Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1617: Scorpio domain master

The world of mechanical and cultivating is presented in front of Yi Tianyun. There are special machines everywhere, and there are mechanical guards, which are huge and very shocking.

The core that drives them is the core, which means that many cores are needed to drive them. But with a little bit, you can drive them.

The "sun" in the sky is the source of energy that constantly replenishes energy. Correspondingly, if you leave here, it is difficult to maintain it for too long in the outer world. You will need to replenish your core energy by then, otherwise you will not be able to continue for a long time.

At the same time, their power is very strong, for example, the level of these guards is at the level of God. As for the Tianzun level, Yi Tianyun did not see it for a while. He believed that there was still, but not many.

The guardian of the Tianzun class is not so good. In particular, this kind of device is more difficult. However, even if you change to a common cockroach, creating a squat of the celestial level, the difficulty is surprisingly large, and the cost of consumption is even more alarming.

Originally, Tianzun was very strong. Although it is more than a god, but how to say it is a heavenly, powerful force, enough to be competent for many wars.

Nowadays, these mechanical defects can replace a lot of combat power, at least not afraid of death, and you don't have to worry about how to die. Anyway, if you die, you will die. It will be created again.

In addition to mechanical guards, there are also a variety of flying spirit ships, as well as flying mechanical beasts. These mechanical beasts are made of special materials, most of which are familiar materials, and only a few core areas, those are not so easy to know.

Most of the practitioners on the surface can see what materials are made, but the interior is not necessarily the case. The key is internal technology, which is the most important.

"This is the Tianzhu Divine, it is really interesting." Yi Tianyun looked around, in addition to these mechanical guards and so on, there are many practitioners coming and going, repaired to have high and low, low have stars Above the level.

These disciples seem to be wise, with infinite curiosity and infinite wisdom. If you want to join the Scorpio Gods, you can't join without a high level of understanding.

Otherwise, if you say something, you don't understand it for a long time, then you can join it.

“Interesting?” Lucky God smiled. “It’s really interesting. The Scorpio God is really a miracle of this era!”

She is extremely esteemed in the Tianzhu Divine, and she feels that everything can be created in the Divine Realm, which is simply equal to the God of omnipotence. Even if they cultivated to the gods, they could not create life, and the gods of heaven could create life.

Although there is no wisdom in this kind of life, it will become wise by blessing like the spirit. This is the perfect combination of mechanics and cultivation to fill the rigid machinery.

"It is indeed a miracle."

Yi Tianyun followed the lucky gods all the way, and the practitioners around him looked over here and looked at him up and down. So many years, there are very few strange faces coming in.

Therefore, while they greeted the lucky god, they kept looking at Yi Tianyun and wanted to see something from him. However, they did not ask much, and the qualifications of Lucky God are much higher than them, so I am embarrassed to ask more.

Under the leadership of Lucky God, they went straight to a special hall, which is still full of mechanization. However, on the wall here, there is a huge mechanical hourglass, and the special quicksand falls slowly, which seems to be quite slow.

Yi Tianyun can feel the passage of time around, obviously controlled by this mechanical hourglass, so that the flow rate of this time is much slower than the outside.

"Ah, too busy, time is not enough..."

"This is too difficult, how can we get rid of it... ah, time is not enough..."

There are a few Tianzun rushing over here, quite rushed. When I saw Lucky God, after saying hello, I went on to continue busy.

Yi Tianyun looked at them like a demon, and thought it was quite funny. It seems that they are studying and the whole person is crazy. This will also know what the meaning of this quicksand is, that is, slow down the time flow and give them more time!

It is estimated that what is to be dealt with will make these things come out.

Lucky God did not explain too much, Yi Tianyun did not join in, naturally there is no need to explain anything to him.

"The front is the room that the Lord of the Scorpio is waiting for." Lucky God pointed to the small room in front, not too luxurious decoration, no different from other rooms.

Following the lucky gods knocked on the door, accompanied by a voice inside, "the incoming" sound, the lucky gods pushed the door open and went inside.

Yi Tianyun walked in with one piece and just entered, immediately felt a thick evil, covering the entire room. He turned his head and found that the evil **** orb was constantly sealed under the cover of various machinery.

But these machines are still being infected by the evil spirits, some are eroded, others are dark and even out of control.

Next to the evil god, there is a veteran who is not trimmed. The whole head is wrapped in hair and looks very funny. Some of the hair is even more lumpy and looks quite awkward.

But no one will think that he is jealous, or that he dare not say he is jealous. Because he is the master of the Tianzhu domain, the degree of cultivation is strong enough to reach the upper stage of the upper god, the comprehensive level is not low.

It’s just that he worked hard to suppress the things of the evil gods, perhaps a little drag on cultivation.

"Well? Lucky elder, you have come over... This little friend, it seems that it is not my family. Is it lucky that you are a good seedling?" The Tianzhu domain owner turned his head and looked at it, though his face was covered with hair. But those wise eyes are not covered.

"No, he is also the guardian of the evil gods orbs. This time I have found that I want to form an alliance with us." Lucky God explained Yi Tianyun's intentions.

"Guardian?" The Tianzhu domain master looked at him with a squint: "I don't feel it completely, you have the breath of the evil spirits. If you suppress it very well, it will be more or less a little breath."

Yi Tianyun was released a little. After the Tianzhu domain owner sensed it, he squinted and said: "Great, what you have on your body, or suppress the head of the evil spirit! This is the most difficult... The key is to suppress this evil spirit. Orbs are not you, but others.... This life is a bit familiar, but the breath is too weak to feel."

It’s just a release. It’s amazing that the Lord of the Earth’s realm immediately sensed the evil spirits!

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