Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1605: Reject

After entering, Yi Tianyun was shocked by the scene inside. The silver light from the scene spilled from above and looked like it was falling from the moon.

In fact, it is sprinkled from these planets, and their core is the core of light, so that this special effect can be achieved.

When the light shines, it looks like the sun, giving them a warm feeling. But it’s not as dazzling as the sun, just as soft as the moonlight.

Yi Tianyun knows that there is hidden murder inside. If the big squad starts, the area where he is located becomes the scope of attack.

"There are so many optical cores, the handwriting is really not small..."

From this hand, I know why the dragon **** domain is so strong.

Under the leadership of Feng Yang, they flew directly to the Presbyterian Hall, which is exactly the planet in the center of the Crescent Moon. This is equal to the eyes of the dragon **** domain, and will naturally be used as the elders hall.

The originally guarded elders' hall was immediately open to them. It is mainly led by Feng Yang, to make everything so smooth.

"Elder Feng Feng, you are back..."

"Elder Fung Qiu, you are beautiful again..."

"Feng Qiu elders..."

The practitioners around the road greeted her very respectfully, and let the fall of the phoenix be touched and embarrassed. She is very touched, but it is very embarrassing.

I have already left this place, and I still call myself that, it is really awkward.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, shook his head, but he knew that Phoenix Fall would not leave his domain. There is only one special possibility, that is, to restore the position of the Dragon God domain, but she is also the person of the Three Realms.

This Yi Tianyun can still accept, as long as the description is the Sanjie Divine is enough.

Along the way, Yi Tianyun saw that all the women were repaired, but I really didn’t see a male practitioner! This is really like the outside world, here is really a male repair.

He swept over, his talents were good, and he was also gifted, but he enjoyed equal treatment here. If you want to get more benefits, you have to work **** your own.

When I came to the elders' hall, several elders immediately greeted them and said with a smile: "Elder Feng Feng, are you coming back?"

These elders are all gods, and they are still polite in the face of the fall, and they are not as low as they are, but high.

The reputation of Feng Yang Zun is not covered, and she is indeed a genius. The millennium has been cultivated like this. After a while, it is not a big problem to surpass them.

"Yes, I have something to come back, I have to talk to the domain owner." Feng Yang Zun has been numb, how do they call themselves, how to call it.

"The domain master is temporarily dealing with some things. If there is anything, you can go to the elders. The elders are inside, you can go now." When they look at Yi Tianyun, they know what it is. It must be that these people came to the domain owner.

However, since it was brought by Feng Shui, they did not say anything, but they were thinking about how to bring back the phoenix autumn.

Since Feng Fengzun left here, he has not returned. It’s rare to come back now, or to come back for someone else. It’s enough to prove that this group of people is very important in Feng’s autumn respect.

How else would you be willing to come back? This makes them guess the reason, what is it?

Follow them directly to find the elders, the elders of the dragon **** domain, and stay in it to deal with affairs. When they went in, they looked up and said: "Hey, Elder Fung Qiu?" Her eyes brightened and she showed some surprises.

The great elders in front of you are extremely beautiful. They seem to be called big elders. There is no difference between them and young women in their twenties. It is extremely overbearing to achieve the level of the median god!

"The Great Elders..." Feng Qingzun looked very embarrassed when he saw the elders.

"It's good to come back, just come back, you don't leave this time, come back to the dragon **** domain. Everyone blames you for missing, I am very much looking forward to your return." Ling Bingtian took a small hand and gently touched her hand .

Yi Tianyun looked at these situations beside him. He felt that Feng Xun Zun was like going home, instead of returning to any power.

"I don't mention this for the time being..." Feng Yang respected and shook his head. For the time being, he didn't want to talk about this problem. He immediately turned to look at Yi Tianyun and said: "This time I came back, I brought them over and discussed some things with you. ”

"Oh, what do you have?" When Ling Bingtian turned his head and looked at them, his expression immediately became cold, his face was flat, and there was a smile before him.

"Ling Bing Tianshen, I am the elder of Xiu Tian Shen Yu, this time I am planning to form an alliance with you!" Hao Hao Tian Shen stood up and said.

"Sorry, we didn't intend to form an alliance with any gods. If it was just this thing, you can go." Ling Bingtian was very unpopular and immediately refused. He didn't even think about it.

This makes the vast gods very incomparable, just to come, is it going to leave?

Feng Qiu Zun felt helpless at the side, this is not what she can control, so she can only watch it.

"This, don't you think about it? You should know the news. We have just been attacked by the evil spirits and want to steal the evil spirits! We are the guardians, you are the guardian of the dragon **** domain, I heard that it is also guardian. "The vastness of the gods Shen Shen said: "In this way, allied together, it is undoubtedly better to protect this evil **** orb!"

The repair of the gods domain was attacked, this thing is already well-known things, so how can a big thing, no one knows? There are quite a few practitioners who are watching on the side and spreading the things here.

As for why you want to fight, this is not particularly clear. However, the vastness of the gods is frank, mainly this is not a secret, simply say it, frankly, so that there is sincerity.

"We are not guardians. You can't talk about these words." Ling Bingtian said coldly: "What consequences will this bring, I believe that the vast **** knows!"

When you announce your going out, you will definitely be stared at by the evil spirits. Ling Bingtian does not want to let the dragon gods be stared.

"Whether you are or not, we control the evil gods orchestras. If they are taken away by the evil spirits, it is very likely that the evil spirits will be resurrected! When the war of the gods comes again, do you think you can escape the relationship?" : "In this way, it is even more important to form an alliance! If you choose to join the evil spirits, then I did not say."

There is a slight tone of agreement in this place, and it is completely controversial. It should be said that he was mad at it, it is time to go, and the dragon **** domain is still not sincere cooperation?

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