Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1542: Meet Zhi Ye (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu wounded almost the same and went to work in the company.

Before Qin Yi had sent her a lot of text messages, let her quickly go back to work, otherwise she would quickly change the design to her.

Because of the influence of Qin Yi, the original owner was affected.

Therefore, this design draft was directly returned.

Qin Yi asked the original owner to fix it quickly, but it was delayed for so long because of the car accident.

"You are here, little leaf."

"Ouch, our injury number is finally here. After this long break, I thought I wouldn't come to work."

"That is, if we take such a long leave, we will be expelled long ago."

"Don't you rely on Qin Yi to support her?"


"People are chief designers. Where can we compare?"

As soon as I entered the design department, the fairies of the design department gave me a collective fight.

Since she was hospitalized for so long, no colleague came to see herself and she knew how bad the original owner was.

Qin Yi made her enemies intentionally or unintentionally, causing her to have no friends for so long.

A person next to him came in and said directly: "Ai Ye is doing me a favor, I'm too late, you help me do this..."

Mingshu bypassed her and said with a smile: "Little princess, do your own thing, play with wages? Does the boss know that you will be fired?"


Everyone watched Mingshu ascendantly walked to his place.

"what happened?"

"do not know……"

"Sequelae of a car accident?"

The rejected woman sneered, "She's got a brain hit. In case something goes crazy, we have to be scolded. I'll do it myself."

The people discussed for a while, and each broke up and started working.

Qin Yi came in and saw Mingshu sitting on the seat, slightly relieved at the bottom of his heart, and immediately passed, "Xiaoye, come into the office with me."

Qin Yi is now the chief designer and has a separate office.

"What's the matter, just say here, I still have a job." Mingshu sat in his place, watching the recent backlog.

Qin Yi's eyes widened slightly, and she didn't seem to believe this was what she said.

The people around looked at her, her expression was ugly, but she could only suppress her voice.

"Ai Ye, you are my assistant now!" Since returning from the hospital that day, she has been unlucky.

The mobile phone incident made her have a lot of appearances in the company.

Now it's hard to pass by.

The designable thing is now like a knife hanging over her head.

Director Zhou has urged several times.

She went to the hospital to find her and was told to be discharged.

No one answered the phone...

"Oh, yes." Ming Shu seemed to remember, put down the file in his hand, and stood up.

Seeing this, Qin Yi walked to the office with anger.

The dead girl dared to shake her face.

As soon as he entered the office, Qin Yi couldn't help but anger, "Ai Ye, your wings are stiff, right? What about the design draft? Hurry up to me!"

"What design draft?" Ming Shu smiled. "I'm just an assistant. Why should the chief designer ask me to design draft?"

"Ai Ye, please don't confuse me. The design will be drafted soon, so hurry to me."

Qin Yi reached out towards Mingshu.

"Why should I give you my design draft?"

"Why?" Qin Yi seemed to be amused, "Ai Ye, is your brain really broken? You said why did you give me the design draft? If it were not for me, could you be like this now?"

"If it weren't for you, I might be the chief designer now."

Qin Yi laughed directly, and his eyes were full of irony, "Just because you are a newly graduated student with no background, can you be the chief designer?"

"You can be a designer who plagiarizes others' works, why can't I?"


Speaking of plagiarism, Qin Yi looked very ugly.

She also wanted to design herself.

But every time she handed it in, the one who was finally selected was Ai Ye.

Qin Yi took a deep breath.

She suppressed the anger at the bottom of her heart and said, "I'm fancy your work. That's your luck. You don't give me nonsense. Hurry and give me the manuscript!"

"Sick, how can I have time to draw what design draft." Mingshu innocent face, "And, I am really an assistant, you are the chief designer."

"Ai Ye you..."

Mingshu turned and ran outside.

Before Qin Yi grabbed her, opened the office door.

The sound outside the office immediately passed into the office.

Qin Yi's complexion stood still.

"Ai Ye, you come back to me!" Qin Yi murmured in a low voice, "You don't want to do it? Or do you want everyone in the company to know you..."

Mingshu raised his finger and compared it with a booing gesture.

She pointed to Qin Yi's bag on the desk.

With a very low voice said: "Your boss may have something to tell you, come on! Look good at you!"

Mingshu gave Qin Yi a heart.

Then close the door smoothly.

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment.

What does she compare to herself?

are you crazy!

and many more!

She just said...

The boss may have something to tell her?

Qin Yi thought of the direction that Ming Shu pointed, and looked at the desk violently, turning his phone out of his bag.

The screen of the mobile phone turned on... the callee... Director Zhou...

Seeing the length of the call, Qin Yi sweated down on his forehead.


Mingshu returned to his place, eating his own snacks, and slowly processed the backlog of documents.

It doesn't matter that these things can backlog here.

after an hour.

Someone came to call her and asked her to see Director Zhou.

"Did it happen?"

"I don't know, I saw Qin Yi panicking up before, but I haven't come down yet..."

"What could have happened?"

"Who knows."

Ming Shu saw Director Zhou in the discussion.

Director Zhou is a woman of only forty years. She belongs to the strong and neat woman. Everything requires perfection. She is called the old witch by the whole department.

Mingshu knocked on the door and entered.

Qin Yi looked down and stood there, not knowing what he had discussed with Director Zhou, the atmosphere was not very good.

According to the original owner's memory, Director Zhou really does not like Qin Yi.

It's not because Qin Yi has mixed well in the company recently. When Qin Yi didn't meet the original owner before, he just walked in through the back door.

Being plugged into the design department, Director Zhou was a person who demanded perfection, and was naturally not happy with Qin Yi.

"Director Zhou." Ming Shu called out.

Director Zhou nodded with a serious tone, "Do you know why you are here?"

Mingshu innocent shrugged.

Director Zhou glanced at her, "About the design draft. Was your design draft plagiarized by Qin Yi?"

Qin Yi Yuguang swept to Mingshu.

Is it a coincidence, or did she do the phone conversation?

But the phone was always in her bag, she never touched it, why...

Qin Yi thought of the last thing about his mobile phone, obviously it can be done.

This is not the time to think about it.

She threatened Mingshu with her eyes and signaled her not to talk nonsense.

However, Mingshu didn't look at her, and bent the corner of her lips, "Yeah."

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