"When I was planning for Putuoshan Food Factory, I mentioned an idea of ​​making contraceptive food. I suggested to start from this aspect and produce contraceptive bubble gum. Women in our country are embarrassed to take contraceptive pills. If contraceptive pills are made into Bubble gum, you can still clear your mouth if you eat it at night, so you don’t have to be embarrassed, it kills two birds with one stone.

In addition, we can develop insect repellent bubble gum, anti-caries bubble gum, stomach bug cure bubble gum, and "zinc and calcium supplement" bubble gum for children, so that parents can easily donate generously to meet their children's requirements.

It is said that the export of contraceptives in our country is restricted, but bubble gum is probably not? "


Upon hearing what He Yang said, Nan Yi couldn't help but secretly slander him.

The way He Yang said is to peddle dog meat, which has fundamentally changed the snack positioning of "Bubble Gum". At first glance, his idea is okay, but after careful consideration, it is pure nonsense.

Functional chewing gum must not only achieve functional effects, but also have a good taste, and the issue of preservation must also be considered. Huge investment in research and development is required. When the product is really successfully developed, how much should it be priced to compete with Big Bubble Gum?

How to make consumers accept the change of bubble gum concept?

As far as Nanyi thinks, if this is a proposition composition and these products must be made, it is better to separate it from Bubble Gum and start a new product road by itself, which is easier and more operable.

The person who asked the question sat down gratefully, and someone asked a question impatiently, and the lecture turned into a question meeting in an instant.

The second person who asked the question was a baijiu maker and wanted He Yang to come up with an idea. He Yang responded quickly, and after thinking for a few seconds, he came up with an idea - a magic wine bottle.

The principle of the magic wine bottle is very simple. Divide the inside of the bottle into two halves. One half is filled with high-alcohol wine, and the other half is filled with low-alcohol wine. Turn it once to pour high-alcohol wine for guests who can drink, and turn it again to serve guests who can’t drink. Pour out the low alcohol wine.

The wine bottle is in the shape of bronze, made of frosted glass bottle, and the pattern is represented by transparent lines, integrating ornamental and practical, with distinct Chinese characteristics.

Fortunately, Zheng Xiu died early and was buried quite far away, otherwise, he would have crawled out of the grave and giggled, "This bottle sounds familiar, why is it so similar to my Jiuqu Yuanyang Pot."

After the magic wine bottle, Nanyi listened to three excellent solutions: the all-weather watch, the labor insurance calendar, and the chopsticks engraved with the day of the week. After a total of five solutions, the lecture ended.

Nan Yi, who spent 900 yuan, was very upset, "It's a pity, 900 yuan, I might as well go to the lecturer of MLM to wash my brain, at least they know how to play with people's hearts."

Walking out of the room and outside, Bao Huantou, who had been uncertain just now, asked Nan Yi, "Master Nan, do you think this He Yang is reliable?"

"In my personal opinion, it's okay to listen to his ideas when doing business. This man is quick-witted and has a wide range of knowledge. Didn't he just say that, according to the authoritative hospital in Beijing, his IQ is two points away? Full marks, better than Einstein and Newton.

But if you want to start a business, his method will not work at all. A business cannot be built by quick wit and ideas, but by product quality and service. "

"Oh, what's going on, Master Nan, where are you going now, do you want to sit in Huanyu?"

"Forget it, it's almost dinner time, I have an appointment tonight."


"I vomited writing, I really vomited writing, now my brain hurts when I see the manuscript paper, I don't want to write, I really don't want to write."

In our courtyard, Wang Suo was smoking a cigarette, complaining to Nanyi with embarrassment on his face.

In the domestic literary world in 1991, Wang Yan was not necessarily the most influential one, but he was definitely the most profitable one. Other writers could only rely on writing to solve their food and clothing problems, but Wang Yan had already made a fortune. His manuscript fee was something that others dare not imagination.

Nan Yi took the cattail fan and breathed the wind towards the stove mouth to let the charcoal inside burn quickly. When the charcoal turned bright red, he sat on a large casserole and told the cook next to him to go back first.

Put the stove on the table, put the large beef bones that have been boiled into the casserole, cover the lid and let it puff.

