Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1618: Crazy Scorpio Domain Master

The scent of evil spirits has long been completely suppressed by Yi Tianyun, so there is basically no breath. Who knows that it is still sensed by the Scorpio domain owner. It seems that in the perceptual sense, the Scorpio domain master is really powerful enough.

Lucky God is inductive, but the Lord of Heaven can easily sense it. Although it was only a little, it was always inductive. Before he was released several times, neither the lucky **** nor the dragon dragon domain could not sense it.

It can be seen that the Scorpio domain is quite simple.

"This doesn't have to care, at least it's enough for me to control it." Yi Tianyun didn't expose the evil spirits. This just happened to meet, but nothing will be exposed.

While talking, he continued to look at the evil gods. The main town of Tianzhu domain is the tortoise of the evil spirits, and the difficulty of the town seal is ranked second! The first is naturally the head, the head has always been the most difficult to seal, and the energy needed to suppress it is a little more.

Light can't sense what it is from the breath. It can only be seen from the naked eye. Only through the appearance of this pearl can you see what is inside.

The Scorpio domain master can suddenly sense it as a head. Yi Tianyun guesses that it should be from the concentration of evil spirits to sense what it is.

The heavier the evil, the more natural it will be.

As for the seal of the Lord of the Scorpio, it is not like the other domain owners, they are all sealed with their own bodies. The owner of the Tianzhu domain is completely mechanically sealed, surrounded by tightly wrapped, and continues to try, how to control and use this evil **** orb!

I have to say that the gap between people is different. Other sealers always think about how to suppress it for a long time, or consider the next sealer.

They are good at the Scorpio domain. They don’t need their own bodies directly. They use these machines to suppress them. Then they try to guide the evil inside out and see how they can be used.

It seems to be very difficult at present and has not been successfully used, but at least the effect of the seal seems to be good.

"Come out and show it to me!" The Tianzhu domain owner ignored him. His eyes were full of glamour. He walked over to Yi Tianyun and stared at him. "Don't show it to me." I will not be aligned!"

This crazy state of the Scorpio domain is really a shock to Yi Tianyun, such a strong curiosity, it is the first time I saw it.

"Everyone has their own secrets. This can't be shown to you unless you first form an alliance with me!" Yi Tianyun also threatened him with an alliance.

"Yes, I can form an alliance now, show me it!" The Tianzhu domain owner answered so quickly that Yi Tianyun was dumbfounded.

So soon I decided to form an alliance. Is this too exaggerated? Something that is a little bit of interest, I immediately choose to form an alliance, regardless of the consequences?

The lucky gods next to them are all blind, and hurriedly dragged the Tianzhu domain master and said: "The Tianzhu domain master, what are you doing, this is an alliance, not casually able to form an alliance, depending on the situation, to see The situation of the other party!"

If you don't figure out anything, choose to form an alliance. This is too hasty.

"Yes, it can't be too hasty. After you read it to me, I feel that there is research value. We will form an alliance immediately, how?" Tianzhu domain chief said.

Hearing these words, the lucky **** almost fainted, the two are a little different, but it is not only to look at Yi Tianyun's method is good, if the method is good, it will form an alliance.

This alliance is really too sloppy. If the alliance is a pothole, is it not finished? The key to their scorpio gods, has not always interfered with the outside situation, basically are seclusion, obviously it is not appropriate to go out to form an alliance.

Yi Tianyun almost sprayed, this day the landlord is really sloppy, but looking at his gaze, I feel nothing at all.

Immediately, he thought about it, or chose to take out the evil spirits.

After the evil spirits were released, the evil spirits immediately spread in the room. This immediately scared the lucky gods and quickly prepared for the battle, but was quickly stopped by the Tianzhu domain owner.

"Lucky elders, stop me!" After the Tianzhu domain chief signaled that the lucky elders had stopped, they looked up and down the evil spirits and exclaimed: "What is this ability, and it has completely controlled the evil spirits." It is really bold enough to seal the evil spirits of Baozhu."

"This is awkward ability." Yi Tianyun explained next to him.

"Hey?" The Tianzhu domain master looked up and down the evil spirits: "That kind of scorpion ability is really strong. I have never seen it so real. I don't feel a bit strange at all. Normal sorcerer, no matter how Covering, how to get it, will be exposed. At most, it is very good, but not like you, you can't see a little flaw."

Yi Tianyun’s evil spirits naturally do not see flaws. They are all piled up with evil spirits. How can they see flaws?

"This is some secret skills." Yi Tianyun can only explain this.

"Use this secret technique to exchange with me, I will immediately form an alliance with you! At the same time, many areas of the Scorpio Gods will open to you!" The Tianzhu domain master is crazy again, and there is no seriousness at all.

"This can't be done, absolutely can't be rumored." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "If you say it, don't you know that the Tianzhu domain owner is satisfied? You said it before, if you are satisfied, then you have to form an alliance, but you can't say Be sure to have this secret technique."

Yi Tianyun, this martial art, is certainly impossible to pass away. It should be said that there is no way to pass it.

"Can't be rumored... that's it, as long as you give me this for a while, wait until I study thoroughly, and then return it to you. At that time, I will form an alliance with you, how?" The Tianzhu domain owner is very refreshing. Promise.

So refreshing promise, let Yi Tianyun stunned, I did not expect this to be so smooth! If you study it, you can form an alliance, then take it for research!

He is not afraid that the evil spirits will be unloaded, and basically it will not be ruined. When it is time to regroup, it will do.

"Scorpio domain master!" Lucky gods are going crazy, I did not expect their domain owners to agree so quickly.

"How, do you agree?" Tianzhu domain chief smiled.

"No problem, but it is conditional, but the time can't be too long. Otherwise, if I drag it for tens of thousands of years, isn't it a loss? There is still no turmoil. This is the seal of the evil gods. If you don't pay attention, it's easy to have problems." Yi Tianyun said good conditions first, so as not to take a few thousand years to study and promise himself, isn't it a pit?

"Hey, I really wanted to really study tens of thousands of years..." When the Tianzhu domain owner said this, let Yi Tianyun almost stand still, but fortunately he left his mind!

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