to attract the attention of many Japanese female consumers and attract them to buy. There is a strong desire to buy in the store.

The well-known cosmeceutical brand Matsumoto Kiyoshi piled up so-called seasonal products, hot-selling products, and special products along the street at the entrance of the single-storey store, and pasted colorful posters to grab the attention of people in front of the door.

Based on the fact that Japanese women tend to be emotional when shopping, drugstores launch proposal sales in product advertisements, requiring manufacturers to stand in the position of consumers and give more consideration to whether the product can improve the quality of life of consumers. It has become a major feature of the Japanese cosmeceutical industry.

For example, the store is built into a gorgeous palace interior, and the decorated princess bedroom is decorated in a pink-based style, so that female customers can experience a comfortable and comfortable feeling in it; the royal rigor and nobility are used as an entry point to let customers understand the high-quality products of the manufacturer. High-efficiency products serve customers, and they understand products more from the perspective of value rather than price.

In response to the worries and needs of female customers, the proposal sales of drugstores can not only provide targeted solutions, but also save women from the hassle of trying to buy products on their own, and reduce the probability of female consumers giving up buying due to fear of taking risks.

At the same time, it also subverts the traditional promotion plan of passively relying on the promotion of each manufacturer's personnel, actively stands on the consumer's standpoint, organizes products and arranges store shelves from the worries of female consumers, and takes into account women's desire for whitening, moisturizing, and acne removal , health and weight loss and other needs, but also to create a layout for women that meets product characteristics.

Sanzenri and Matsumoto Kiyoshi, the largest drugstores in Tokyo, are often overcrowded. Buying similar products from Shiseido in these two drugstores is 20% cheaper than buying them in department stores in Tokyo.

The reasonable low price of drugstores ensures that female consumers will choose the products of this manufacturer when they shop around, thus winning the market of female consumers not only in Japan but also in other parts of Asia.

In drug store chain stores, there are usually plenty of trial products piled up around the open-shelf sales shelves. There are no salespersons or shopping guides to follow, and customers can try them for free. This will not only bring female consumers a comfortable experience and promote them Secondary purchases, but also for manufacturers to bring new customer groups.

Japan's fashion elements are very fast-paced. Almost every other season, there are new ingredients and new products. Cosmeceuticals are also at the forefront of fashion, and the top ten new best-selling products are basically launched every week.

In drugstores, in addition to regular skin care products, you can also find a variety of exquisite beauty props. The double eyelid stickers alone are divided into large, medium and small models, which are divided into solid and liquid, and there are dozens of cotton pads. species to choose from.

Usually, the distribution of health-related products is the basic distribution standard of drugstores. However, as far as the current operating conditions of Japanese chain drugstores are concerned, the scope of product distribution is far from limited to this, and even candies, drinks, etc. seem to be Products that are not directly related to health have long been distributed in various drugstores.

Drug stores strive to meet customer needs, grasp the products purchased by customers, and equip each store with regional characteristics.

Regardless of whether they work outside the home or not, Japanese women pursue independence. Therefore, the marketing campaign emphasizing self-determination of lifestyle has received positive responses. The multi-variety and multi-style sales methods have satisfied Japanese female consumers’ pursuit of fresh and personalized products. .

In addition, drugstores all have their own brands with high quality and caring services. Matsumoto Kiyoshi is supported by its own brand MK Customer. Its concept is the concept of "care for your own body" advocated by Matsumoto Kiyoshi.

Under the parent brand, it is divided into 4 sub-brands including pharmaceuticals, groceries, cosmetics, and food, and strives to reflect the voice of customers with its own brand products, and pursues the safety of raw materials, manufacturing, testing and use, so that customers can feel at ease and safe.

Moreover, the packaging also pursues environmental protection, reflecting the company's sense of social responsibility.

Many people in the film and television beauty industry have a special liking for Japanese private brands, the reason is that their own brands are unique in design and promotion, and guarantee quality and effectiveness in terms of quality.

In terms of service, the drug store has won the favor of Japanese female consumers in its unique way, and its service purpose is to make customers become the leader of beauty trends after entering the store.

Another modern chain pharmacy that is relatively successful in cosmeceuticals, Shanyaoju, has a dedicated beauty consultant in the store to provide customers with common sense of beauty and practical beauty advice;

In addition, there are resident health expert pharmacists, who not only solve the troubles of beauty for customers, but also consult and diagnose physical confusion, such as always feeling tired and unable to sleep recently.