Picking up a piece of edamame on the table and putting it in his mouth, he put it into his stomach with white rice wine from Lao Jiang’s hometown, snorted intoxicatedly, picked up a piece of garlic and dipped it in the weedle sauce, took a bite, Then there is a piece of fat and thin beef slices grilled on a barbed wire, which is called a transparent Garcia.

"Nan batian, damn it, I'm talking to you."

Seeing that he had sung a one-man show, Wang Hao hurriedly sent a secret signal to Nanyi.

"I heard."

Nanyi wiped his mouth with two pieces of paper, took a sip of Yibao pure water on the table, smashed his mouth, and muttered: "The taste is different."

"What's different?" Wang Yan asked.

"I said this water is different from tap water."

"Nonsense, it costs three yuan a bottle. Can it be the same as tap water?"

"The hooligans are really educated, and they immediately pointed to the core. I said, what is the difference between this water and water, and now you can figure it out. Yes, the price is different." Nan Yi said, Suddenly raised the volume, "Your price is not the same as other people's climbing grid, you get cheap and you still act like a good boy, beating your sex."

"Hey, my price is so high that I won it myself, not from the sky. Others can't envy me. I'm really sick of writing, and I really don't want to write. Why, find me an easier job, and ask for no High, five thousand yuan a month is enough."

Nan Yi smiled sarcastically, "Didn't you just finish writing "I Am Your Father", and when I get back, I will start writing a book "I Am Your Son". The first sentence is written like this: I have a father, his surname is Nan, He lives next door to me..."

"Fuck, take advantage of me, I..."

When Wang Yan got excited, the cigarette butt flew out of his mouth, and it landed in Nanyi's weedle sauce impartially, and the soot flying all over the sky patronized several dishes on the table.

"Damn, when did you go to study, you used to only spit, but now you can breathe fire." Nanyi spat, and quickly started to save the vegetables that needed to be saved.

After some tossing, there were three less dishes on the table, Nanyi's sauce was changed again, the bones in the casserole were tasty, and the beef and offal were put in to rinse.

"What are you going to do about the three shits? Are you right?"

"What are you thinking? It's enough to clean up dung beetles with the soles of their shoes. Who the hell just shoot them with their hands? Don't you think it's too late?"

"That's right." Wang Yan twitched his mouth, and spewed strange words, "Who are you in the South Batian? Go up to the nine heavens to capture the moon, go down to the five oceans to catch turtles, character, such a small role, it's not an insult to your identity."

"Hey, your old Wang family has horns on your head. When Nuwa pinched your veins back then, she gave you a big thank you. Your mouth is not only used to eat, but also to hold your fart?"

Nanyi didn't give up much, and replied directly with strange words.

"Well, let's not argue with you, tell me, how do you plan to deal with that grandson?"

"If you have any questions, you have to be willing. After you have finished drinking, you can go to Maxim to see it."

"It's kind of mysterious."


There is a saying in physiognomy that lame, blind, poisonous, dumb and bad, disabled people are generally docile, have physical defects, know that fighting with others is not an advantage, and they only have to be hammered.

But not everyone is like this, there are exceptions among the disabled. There is a cripple Zhao in the Tuanjie Lake area, who is a difficult master.

Zhao Laizi, as the name suggests, has a lame leg, not congenital, not polio, not a car accident or something like that, he was born with a cripple to make his leg crippled.

Zhao Laizi’s father’s surname is Zhao. When he was a child, he was lucky enough to see Zhao Laizi in “The Second Generation of Tianqiao Eight Monsters” playing bars [juggling on the horizontal bar] in Tianqiao. Hai and other moves made Lao Zhao obsessed.

Old Zhao thought about practicing bars by himself, but it was a pity that after less than three months of practicing, he encountered a big change in society. A series of trivial matters such as entering a factory, getting married, and maintaining a family livelihood hindered him. Let him no longer have the energy to practice.

As an old man, I like to let my son make up for my regrets. Xiao Zhao, the cripple Zhao has just turned three years old, and Lao Zhao has set his life pursuit for him-practice bars and become a master of bars.

Not to mention, just because of Old Zhao's obsession with Gangzi, he has a clear understanding of the affairs of the Gangzi world in the capital, and he easily found the door of the "First Generation of Tianqiao Eight Monsters", who is also a descendant of Gangzi master Tian Zizi. The lame descendants were moved by Lao Zhao's sincerity (two packs of cigarettes, three catties of Fuqiang powder), so they accepted Xiao Zhao.

