Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1540: Meet Zhi Ye (2)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Qin Yi only came back for a while.

The police did not follow in again.

Qin Yi came in and smoothly locked the door.

Unlike Qin Yi, who was anxiously concerned just now, she looked a little gloomy at this time, and her sweet face also looked mean.

"I asked you to do something, you can't do it well, and there was a car accident? Why didn't you die?"

Qin Yi walked to the hospital bed, staring at Ming Shu, scolding in a sour tone.

"I'm dead, who will draw the design for you?"

Qin Yi suddenly choked.

But soon recovered, she clasped her hands on her chest and sneered: "The car accident did not hit your brain, but the courage came out, right? How dare you talk to me like this?"

"I tell you Ai Ye, you hit my car like that, you have to pay."

"Insurance companies will compensate you." Mingshu said quietly: "You really treat me as a fool?"

The driver of the accident was not found. The police said that the other party was fully responsible.

Even if she settles a claim here, she can't make a full compensation...

Qin Yi was about to attack, but felt that it was not right.

How dare Aye talk in such a tone?

She reached out to touch Ming Shu's forehead, and asked weirdly, "Ai Ye, is your brain okay?"

Mingshu raised his hand and waved away.

The palm hits the back of Qin Yi's hand, and a "pop" sound is crisp.

Qin Yi's eyes widened slightly, and the back of his hand suddenly turned red.

"Ai Ye!" she screamed, "you're crazy!"

"If you think I'm crazy, then I'm crazy." Anyway, you're not the first to say that, it doesn't matter.

A title only.

It’s not illegal for a lunatic to hit someone!

If it weren't for me to do it now, I can make you beep here!

"You don't want to do it!" Qin Yikou said nothing.

"Then you fired me quickly." Mingshu shrugged. "I can't help it."

Qin Yi reacted and said the wrong thing, "Don't forget, Ai Ye, you still have the handle in my hand."

"Well, I'm so scared." Mingshu reached out his hand.

Qin Yi didn't seem to notice her movements, threatening with a sneer, "Ai Ye I don't care what you are crazy about, but you remember to me, if you don't listen to me, you don't want to feel better."

Ming Shu agreed with his face, "It happens, I also have this idea."

"What do you think? Why do you want to face me? Ai Ye, don't you look at yourself a few pounds, do you really think you are a bit talented?"

Mingshu laughed before saying, "Okay, after all, unlike little cute you, you need to plagiarize others' works to pretend to be very talented."


Stepped on the painful foot by Mingshu, Qin Yi trembled with anger, and her beautiful eyes were filled with anger.

How dare she...

The more Qin Yi wanted, the more angry he was, raising his hand to fight Mingshu.

At this moment, Qin Yi's door was locked and pushed by the nurse, so Qin Yi almost didn't have time to calm his emotions, and his hands were still in the air.

"Miss nurse, which psychiatrist's patient came here? You see she wants to hit me."

Ming Shu complained to the nurse.

The nurse frowned at Qin Yi and saw that she was dressed brightly, unlike a patient, so she just stepped forward and pulled her away.

"This lady, the patient needs rest and rest. If you are fine, please leave here and don't disturb the patient."

Qin Yi gritted his teeth, "I am her..."

Mingshu cut her off, "I don't know her, sister nurse."

"This lady, please go out." Of course the nurse is taking care of the patient's emotions.

Qin Yi looked at the nurse and Mingshu.

"Ai Ye, good, good, you wait for me!"

Qin Yi stepped on high heels and left angrily.

In a car accident, this dead girl dared to talk to herself like this.

She was so angry.

Qin Yi left the hospital all the way and stopped to the company.

The anger gradually subsided on the way to the company.

She can't kick this dead girl away now, she is still useful.

I have to say that this dead girl is gifted...

She is now like this, it should only be a sequelae of a car accident. She doesn't believe she dares to do this against herself.

Qin Yi turned on her mobile phone and was ready to send something to shock Mingshu.

However, through the album, she didn't find the photo she was looking for.


She remembered to save a few on her mobile phone, was she accidentally deleted by herself?


A strange voice suddenly sounded on Qin Yi's mobile phone.

The driver in front looked back.

Qin Yi faced off the phone with red ears, but the sound hadn't stopped, and the car was full of imaginative sounds.

Qin Yi couldn't find the software from which the sound originated, and could only turn it off in a hurry.

The driver's eyes fell from Qin Yi's face on her chest.

Qin Yi perceives the driver's sight and is angrily angry, scolding: "Stop! Stop!"

The driver laughed strangely, "I haven't reached my destination yet?"


The driver shrugged and stopped the car. After Qin Yi gave the money off, she did not forget to whistle at her with bad intentions, "How much is the little girl?"

When Qin Yi heard this, he almost burst out.

But reason told her to leave quickly.

Qin Yi hurried to the company. She checked her phone and found no strange software or traces of poisoning.

Is it a prank?

Qin Yi thought of the business, quickly turned on the computer, logged in to a website in English, entered the password, and opened the album.

Seeing that the photos were still there, Qin Yi was slightly relieved.

It must have been deleted from the phone accidentally.

"Little girl film, dare to follow me." Qin Yi is ready to send the photo, shocking Ming Shu.

However, at this time, a call came in.

As a company executive, Qin Yi can only close the webpage and answer the phone first.

"Director Zhou... I haven't modified it yet, I don't think it's perfect, so please give me a few more days, and I will give it to you within the specified time."

Qin Yi finished speaking in one breath, but there was no sound over there.

"...Director Zhou?"

Qin Yi frowned strangely, and the next second she heard Director Zhou's angry voice, "Qin Yi, come to my office!"


After Qin Yi went away, he realized that Director Zhou heard Jiao Shuping on the phone. Qin Yi was scolded fiercely. Qin Yi explained that it might be that his mobile phone was poisoned. Director Zhou only let her go.

But then, no matter who called her, they heard this voice, and finally even changed the ringtone.

There was a lot of talk in the company.

Qin Yi is climbing high now, and many people in the company are not happy with her.

Today's matter, these people can see enough laugh.

Qin Yi doesn't even dare to turn on his mobile phone now, and the whole person explodes in the office.

Who is it that made her so whole?



Little fairy: harmony and harmony! !

Little Angel: Don't code all!

Mingshu: Don't code all!

Harmony: people?

Er Gouzi: Just get used to it.

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