Let Japanese female consumers feel the considerate service and care, and convey to Japanese female consumers that they should understand their internal health status from the external beauty of skin, smile, makeup, etc. - the concept of letting beauty radiate from the inside out .

The successful marketing model of Japanese cosmeceuticals reflects the in-depth analysis and speculation of women's consumer psychology.

From my personal point of view, the Japanese cosmeceutical industry will definitely win the favor of Japanese women, and even women in Asia, by catering to women's gender psychology and characteristics, supplemented by products and services that meet women's psychology, so that The Japanese cosmeceutical market has become the leader and vane of the Asian cosmeceutical market. "

After listening to Kitamura Junko and Cui Hongji, Huo Yuanbai, the director of the Huaiqing Research Institute, nodded: "It is the consensus of all of us that women will become the main force of consumption, and the foundation of our research institute is also based on this point. .

Kitamura just now said that your time travel is very good. As far as Asia is concerned, Japan’s economic development is relatively fast and relatively early. Like South Korea, Lijiapo, Vietnam and other places, Japan is also deeply influenced by the Confucian culture of China. There are many similarities among several countries, which are suitable for Japan's economic development route, combined with the actual situation of the country, and can be replicated in other countries.

In fact, South Korea can indeed find many Japanese elements in its economic development trajectory. Because of geographical factors, Lijiapo's economic development model is more inclined to geo-economics. Looking at the development trajectory of the Chinese economy, we can also find the shadow of the Japanese economy.

There are commonalities in the core of culture, and there are commonalities in economic development, so there will be many commonalities in female culture and female psychology.

Confucius said that only women and villains are difficult to raise, and those who are close will not be inferior, and those who are far away will be resentful; the Confucianism of the Han Dynasty in Huaguo proposed that the husband should be the key to the wife, the Tang Dynasty proposed that women should not be allowed to take imperial examinations, and the Song Dynasty proposed the chastity archway and three-inch golden lotus. Qing proposed soaking in pig cages, biography of strong women, and patriarchy.

Japan is deeply influenced by Tang and Song culture. For example, aesthetics and tea ceremony can see the shadow of Tang and Song. The same is true in women's social status. Whether in the workplace or at home, women have not been treated equally.

This phenomenon began to change after MacArthur promulgated the "Instructions to Guarantee the Basic Human Rights and Political Freedom of Japanese Citizens" and proposed the regulations on equal rights for men and women and women's liberation, and the status of Japanese women has increased year by year.

But it has to be said that the feminist thought of Japanese women has gone astray. It has been upgraded from three wallets to the current Heisei new women. The female group has gradually developed an extreme sense of superiority and started to go to the extreme.

Now, Japan's economic bubble is about to burst, and the economic recession is inevitable. The economic recession brings about a rise in the unemployment rate. The major societies have changed from rapid expansion to conservative development. They no longer dare to recruit people lavishly. To ensure profits , The staff's work intensity will definitely be full.

Under such circumstances, Japanese women cannot continue to enjoy the dividends brought about by economic development. Clubs have laid off employees, jobs have decreased, and job hunting will become more and more difficult.

The philosopher Kant once proposed a word "involution" in his works, the anthropologist Alexander proposed "cultural involution", and Clifford proposed "agricultural involution". Obviously, Japan will soon fall into the workplace Curl.

When it comes to introversion, it is difficult for women in the workplace to be involuntary with men. In the next few years, many married women in the workplace will return to their families and become housewives again. How will their consumption outlook change?

As for those unmarried working women, with the recession of the Japanese economy, will they still be able to find three wallets and be able to spend extravagantly? Will their consumption attitudes change?

These two issues are what we need to investigate and study in the future. In addition, whether feminism in South Korea and China will rise, and what kind of development trajectory will women's consumption outlook will be are also topics that we need to study.

Our research institute pays generously, and the working atmosphere is quite relaxed. During working hours, we face the sea, sit on the beach, drink tea, and drink alcohol. All of this is not done out of thin air. It needs to be exchanged with rigorous and reliable research reports. .

Our research report will affect the investment direction of tens of billions of dollars of funds, so please make a research report with your heart in a relaxed state.

Cui Hongji, come up with a more detailed research report on Japan's cosmeceutical industry, and I will submit it to the headquarters after reading it. "

"No problem, give me a month." Cui Hongji nodded in response.


On Nanyi's side, turning his gaze to the right back corner, he saw an acquaintance, Bao Huotou, Tu Yu's husband, who opened a barber shop at Muxiyuan.

Raising his hand and waving to catch Bao Huantou's attention, Nanyi gestured to the tiger cub again, and then made an "exchange" movement with his hands around. Bao Huantou nodded back, and the man walked over quickly.