One teaches with heart, and the other learns with heart, that is called burning ointment and inheriting the sundial.

In a blink of an eye, six cold and hot days have passed, and Xiao Zhao's stick skills are very good. When he was doing a staged graduation performance for Lao Zhao, Xiao Zhao's performance was too much, and he did an unprofessional "stick flying" As a result, he fell to the ground with a bang, and one leg was limped.

Since then, Xiao Zhao has become a lame Zhao, and lame Zhao's dream has been realized far beyond expectations - lame Zhao calls him Lao Tzu.

Zhao Laizi has since become Zhao Laizi, instead of complaining and giving up on himself, he practiced more diligently, just like the evil sword art can only be practiced correctly if he is in the palace, and those who are not lame cannot comprehend the true meaning of the stick. At the age of eighteen, he was better than blue.

In the same year, in order to create a good practice environment for Zhao Zizi, Lao Zhao, who worked day and night, finally couldn't stand it anymore. He lay on the bed for three days and died of overwork with a smile on his face.

As soon as Lao Zhao left, Gang Zi was also taken away by him. Zhao Zizi was detached and stopped talking about bullshit. He wanted to make money, and made a lot of money.

Since then, a difficult character has appeared in the area of ​​Tuanjie Lake. Zhao Zizi, leaning on a single crutch, will patronize video halls, gambling places, and places where the masters negotiate business. Ruthless, one hundred is not too much, fifty is not too little, you can always get seven or eight hundred in a month.

After ensuring the basic living expenses, Zhao Zizi added the item "Qingshou" to his business scope. Qingshou is the activity of collecting money to help people in peace. It appeared in the Ming Dynasty. At the beginning, it mainly helped people fight and develop. By the end of Ming Dynasty, it became standardized and diversified.

This morning, Lame Zhao received a new order. The job was not difficult to do, and the reward was quite sufficient. If others took the lead, Lame Zhao would naturally know how to give back and make the work as beautiful as possible.

At the entrance of Maxim's restaurant, Zhao Laizi leaned against a pole after he arrived, smoking a cigarette, his eyes fixed on the road outside the restaurant, like a cat staring at the mouse hole.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he dropped the half-smoked cigarette, and ran forward quickly on a single crutch. During the attack, he also turned a plastic bag in his hand into a holding bag, leaving half a meter away from a person. When it was time, he called softly: "Geng Lu."

As soon as Geng Lu heard someone calling him, he stopped, turned his head, and followed the sound to look at the yelling person. Seeing a cripple running towards him, he opened his mouth and wanted to ask "Who are you?" He opened his mouth, and a bucket of golden juice poured from his head to his feet.

"Fuck... pee pee..."

Geng Lu was finished as soon as he started cursing, the golden juice flowed into his mouth along the nasolabial folds, he was nauseated, Geng Lu squatted down and retched, vomited and vomited until he vomited more than he ate. .

Zhao Laizi just stood there watching, until he was sure that Geng Lu was fine, then he laughed and said: "This is the capital, don't be so rude, be careful in the future."

The task is completed, and the reward can be settled with peace of mind.

Seventy meters away, the tiger cub, who had witnessed everything, tugged on his collar, smiled faintly, turned and left.

[It’s been changed a lot, I’m sorry everyone, I can’t do it if I don’t, I found that it’s not the taste I want. Six or seven hundred words were deleted. ]

Before he and Fang Chong had dinner, Nan Yi invited Fang Dong to the old bungalow and gave him a small job to build a 1.5 meter iron fence on the top of the wall. U-shaped, in case someone has to climb, it also reduces the possibility of accidents.

Nan Yi knew very well that if he really wanted to steal something from him, he couldn't stop him. He just wanted to stop boring people like Geng Lu and let them retreat.

He explained to Fangdong about the renovation of the courtyard wall, and at dinner, Nanyi introduced Fang Chong to Yi Jinru, stayed at Gong Xue's place for a night, and went to Liu's house the next morning, and had dinner at Liu's house After lunch, Nanyi left the capital in a hurry.


Flying to New York to handle Nan's official business, Nan Yi, who had spent a few days with his eldest son by the way, set foot on the land of Qiongdao again.

A few years ago, Qiongdao had a development climax. In the mid-1980s, marked by the automobile accident, many local bosses started their fortunes from the automobile accident.

