Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1574: Rescue

The two ancestors soon went to wake up the other two ancestors, and the four ancestors were completely out of the customs. After knowing that Bianyun Tianshen was betrayed, their expressions were surprisingly calm and they were not angry.

"The next time I meet, it is the enemy..."

They shook their heads, and the heart was more complicated. How do you betray your betrayal? Do they treat 滔云天神? As for the real answer, I can only say that I will learn more about it the next time I meet.

The four ancestors have reached a unified consensus, that is, the next meeting is the death of Jinyun Tianshen! They are not allowed to betray, it should be said that no one likes to betray, and the traitor is dead.

Now, there is a big problem with Xiu Tian Shen domain. Let’s save the situation here and say that the rest of the matter will be put aside for the time being.

"This little friend, thank you for your help, the rest of the words are not much to say, after we solve this matter, and reward you again!" The ancestor of the head is formerly known as the eldest brother, called the imperial god, his The cultivation is the strongest, with the level of the superior god!

The ancient gods of the upper gods do not have to say more about their standards, they must be the level of the heavens. However, he did not take the opportunity to intercept the Jinyun God, as his old friend, naturally know what its means.

There is a gap in repairing, but it is impossible to easily intercept it. Now the main thing is to calm down the field!

Immediately they quickly rushed to the main hall, ready to support the repair of the Tianyu master. Yi Tianyun also followed the past, he can not miss this opportunity.

"The ancient gods, it’s terrible..."

Yi Tianyun had a bit of a heartache. Just grab it and kill him directly. If he had the ability to reborn, he was really dead.

After being killed, he still has a little consciousness, and he deliberately does not rush to reborn, but to look at the situation on the side. After the ancestors came out, it was undoubtedly the most perfect result. If his consciousness disappears completely, it will automatically trigger the rebirth effect.

To put it bluntly, it is completely dead, and if there is no awareness, it will automatically trigger the rebirth effect.

He can't deal with Jinyun Tianshen, can't other ancestors deal with it? This is hard to come, can only be taken!

At the same time, in the case of the main hall, the battle is already in full swing, and the battle is going to a feverish state. They have started to fight and fight, and the battle is glued. No one can easily attack anyone.

“It’s quite powerful?” After the battle with the repaired Tianyu master, Walloon’s gods quickly retreated, and in the face of the impact of the repairing Tianyu master, it was very embarrassing.

At this time, he had a lot of tokens in his hands, and looked at them coldly and said: "As long as I crush these tokens, my hands will immediately start to work. When your other planets, they will immediately clean up without difference! ”

Their faces are changing. They don't think that Walloon God is telling lies, but it is. They are all trapped here, and the rest of the planets are controlled, which is normal.

"What do you want to do!" Xiu Tianyu's main face is gloomy. If he does, then his repairing **** domain can be a heavy loss. The rest of the disciples are still quite talented. If you cultivate it a little, you can change it. Into a good mainstay.

The most basic disciple of a **** domain is gone, how can it develop? So they are tight in one heart, this guy is really too mean.

“What do I want to do?” Walloon’s **** sneered: “It’s very simple, suicide directly, then I won’t do it.”

"Are you telling a joke?" The vast **** said coldly: "We commit suicide. After suicide, you will not do it. Don't treat us as idiots, you can do it yourself!"

Let them commit suicide, they are not that great, especially after they die, they can guarantee that they will not do it? Maybe not killed, but it is no different from being a slave.

Especially when they are all dead, what other people are dead, and what do they have to do with themselves?

It’s not that they are selfish, they are dead, and the Shutian domain is not a heavenly domain.

Walloon God's face was ugly. I didn't expect the vast **** to answer so decisively. He immediately pointed to him and said, "Then I change the conditions. As long as you commit suicide, I let go of five planets. How about this?"

Wallonia God immediately turned to the vast god, he just wants to watch the vast gods die!

The main face of Xiu Tianyu has become more ugly, and the front channel is cold: "Don't say so much nonsense, you have to hit it, you have to crush it, you will make it worse than death!"

Let your son go to death, this is absolutely impossible, even if all the people add up, it is not as good as a son!

"It seems that you are really worried. If so, then kill a few planets to play?" The jade in the hands of Walloon's gods must be crushed at any time. Once crushed, his men immediately attacked.

"Then you just pinch it, look at your men, there is no reaction!" At this time, Swordsman Tianzun appeared on the side.

"You..." When the vast gods saw their disciples appearing, they felt moved inside. I didn't expect this crucial time, they actually appeared.

"Master, don't worry, those miscellaneous pieces have been cleaned up by us, all areas are very safe!" Swordsman Tianzun smiled.

It seems that their decision-making is correct, or else it is really threatened, but it is also watching the disappearance of a pile of life.

"Very good! You are doing very well!" Hao Hao Tianshen was very satisfied with this. I didn't expect Jiansi Tianzun to give them a big surprise.

In this way, they can't do anything about the disciples of Xiu Tian Shen.

"I don't believe it!" Walloon God does not believe that a jade in his hand is broken into a pile of powder.

Jade is crumbling, but there are no signs of fighting in other planets, and it is still no different from usual. It means that their men are really destroyed, and there is not one left!

Now he has to believe that he is arranged under the hands of other planets and is completely destroyed.

"Damn, I didn't expect this to leak!" Walloon God bites his teeth: "If that's the case, then see who can live to the end!"

He reached out and gestured to everyone, and wanted to threaten it before. Since the threat is not enough now, it can only be strong!


Wallonia God took the lead and the rest of the gods went out with them. Now they are all tied together. If they don't destroy the gods, then their gods are destroyed.

The Ten Thousand Gods and the Holy Peaks are weaker than the Shutian domain. If they are revenged, they will be completely finished.

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