"Master Nan, why are you here?" Bao Huantou asked as soon as he sat down in the tiger cub's seat.

Nan Yi lowered his voice and said, "Come and listen to the advertisements on the telegraph poles. What about you, why did you come here?"

"Oh, don't mention it, there's no way to stay in Muxiyuan. The business is good, but it's too messy. The rain caller has been smashed several times, and my barber shop has also been smashed. Twice."

"Offended someone?"

"Hey, Master Nan, let me tell you, Tu Yu and those Wenzhou fellows are all good at doing business, and they are willing to endure hardships. There are more and more people in Wenzhou over there, and the business is booming. Osmanthus Garden, no, it should be said that the entire Dahongmen has become the territory of Wenzhou people.

Now leather clothing, clothing, and footwear are all produced there, and the output is getting bigger and bigger. Dahongmen has become an important wholesale base for leather clothing and clothing in the middle and low-end shopping malls in the capital. Many Soviet revisionists go there to purchase leather clothing.

When people in Wenzhou make money, some people are jealous. Some people want to drive them away, want to take over their business, and some people want to charge their management fees, but people in Wenzhou are not good. Those who bully are also united with each other, and the two sides have fought several times.

In addition, people in Wenzhou like to gamble. Not only do Wenzhou people play among themselves, but also local people in the capital will participate. There are not many big players in their pockets. Some people played foolishly and were reprimanded by the people of Wenzhou City, and they gathered people to beat them back, and they fought again and again.

Of course, it's not all the fault of our men in the capital. There are people in Wenzhou who lend usury, and those who owe debts are bullied. There are also people in Wenzhou who hurt others with their own base and make rude remarks at the gambling table. "

"Oh, have you been affected?" Nan Yi said thoughtfully.

Bao Huan knocked his head on his hands, "Hey, it's getting too serious. I'm from the capital city, and I'm from Tu Yuwen City. I'm the son-in-law of Wen City. Because of this, I'm not a human being. Anyway, I can't stay in Muxi Garden." Now, I plan to reopen the store in another place, or simply change my business, I heard that He Yang is very good, so I will come and listen."

"Then let's listen carefully, maybe we can really get the scriptures." Seeing a person walking straight to the front, Nan Yi said to Bao Huantou: "We'll talk when the person is on stage, and we'll leave after we leave."

"Hi everyone, I'm He Yang. I'm very glad that you can come here to listen to my speech." As soon as He Yang walked to the front and stood facing everyone, he began to say: "When I was young, I was very naughty and would take my mother's watch Take it apart, I don’t need to say more about what a watch ten years ago or nearly twenty years ago represents.

I took it apart and tried to put it back together, sometimes I could put it back in, sometimes I couldn’t, my mother never blamed me, she just said: ‘If it’s broken, just take it and fix it. '

I am very grateful to my mother. It is because of her tolerance that I have a different logic of thinking when I was a child. "

When He Yang said it, his face showed real emotion. It is estimated that the part of dismantling the watch is true.

"How did I get on the road of ideas, and why did I start the company Heyang? It's actually very simple, it's all because of two meals.

After resuming the college entrance examination, I was admitted to a university. After graduation, I was assigned to Erhua as a technical cadre. It cost 50 yuan a month, which was a lot of money at that time. I was very happy and looked forward to a better life in the future.

Once, I ran into a classmate who went into business. He insisted on dragging me to a restaurant. I don’t remember which restaurant I ate, and I don’t remember what I ate. The only thing I remember was that he asked me how much money I had for a month. Money, I told the truth, and then he said it wasn't enough for him to eat.

His words gave me a lot of stimulation and made me doubt my life, but I didn't go into the sea because of that, because at that time I still insisted on my ideal - to be a radio scientist. "

He Yang's words resonated with the audience below. There are various reasons why everyone here goes to the sea, and many people want to escape from the unchanging life because of the stimulation.

"I invited my mother to eat the second meal. It was next to the Summer Palace. That day, I just wanted to honor my mother, so I brought a lot of money with me, a total of 135 yuan and 70 cents.

But when I took the menu and looked at it, I found that the cheapest dish on it cost more than 20 yuan. At that time, I didn’t dare to show the menu to my mother. It was too expensive. If she saw it, she would definitely drag me away. shop.

I can only bite the bullet and count the money in my pocket to order food. It is a very ordinary meal. It costs me two months of salary. I have been working for several years. I treat my mother to a meal, but I am still shy. , that was the most embarrassing moment in my entire life before, and I still remember the shame and remorse that day.