Walking in Qiongdao, you can often hear people reminiscing about the grand occasion of the year, such and such made a lot of money by flipping cars. This is a real fortune.

Some people also said that at that time, if you knew how to drive, someone would hire you to drive from the pier, and it cost several hundred yuan a trip. If you don’t drive it ten or eight times a day?

This is making a small fortune.

In the past few years, several large-scale projects have been carried out on Qiongdao, and a group of people have actually made a lot of money by doing engineering and selling building materials.

Nanyi heard a lot of such wealth stories here in Yecheng. He came to a conclusion: it is best to have one ear in and one ear out for such rumors. As soon as the lips touch the lips, the numbers come when they open their mouths.

Moreover, those who are envious or jealous are not ruled out, and a large number of exaggerated techniques and powerful brain holes are used. The listener stands on the shoulders of giants and changes the urban story into a fantasy.

What was the situation at that time, Nanyi did not seriously investigate and study it. When a layman had nothing to do with himself, Nanyi was also a gossip, and numbers were also dolls in his eyes. Decorate with him.

Anyway, there were always a few people, perhaps not a few, who were initiated by the car ^ incident. Many of them squandered the money they earned, and did not save it as seeds for making money.

In any case, since then, the prelude to the development and opening of Qiongdao has been unveiled.

Because of the car incident, the people of Qiongdao miss a certain leader very much. As soon as Nanyi came to the island, he knew that there was a tomb of Hai Rui in Xiuying's side, and there was a Wugong Temple in Fucheng. After running around for two days, and coming back this time, he didn't directly devote himself to work, but went shopping first.

As for Hai Rui, Nanyi has known this name for a long time. After all, it is a character mentioned in textbooks. He has written this name in homework books and test papers more than once, but he has a deep understanding of it. This is much later.

The Wugong Temple enshrines five senior officials who were demoted to the isolated island during the Tang and Song Dynasties-Li Deyu, Li Gang, Zhao Ding, Li Guang, and Hu Quan, who were prime ministers or deputy prime ministers at different times.

When visiting the Wugong Temple, Nanyi heard several local people discussing there: "There should be another one here, and it should be changed to Liugong Temple. He came to Qiongdao from Guangdong Province, and he didn't bring anyone else with him. Go with a breeze in your sleeves."

Nanyi knew who the "he" they were talking about was only related to political life, and his gossip fire would not rise. After listening to it, he silently thought about the impact of the car^ incident on Qiongdao .

On the positive side, it has inspired the commodity awareness of the people of Qiongdao, knowing that it is not a matter of course to endure hardship and poverty.

For thousands of years, the influence brought by the rebels who were dispatched and demoted to the isolated island, the blood inheritance and thought transmission left behind have been integrated into the local tradition and culture.

After traveling around two places, Nan Yi came to the vicinity of Wanghai Building, found a familiar newsstand, and got the newspapers he was asked to keep from the newspaper sales boss, a stack of 70 centimeters thick.

The tavern by the sea is still unobstructed, pick up two stones and press the newspaper, and let the boss serve up a platter of vegetarian dishes at will. Nan Yi flips through the newspaper with his greasy hands.

As soon as the news in the newspaper was summarized, those trespassers who could stay stayed, and those who couldn't stay left.

Governments and enterprises in provinces, cities, and ministries and commissions have already spent a lot of money to send their troops south, some of them are probing, and some of them are serious.

There are more and more "fake foreign devils" companies like Yiwan International. Karate ranges from 3rd to 9th dan. Some people only hold an overseas passport, borrowing money from the mainland, making money from the mainland, and taking it back to themselves. In his pocket were hard, blue banknotes.

There are also relatives of foreign businessmen entrusted by others. Not only did they fail to do a good job in the business, they even only cared about eating, drinking and having fun, squandering the hard-earned money they earned abroad, and damaging the country's reputation.

In April 1991, most of the people here in Yecheng walked through the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, each with sharp eyes, who is real and who is fake, whether they have strength or not. Whether you are interested in developing or making money, at this point, no one can hide it from anyone.

Qiongdao's real estate industry is like the magma of the Ma'anling volcano. It is calm on the surface, but it is rolling there secretly. Everyone is holding back their energy and waiting, waiting for the catalyst to pour down from the crater.

