Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1573: refute

"what happened?"

At this time, in the closed-door place, they rushed out of the two ancestors, and the atmosphere was very powerful, and they were better than the Jinyun gods.

The two of them quickly flew out and saw traces of fighting around them. There was a body on the ground, which made them frown.

"What is going on, is there an intruder coming in?" one of the ancestors asked.

Jinyun Tianshen said without hesitation: "Nothing, that is, some little guys, want to disturb us to retreat, I have cleared them. I will tell other people later, let them pay more attention to this matter, absolutely Can't bother us to retreat!"

The two ancestors shook their heads and shook their heads: "There is no need to exaggerate. Who has not done anything wrong? You are too violent, you have to calm down and practice."

"What Big Brother said is that we will go back to retreat now." Jinyun Tianshen told them to go back quickly. Only the situation was known to him.

The two ancestors did not suspect him. When they turned and wanted to go back, suddenly the body on the side, a large group of flames came out and wrapped the body. In less than a moment, a handsome young man reappeared in the sight of everyone.

Rise from the ashes!

The ability of the dragon and the phoenix is ​​once again presented. It is perfect for him to resurrect. The cooling time is long, but after the upgrade, the cooling time will be recalculated, and it will be greatly shortened.

Moreover, Yi Tianyun knows that these are very important, and it is sure to remove the cooling time immediately, especially in the event of a crisis, in order to save the life, immediately remove the cooling time.

Of course, if there is no dragon and phoenix, it can be resurrected with "life", which means that the crazy value of consumption is slightly more. But he can afford it now, and there is no problem.

"Old ancestors, please don't leave!"

Yi Tianyun came out of the bath fire and said in a long story: "The Shutian Shenyu was attacked by the evil spirits. Now the main hall is surrounded. If the predecessors don't believe it, they can immediately use the spiritual knowledge to explore. If there is a little falsehood, Seniors are free to deal with seniors!"

I said it in a series and said that they were all over. Especially the sky god, the expression is even more wonderful, he really did not expect that under his attack, Yi Tianyun can still survive, what is this ability?

When he reacted, it was already late, and Yi Tianyun said what he said.

"The evil spirits sneak attack?" The two ancestors stunned, and the expression suddenly became serious. If he was suspected, he would immediately investigate. It is not that they are very convinced of Yi Tianyun, but that they are trustworthy and not credible. !

After their spiritual exploration, one of the ancestors said coldly: "It’s really evil spirits, and other powerful gods have already captured and surrounded the main hall. The domain owners are trapped. , already in the state of engagement, the situation is not very good!"

Their spiritual knowledge is extremely amazing. It is easy to cover an area and explore the situation of the main hall. Naturally, it is not a problem.

"How come, we don't have any sense at all? The key is yet to inform us, but a foreigner comes over..."

They can recognize that Yi Tianyun is an outsider, mainly he is a human race. In the case of Xiu Tian Shen domain, in the past, no one would accept a human being as a disciple. This is really a kind of discrimination, but things are so cruel.

"Because your area is shrouded in a shielded array, so that you can't feel the fluctuations outside, so the younger generation came to destroy the big array. Just before the destruction, it was discovered by the ancestors, and immediately Stop the younger generation, let the younger generation destroy this big array, and the heart will not have to explain more of the younger generation!" Yi Tianyun cold channel.

Yi Tianyun did not explain clearly. The two ancestors looked over and brushed and wanted to see something from their companion's expression.

Jinyun Tianshen is indifferent: "It’s just nonsense. I saw you a foreign disciple. It’s a crime of sinning here! I’m going to attack it at random. As for this shielding, I will deal with it. In my opinion, I think you are a disciple from other gods, and it is still a big array!"

Instead of panic, Jinyun Tianshen bites Yi Tianyun and does not admit that he is a traitor.

"Yes, since you know that there is such a big array, you will definitely see the situation outside? How do you let the seniors return to retreat instead of going to rescue?" Yi Tianyun pointed at him coldly Road: "There is no doubt that you are the traitor! And I am indeed not a disciple of the Tiantian domain, but I am a disciple of the vast gods, and will never make such a rebellious thing!"

Yi Tianyun's tone is powerful and convincing. In particular, it is reasonable to tell the words of Jinyun Tianshen directly, but it is to tear the face of the gods of the clouds and tear down the false content.

Jinyun Tianshen’s face sank. He said that there was no problem. Just assuming that Yi Tianyun did not resurrect and jump up, the two ancestors would certainly not go to explore the situation around them, but instead went back to retreat.

This is the trust between the companions, and certainly will not be okay to explore the surrounding situation. Who can think of killing a freak halfway and stirring things up.

"Yunyun Tianshen, this is really a bit of a truth!" One of the ancestors stared at his companion, Shen Sheng said: "Please give a little explanation, is it true!"

They are not fools, they will not easily believe in the words of an outsider. Can Yi Tianyun's words really make sense, Jinyun Tianshen does not know the outside situation? That is impossible. It is definitely knowing the situation outside. If you know that there are outsiders coming in at will, you will definitely investigate the situation outside.

Who knows that Yun Tian Shen does not investigate, but even persuaded them to go in and re-close, which means that there are really ghosts!

Jinyun Tianshen’s face was inconspicuous, and he did not expect that everything would be a loss, but it was a bad thing by the individual boy.

"Death!" Yunyun Tianshen roared and slammed into Yi Tianyun's side and tried to kill Yi Tianyun again.

Yi Tianyun had already prepared for it. At this moment, he had already moved quickly and fled to the area on the side.


The attack of Jinyun Tianshen was heavily covered in the area where Yi Tianyun was located, causing a loud noise. Following the fact that Jinyun Tianshen did not continue to fight, but flew away and fled, and turned into a beam of light to quickly escape from this area, did not cause conflict with other ancestors.

But the two of them did not chase, but let him run away.

"Big brother, don't you chase?" asked the ancestor next to him.

"Now we have something to do, and this time let him go, it is completely broken off this relationship, the next time you meet, is the enemy." This ancesm is indifferent, in fact, the inner anger is soaring, has been The companions of the betrayal, can you not be angry?

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