Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2508: Apologize immediately!

The Blackbeard Pirates Group ranks among the top five in the Pirate League, and the strength is not a little bit stronger than the Whitebeard Pirates Group. It is said that the second master Hu Yuan in front of him is stronger than Li Ying.

"It seems that the Whitebeard Pirate Group has been controlled by you, where is Ma Ke?" Xiao Chen glanced, but did not see Ma Ke.

"Ma Ke doesn't know each other and has been locked up by me. If two of them don't know each other, then I can only send three of them on the road together." Di Qi said lightly.

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Ma Ke was okay, then looked at Hu Yuan and said lightly: "The Pirate Alliance and the five major forces are like water and fire, and the second master of the Blackbeard Pirate Group is so close to the strong Xin family. I don’t know if the Blackbeard Pirates wants to betray the Pirate League, or your second master wants to betray the Pirate League?

"You don’t want to talk nonsense here. The Pirate Alliance and the five major forces have no grievances, and I don’t want to waste time with you. If I surrender to me, I can spare your lives and let you do things under Diqi. If you don’t surrender, Then we can only do it."

Hu Yuan said coldly, taking a step at the same time, and the breath of the Great Sage doubled out. Not only him, but Xin Tieshu also took a step, and his body also exuded the double breath of the Great Sage.

"Head, what should I do?" Li Ying asked, looking at Xiao Chen.

"What can I do, kill it." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Hold on, misunderstanding, misunderstanding." Just as Xiao Chen's voice fell, a voice full of anxiety suddenly sounded, and then a big fat man suddenly fell from the air and fell directly to the ground.

"Head Baibeard, misunderstanding, there is a misunderstanding about this matter." The big fat man hurriedly got up from the ground, looking at Xiao Chen and said hurriedly.

"Head?" Hu Yuan looked at the big fat man with a look of astonishment. This big fat man is the head of the black beard pirate group, Blackbeard.

Hearing Hu Yuan’s voice, Black Beard looked at it for an instant, then walked directly to Hu Yuan, kicked Hu Yuan’s leg, and cursed: "You **** who has suffered a thousand knives, who made you run? If the Whitebeard Pirates has something to do, don’t rush to apologize to the Whitebeard leader. If the Whitebeard leader does not forgive you, you will kneel down here to die!"

"What?" Hu Yuan looked at Blackbeard in astonishment, completely wondering why Blackbeard did this.

"What? If labor and management ask you to apologize, you will apologize to labor and management obediently. There are so many reasons. If you are not the brother-in-law of labor and management, labor and management have the heart to kill you." Black beard cursed, because he was angry, then His body trembled with fat.

Can he not be angry? The day before, he saw Xiao Chen's strength at the Pirate League headquarters. He also knew that the leader valued Xiao Chen very much. As a result, when he returned to the station, he heard that his brother-in-law Hu Yuan wanted to plot a white beard. The pirate group, therefore, did not dare to stop, and hurried over, but fortunately the worst had not happened yet.

Hu Yuan looked at the angry black beard. Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that his brother-in-law was really angry, so he didn't dare to refute, so he came to Xiao Chen and said, "I'm sorry."

"The leader of the white beard, my brother-in-law is spoiled by me. I don't know how high the sky is and disturbed the leader of the white beard. Here I apologize to you for him, and I hope that the leader will have a large number and spare his life."

With a smile on Blackbeard’s face, he said that he gave Xiao Chen a storage ring.

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