Hold back, wait, spray...

From sitting around two o'clock until the incandescent lamp stretched horizontally in the air was lit, Ma Yuyu came to meet Nanyi in his little bully. Empty dishes were withdrawn, and a few new dishes were served again. After Ma Yuyu sat down his stomach, the process of reporting work and debriefing began.

"Old horse, when making the project budget, the entire dream town project reserved 15 million more space, it's okay to spend more money, I only want the quality of the project, but whoever cuts corners, I will spend hundreds of millions of investment to fetch water Piao, it will also flip the table."

As Nanyi said, he glanced at Ma Yuyu's bridge of nose, and then down at his belly, "At that time, if I want to investigate the responsibility, I will start from the inside. It is said that to govern people requires both kindness and power, well, you I've seen it, Wei, I feel like I'm almost embarrassed, don't panic, there will be a chance to see you.

Tomorrow at noon, there will be a surprise inspection on the construction site. There is a clear regulation on our construction site not to drink alcohol when starting work. Before, it was just pasting documents and hanging slogans. You need to give a warning, just carry out a safety production training class;

If it is found out for the second time, then there is no need to show any sympathy. The workers are dismissed on the spot. If a contractor is caught and fined 20,000 yuan, it will not be deducted from the project payment, but they will be asked to pay additional money. "

Ma Yaoyu looked distressed, "Boss, most of the work on the construction site is heavy work. The workers work from 6:00 am to 11:30 am. They must be tired. Drink some wine and take a nap to relieve fatigue. If you don't drink some, I can't stand it in the afternoon."

"There are several freezers on the construction site, sour plum soup and ten drops of water can be opened to drink, the conditions of the work sheds are built as good as possible, and the couple's room is built in a secluded place so that they have a place to meet their needs. I do all this because I understand The hard work of the workers.

It’s true that drinking can relieve fatigue, and it can ensure the efficiency of going to work in the afternoon. But drinking can not only relieve fatigue, but excessive drinking can also easily fall off the shelf. What should I do if I fall and become paralyzed? "

In my previous life, two or three years later, around 1993 or 1994, Nanyi worked as a small worker on the construction site. How did the workers work, what to eat, what to drink, what to do when they were not in the union , Talk about something, he has been involved in it, heard, seen, and thought about it, and Nanyi is also roughly aware of their pain points and refreshments.

"Say, do we want to give pensions, funeral expenses, and relocation expenses? Do we want to give living expenses? Give it, how much do you think is appropriate? If you give too much, do you believe that someone will take the initiative to jump down? If you give less, then How do you feel?"

After taking a sip of wine, Nanyi continued to say: "If something happens, what should be given must be given, but not in a big way, but quietly. I don't want to see someone actively imitate. Of course, it is best not to Accidents, at least less accidents.

When the weather is hot, the scalp will become hot when wearing a safety helmet. The workers would like to shave off a layer of scalp. I also know this, but this is still not a reason for them not to wear safety helmets.

As long as I am on the construction site, even when I am shitting, doing foreign work, or resting, I have to wear a hard hat on my head. I am lazy, and the safety shoes have not been washed for a long time. Even if the smell can spread to Yangcheng, I have to wear it on feet. "

Nanyi made a tightening motion with his hands, "Safety is a curse, tight, tight, even if you get a bad reputation, you will tighten it to my death. From the start of the project to the completion of the project, I will You are given three indicators of disability.

If there is no accident, I will reward you with an extra 1 million yuan. If one accident occurs, I will give you 500,000 yuan. If two accidents occur, you can get 200,000 yuan. If there are three accidents, I will go to the stationery wholesale street to approve 10,000 certificates and return them. You take it back and paste the wall. "

Ma Yuyu couldn't help but laugh at Nanyi's last words. It's really a good idea to paste the certificate on the wall.

"Let's have fun, if there is a prize, there will be a fine. If there is more than one, I will fine you 50,000. If it is more than five, sorry, it only shows that you have a problem with your ability, Ma, and our fate is over.

Quality and safety are the two major things you must focus on. Whether you do well or not involves not only rewards and punishments, but also your promotion, so you must be cautious. "

"Boss, I understand."

"Also, pay attention to your body. I haven't seen you in less than three months. The words "excessive drinking and lust" have been engraved on your face."


Nanyi's words left Ma Yuyu speechless.

