Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2509: Conquer a great saint!

Xiao Chen looked at the ring in his hand and glanced at it. There were a lot of resources in it, enough to be worth the wealth of a great saint.

"After all, we all belong to the same alliance. It's not good if things get big, and he didn't cause much harm. Just take him away." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Thank you, the head of the white beard, I remembered this kindness." Black beard smiled and folded his hands, and then took Hu Yuan with a confused face and left.

"Head, just let him go like this?" Li Ying asked questioningly, but Xiao Chen even killed the disciples of the five major forces, so why did he let Hu Yuan so easily.

"I won't stay in the Whitebeard Pirate Group for long." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then his eyes fell on Xin Tieshu.

Hearing this, Li Ying was taken aback, yes, Xiao Chen was going to participate in the king's hegemony, and with Xiao Chen's talent, he must be the dragon among the people, how could he stay in this little pirate group for a lifetime.

Now that Hu Yuan was released and sold to Black Beard for a bit of face, if Xiao Chen left by then, Black Beard would be able to help them because of this kindness. This is entirely for their sake.

Thinking of this, Li Ying felt a little grateful.

"Xin Tieshu, do you have any last words?"

Xin Tieshu looked a little gloomy, and said coldly: "The Blackbeard Pirates are a group of gangsters, and they left like this, but even if I am alone, it is enough to take down your Whitebeard Pirates."

"Magic swallowing mountains and rivers!" Xiao Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and a whirlpool appeared directly above Xin Tieshu's head. Xin Tieshu did not have any defense, and his whole person had been sucked into the black whirlpool.

In the Star Territory and Demon Territory, the figure of Xin Tieshu suddenly appeared, and at the moment when he appeared, Xiao Yun and other eight demon generals had surrounded Xin Tieshu with demon power rolling, and the real body of the demon was even more terrifying. Immediately afterwards, eight beating one out, and soon, Xin Tieshu's screaming sound came.

After a while, Xin Tieshu fell to Xiao Chen's feet with a languid expression, his face full of horror.

"Swear an oath in the name of Saint Ancestor, surrender to the Whitebeard Pirate Group, never betray, but spare your life." Xiao Chen said coldly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's voice, Xin Tieshu instantly raised his head and looked at Xiao Chen, with a frightened look in his eyes, and hurriedly said, "I am willing to swear!"

Immediately afterwards, Xin Tieshu swore to surrender to the Whitebeard Pirates in the name of the saint ancestor. He did not dare not take the oath. He was really frightened. In the Celestial Star Territory, he was abused several times by eight demon generals. , Especially seeing their real golems, let him know that any one of the eight magic generals is qualified to challenge the strongest of the Xin family.

Di Qi looked at the surrendered Xin Tieshu, and didn't know what happened. How could the great sage double powerhouse of the dignified Xin family surrender to a true sage kid.

"From now on you will listen to Li Ying's words, if you dare not follow, you know the consequences." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes!" Xin Tieshu hurriedly said.

"Li Ying, you are also a leader of the regiment. You should know the necessity of killing and decisively. Kill the ones that should be killed. There is no need to keep them." Xiao Chen said lightly. Jane leaves.

Li Ying nodded, and then turned to look at Di Qi and those masters. He knew that it was also suitable to kill a hundred times, and Di Qi was the best choice.

Ma Ke was rescued, Di Qi was beheaded by Li Ying in front of everyone, all the leaders were punished, and the Whitebeard Pirate Group returned to calm again.

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