Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1541: Meet Zhi Ye (3)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Qin Yi's chickens and dogs jumped and Mingshu was carelessly wounding in the hospital.

There is a police testimony over there, so it’s okay to ask for leave.

During Mingshu's rehabilitation, the police came to ask a few times, wanting her to recall the details.

But the car was rushing out from the front, not following her all the way.

So Mingshu couldn't recall any clues.

The vehicle that caused the accident is completely clueless.

This matter became an open case.

None of the original owner’s family members were from this city, and naturally no one took care of her. Mingshu felt that she was about the same and went through the discharge procedure.

Finding the place where the original owner lived according to the memory is not bad, it is a somewhat old community, but it can be seen that the management here is very good.

Mingshu carried the snacks he bought on the road and limped upstairs.

When I opened the door, I was shocked by the deafening music.

I am still sick.

Who is so unscrupulous!


Isn't this where the original owner lives?

Why is there such a loud music?

Mingshu looked inside.

In the living room stood a male animal wearing big pants.

The man stood sideways, with tattoos on his chest, wet hair dripping, and earrings on his ears.

With one hand on his forehead, his eyes fell outside the window, and Mingshu opened the door, and he didn't seem to notice it.

Mingshu: "..."

Did you go to the wrong door?

Mingshu quit and took a look.

That's right!

The man inside noticed that someone was coming in, quickly put the bath towel on his body, and swept his indifferent gaze, accompanied by the deafening sound of music, a bit permeating.

But the man looks very nice.

It's that wild and **** look.

Mingshu put down things and went in to turn off the music.

She looked at him, "Who are you?"

This is where the original owner lives. A man dressed like this, standing in the living room? ?

There is something wrong!

The man's eyes were indifferent, and he wrapped the bath towel as if looking at some precious object, and swept in inch by inch.

Mingshu: "..."

What catches your eyes?

Even if I look good, you don’t have to look so carefully?

The man withdrew his eyes and turned to get the phone. He swiped his finger a few times on the screen and then turned the phone to Mingshu.

It's a file.

The man seemed to wait for Mingshu to finish reading, and slide his finger next.

A total of six pictures.

Ming Shu after reading: "..."

Change owner? !

I go!

How did you change the owner?

The man lowered his head to type.

Then turned to Mingshu.

"You can continue to live, my sister said you want to live any time."

"Your sister?"

The man continued to type, and then showed her the phone screen.

"The rent is still the same, but there are three points you must obey."

"One: No more entering the second floor."

"Two: No strangers are allowed to come back."

"Three: I didn't think about it, I will add it later."

Ming Shu: "..." even hit a blank bar!

The original owner was able to rent the house here, thanks to a very important document for a young lady when she was studying.

At first sight, the two became friends.

After graduating, she knew that she had no place to live, and the young lady rented the house in this community to her.

The house is a mezzanine and very spacious.

The young lady changed the house. This house will not live anymore, but it is not good if the house has not lived for a long time, and you don’t want to rent it to unfamiliar people.

Now the house seems to be the younger sister's brother?


"How do I know what you said is true?"

The man frowned slightly and flipped through the phone to find a video for her.

There is an impression in the memory of the woman Ming Shu inherited from the video.

It was the young lady she met.

The man gave her mobile phone and motioned to see for herself.

Mingshu opened.

"Xiaoye, I haven't seen you for a long time, I haven't contacted you recently, and I don't know how you are doing. I heard from you before that you entered a company you like and did a career you like. It's nice. Sorry, sister Did not reply to you..."

The woman in the video was pale.

Lying on the hospital bed, barely maintaining a smile.

"Sister may not do it, don't be sad."

"You are still young, you still have a lot of possibilities. Life is alive, you have to work hard for your dreams, even if you fail, there will be no regrets, Xiaoye, you have to come on."

"This house, you live where you want to live. Xiaoyu is my brother, not a bad person..."

After watching the video, Mingshu returned the phone to him.

"she was……"

Man typing with his head down.


Mingshu was silent for a few seconds, "Sorrow."

The original owner has not contacted the younger sister for a long time, because the younger sister has said to go abroad before, so the original owner is not surprised.

But she habitually told the young lady about life.

Unexpectedly, when she died in the end, she could arrange for a stranger like this.

Mingshu sighed slightly.


Ai Ye is also dead.

The man showed her the phone again.

"Zong Yu."

"Your name?" It's pretty good.

The nodded man is the default.

"Ai Ye."

The man nodded, indicating that he knew and continued typing.

"Still have questions?"


The man pressed the cell phone out and took the bath towel upstairs.

When he came down again, he had already dressed his shirt and buttoned it carefully, like a veteran cadre.

But he has tattoos! !

He is a social person! !

Mingshu looked at him on the sofa.

The latter does what she does for her own sake, completely disregarding the distinct line of sight, as if she is a transparent person.


The man's mobile phone vibrated, he picked it up and glanced at it, then wiped it out, and then answered the text message.

He doesn't seem to speak...

Such a good-looking man turned out to be a dumb man.

God opens a door for you, it will close a window for you.


Mingshu chewed the chips, and the click sound was crisp.

Zong Yu...

Final encounter.

Mingshu smiled and turned to watch TV.

The man learned toss and sorrow there for a while, and then went upstairs again, during which no sound was made.

Before Mingshu lived underneath, she didn't actually use the room above.

So she has nothing to swing.

In the next few days, Mingshu and Zongyu had no communication.

He completely regards Mingshu as a transparent person. When Mingshu is in the living room, he will not step into the living room. When Mingshu is in the dining room, he will not step into the dining room.

The house was also reorganized by someone he called, and many furniture was moved in.

The door was reinstalled on the second floor, and even the key to the door was changed.

Mingshu got the new key and was called by the workers to set up fingerprints.

Mingshu: "..."

What big person is she living with!

Are people in the society so crazy?

And this big man seems to have a cleansing habit, taking two baths a day and changing clothes twice.

The clothes are all meticulously buckled, very stable, and completely different from when he was bare.

Is this stepping on a horse relying on clothes and a horse?


Jiu Shao: How can I confess if I can't speak?

Little fairy: Attentively!

Nine Shao: ...Fart! Love wants to say it!

Mingshu: It can be done.

Harmony: Harmony, harmony and harmony.

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