Not long after that day, I resigned from the Science and Technology Commission and started my current company.

In the beginning..."

"Master Nan, why did you go into the sea?" Bao Huotou turned his head and said to Nanyi while not getting to the point.

"It's similar to him, and it's also because of my mother. When I was young, my family was not poor, and I had two jobs. My father was an engineer in the factory, but the food in my family was not as good as that of a single-employee family. At first, I didn't understand why my mother was so economical. .

Until 1976, I accidentally saw a stack of thick remittance slips in a drawer, ranging from 20, 30, 50, and 10 yuan, and the recipient was the Albanian embassy in our country.

At that time, I suddenly felt that my mother was very noble, and I would rather suffer myself and my two sons to help my class brothers.

So, I stole five dollars from a drawer, went to a stationery store and bought a world map, studied it for three days, and found that the huge Africa is full of our class brothers.

As a human being, we only pay attention to the fact that a blue is better than a blue. If my mother can help a country, I have to help a continent. I want to feed the class brothers in Africa. I want them to watch color TVs and drive cars. It's best to get a wife, not one, at least three.

Just like that, I plunged headlong into the business world with the dream of helping hundreds of millions of African people achieve prosperity. I have done a good job these years. I have helped many African class brothers. Two days ago, one of them just sent me a letter asking me to attend his wedding. He is about to marry the seventy-eighth concubine , I am sincerely happy for him. "

Bao Huotou gave a thumbs up and said, "Master Nan, you made up this story...that's amazing."


Nan Yi smiled and didn't answer. In fact, what he said was true, and he was quite conservative. Just erase the word "billion". He didn't just want to let the African people go to great prosperity, he wanted to support the oligarchs , Private jets are bought seventy or eighty, and they will be arranged in "S" for a while, and "B" for a while.

Ahead, He Yang has already gotten to the point.

"Some time ago, a gold pen factory approached me, hoping to add some functions to its fountain pens. In fact, many famous brand products in the world pay attention to purity, that is, they are relatively orthodox. If they add many functions, they will not look like high-end products.

The world-famous Rolex watches do not have as many functions as Japanese watches except timing, but they are made of the best materials and the best craftsmanship, so the price is more than 10,000 yuan.

The same is true for fountain pens, so I can only conceive from the perspective of material and processing.

I recommend using teflon [non-stick pan coating] for the tip of the pen, because it won't stick to the ink. Everyone knows that when you absorb pen water, you always have to wipe the ink stuck to the tip of the pen with paper, otherwise you will lose the ink. It is everywhere, and the pen made of this material avoids this trouble.

In terms of craftsmanship, it must be ensured that no ink will leak no matter whether it is cold or hot. Such pens are both high-end and practical, reflecting the characteristics of famous brand products.

Some people will say that making the whole pen out of gold is also a high-end product, and I would say yes, this is the right idea, but such an idea does not need me to come up with..."

He Yang was talking, but an audience member below interrupted him, "Mr. He, Mr. He."

"Student, what's your problem?" He Yang looked at the person who interrupted him with a smile and said.

"Mr. He, I used to make biscuits, the kind for children. Last year, there were too many people making biscuits. I thought this business would be difficult to do in the future, so I gave my factory to others.

After the factory was closed, I have been investigating what to do. Not long ago, I made up my mind to make bubble gum. Now the best selling one is Big Bubble Gum. It is a foreign brand with strong capital. Mr. He, what should I do? How can you compete with Big Bubble Gum? "

When Nanyi heard this person talk about Bubble Gum, he couldn't help but feel his heart twitch. Bubble Gum, he originally wanted Wenchang Food Factory to make it. The draft of the development plan had already been prepared, but he didn't have a chance to show it.

If Wenchang Food Factory can proceed step by step as he imagined, first accumulating capital and then building a brand, by this time, the brand of Wenchang Food Factory should have become popular all over the country.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, big bubble gum came in in 1989, and it doesn't make much sense to produce bubble gum at this time."

Nan Yi's heart was wrenching, and he looked at He Yang, wanting to hear what idea he would come up with.

He Yang smiled slightly, and his mind turned quickly, "This classmate, if you are asked to compete with Big Bubble Gum in an advertising battle, do you think you can beat it?"

"No." The person who asked the question said with certainty: "Although I made some money in the past few years, it is nothing to Big Bubble Gum. I am not its opponent at all."

"Okay, you are no match for Bubblegum in terms of financial resources, and you must not be able to do it in advertising. Since you can't do it in marketing, why don't we work hard on functions?"

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