The next day, in the morning, when Nanyi got up early to exercise, he heard the sound of two kicks in the village. He took a detour and found a place similar to an ancestral hall.

When it was time to go to work, Nanyi called Zhao Jinshui and asked him to pay homage on behalf of Yiwan International, and at the same time offer a hundred yuan of silk gold.

Yiwan International is rooted in Longkunxia Village. No matter who has weddings and funerals in the village, they should express it. It doesn't cost a lot of money in a year, but it can lay a solid foundation for the masses.

Zhao Jinshui went, and when he came back, he brought a return gift, 30 yuan [Silk money is usually returned on the spot at a certain rate (depending on local customs). In fact, receiving silk money is a meal payment. Those who have given silk money can and should Attend a feast], a bar of soap, a handful of sugar.

Nanyi kept a piece of candy for himself, and asked Zhao Jinshui to give the rest to Song Jia, and the employees in the company could share a share.

In the past three days, the sister-in-law came from Xiangtang to temporarily take over the tiger cub's seat, and the tiger cub was freed up to investigate Cheng Hainan.

The sister-in-law is very big, and the place where it should be big is also big. She is no worse than a tiger cub for blocking guns, and she feels very charming, full of flirtatious energy, telling others that she is a bodyguard. Not many people would believe her, and nine out of ten people would definitely think that she was the Xiaomi that Nanyi brought with her.


Nanyi is asking if the sister-in-law has come out of the grief of losing her sister.

"It's over."

"It's fine in the past. Change your code name. My sister-in-law will cause a lot of inconvenience. From now on, your code name will be Tianxian."


Sister-in-law, no, Tianxian was originally a backup force for Nanyi's personal bodyguards. In order to be competent for her job, she has been training for several years. After a little adjustment, she quickly entered the state.

When two-thirds of April passed, Nanyi inexplicably got a part-time job as the director of the Coconut City Office. He needed to receive various relationships directly and indirectly. They all came from the mainland and came to run a real estate company. Lai Biao's relationship, Chen Feng's relationship, Wang Zhen's relationship, Nan's relationship, and classmates' relationship, all exist.

Nanyi just told a few people that he was in Yecheng, which was equivalent to telling the whole world that anyone could find a clue and call him on the pager.

Not long ago, Ma Yuyu, who had just pretended to let others pay attention to his body, was taken out by him, and he helped him entertain people from all walks of life, eat and drink with him, find an office space, and a series of trivial matters.

One day, Xu Xiaofang also called Nanyi, saying that her cousin-in-law's niece was also in Yecheng, and she was in a hurry to spend the money, so she asked Nanyi to send the money to others first, and she would make another calculation with Nanyi.

After listening to the numbers, Nanyi took care of the matter directly.

Soon, Nanyi met this cousin's niece. At Haicheng Restaurant, after hearing Hu Guanghua say that the drunken shrimp in this restaurant is a must, he made an appointment to meet here.

Fish maw soup, steamed grouper, a vegetable, etc. After Nanyi knew that the other party's name was Lin Yan, a glass bowl filled with lively shrimp was brought up by the waiter, poured white wine, and immediately closed the lid. The shrimp was in the wine bowl Jumping around in a hurry.

Seeing that the shrimp drank enough wine, Nanyi looked back at Lin Yan, "Miss Lin, 100,000 yuan is not too much, tell me what you used the money for, and I can give you some advice For reference."

Hearing Nanyi's question, Lin Yan was a little embarrassed. She was planning to use the 100,000 yuan to start a business. This was a business opportunity she had finally found. The person opposite her had only heard his name a day ago. She had only met the real person a few minutes ago, so how could she conveniently reveal her business secrets.

Seeing Lin Yan's expression, Nan Yi secretly nodded in his heart.

So, he said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm a bit presumptuous to ask, you just need to tell me whether you borrowed money for business, and how long it will take to pay me back, I have an idea."

"Yes, I use it for business..." Lin Yan thought for a while, "I can pay back the money in about two months."

"No problem, after dinner, let's go to the bank together, and I'll deposit the money into your account." Nan Yi said, opening the lid of the glass bowl, "The drunken shrimp is almost stuffy, I heard that the drunken shrimp here is It's the best in Coconut City, let's try it."

Helpless, no way, I still can't pass after changing it N times, this chapter is reposted.

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