Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1606: Alliance

The vastness of the gods is very normal, even if you really don't want to, at least say euphemistically, such straightforward words make him feel very uncomfortable.

As guardians, they did not suffer from other forces, and they worked hard to protect the evil gods, but they suffered from blind eyes.

If the evil spirits are handed over to the evil spirits, then after the evil spirits resurrect the evil spirits, the dragon gods will be extinct!

This is like a small village to a brave, has been helping to resist the monster. One day I was very hungry. I wanted to ask for something to eat, but I was rejected by the villagers in the village. I want to eat and ask for it myself!

If you refute two sentences and protect the village yourself, how do you provide some food? Otherwise, there is no way to protect it.

Who knows that the villagers are refuting, saying that he is voluntary and has nothing to do with them!

This cruel fact is really quite a lot.

Nowadays, the vast gods are treated like this, can they not be bombarded? How to say that they have merits in guarding the domain of God, but they are rejected so quickly, and it is difficult to feel comfortable in their hearts.

"That is your business, nothing to do with us!" Ling Bing Tianshen is still a cold retorted sentence, do not eat this set.

There is one kind, the evil spirits have the ability to kill them, they resist it!

"You!" The vast **** is immediately blown up by air. Even if it is the dragon **** domain, how can you reject the male repair, don't you be so unclear?

"Great elders, you are too impulsive." At this time an ethereal voice came from behind.

Followed by a beautiful woman from the outside, every step is integrated into the world, as if it is integrated with it, more importantly a faint light, radiating from her body, like a goddess of light.

And she is the domain owner of the dragon **** domain, that is, the dragon dragon domain master, repaired to reach the late existence of the median god, is a very strong existence.

Even if it is a female repair, still lead many men to repair!

"The domain master!" Ling Bingtian, they said respectfully.

"I have seen the dragon dragon domain master." Hao Hao Tian Shen and Yi Tianyun both shouted reverently.

The Dragon Landlord nodded and came to the front of the vast gods and said: "The elders are a little prejudiced against your heavenly domain, not biased against you as a guardian."

The dragon dragon domain owner also said very straightforwardly, why Ling Bingtian God did this.

"Is there a prejudice against our Tianshen domain?" The vast gods looked up and down and looked at Ling Bing Tianshen. They didn't know what it meant. Didn't the heavenly gods provoke her?

"The vast gods have been away from the repairing gods for a long time? You don't know it is normal." The dragon dragon master looked at Ling Bingtian and smiled: "The elders, the vast gods are not informed, you don't have to target him too much?"

"Hey, it's all about the gods, there is no difference!" Ling Bing Tianshen is still very rude.

This makes the vast gods a little embarrassed. Many things he really don't know. If Shutian Shenyu does something bad for her, it is really not that Ling Bingtian is too rushing.

"That, I don't know what the Xiu Shen Shen domain did to Ling Bing Tian Shen. I am deeply sorry for this. I also ask Ling Bing Tian Shen not to mind." Hao Hao Tian Shen can only choose to bow, since they are all repaired He can only apologize for the things of the gods.

Although he did not know what the situation was, he did not do what he did, but now he is the representative, that is, he apologized.

Seeing Haohao Tianshen apologizing, Ling Bingtian’s face was slightly relieved, and the tone was not so cold: “But it’s not true that the vast **** does not know. After all, you have been away from the Shutian domain for a long time. In fact, there is nothing. I was originally a deacon in Shutian Shenyu, and I was forced to marry. As a result, as you have seen, I have joined the Dragon God."

The vast gods wiped the cold sweat, but did not expect this kind of dog blood to force away such an amazing genius. I have to say that the elders of the Tiantian domain were kicked.

It is no wonder that Ling Bing Tian Shen is so repelling the alliance, he will rush to this matter, how can he form an alliance? It’s not bad to beat people, but also want to form an alliance?

"I really don't know about this, I am very sorry..." Hao Hao Tian Shen smiled and said: "This is our fault, and the elders are doing something wrong. The environment has been greatly improved, and this will not happen."

If he is there, there will be no such thing, even a woman will marry! However, it is indeed a means of regular use. In this way, it is easy to cause goods that are considered to be transactions, and the feelings are immediately gone.

"Hey!" Ling Bing Tianshen snorted, not much to say.

At least in tone, it won't be so cold, and the sense of rejection is much weaker.

"Okay, are you coming to the alliance this time?"

"Yes, this time we came to form an alliance. We are the guardians of the evil gods orbs. I don't know if you are guardians. If so, then you should unite and defend against evil spirits!" "Now they are starting to counterattack. If our evil gods orbs are taken away, I am afraid that the whole **** domain will not be able to go through the peace."

"This is indeed, we have heard about it all the time, but whether it is a guardian or not, we really don't know." Xiaolong domain owner smiled and said: "Now I know, then we should stand up and help. After all, we are also Guardians, it is okay to help each other."

The dragon dragon domain owner said it very refreshingly. There is nothing to hide. Since the vastness of the gods is clear, there is no need to cover it.

I don't know the situation of the other party, but I will cover it up. Now it is different. After confirming the situation, there is no need to cover up.

"That would be great!" The vast **** is very excited. I didn't expect it to be so smooth. I thought that the other party would be more difficult. Who knows that the dragon domain owner is very refreshing.

"But we are guardians, we still need to keep it secret, and there is also a situation of alliance. It is also confidential. It plays a key role when attacked."

There are no ones present, only one or two elders, all confidant, quite credible.

"That is of course, we are doing this. Similarly, if the dragon **** domain is attacked by evil spirits, we will also support it immediately!" The vast gods are not demanding, that is, simple support will do.

Originally, there will be no more things in the alliance, and both sides have their own management methods. It is impossible to arrange for people to come over.

"That is, it is so fixed." Dragon and Dragon Domain nodded.

When they were so happy, the next Yi Tianyun interjected: "The dragon domain master, our three realms, also want to form an alliance with the dragon **** domain!"

When the words came out, they all looked over and they were a little surprised.

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