Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2530: Cloud word order!

"He actually killed Duan Yinghao. This is a complete fallout with Yun Miaocheng and Gao Xuantian." Nanmen Qianque murmured.

"You really deserve to die!" The three major gods fell beside the dead wood **** generals, and the four of them stared at Xiao Chen closely, their eyes full of cold killing intent.

"Why, you four defeated generals still want to do it?" Xiao Chen sneered.

The four gods did not speak, but a token appeared in their hands at the same time. Then, the four of them drove all the tokens into the sky. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound in the sky, and at the same time four cloud characters of different colors were formed high in the sky.

At the same time, the big and small forces in Yunmiao City all raised their heads to look at the four cloud characters high in the sky.

"This is the Yunzi Ling, and the Yunzi Ling is only owned by the city lord and the four great generals. Looking at its color, it should belong to the four great generals."

"Only when Yunmiao City encounters a huge crisis, will the cloud word order be used, and in the past it was at most only one cloud word order. Today, there are four cloud word orders at the same time. What kind of terrorist crisis has Yunmiao city encountered!"

"Four cloud-character orders appear at the same time. I am afraid that the strong men of the ethereal sect will also be dispatched. Hurry up and summon the strong ones. We will rush over immediately."

When the four cloud characters appeared, the entire Yunmiao City, large and small, rushed to the location of the cloud character order in the fastest and most effective way.

At this time, not far from Yunmiao City, a middle-aged man took an old housekeeper and several powerful men, looked at a young man beside him, smiled and said: "I didn’t expect the young master to come in person this time. Yunmiao City, it really makes Yunmiao City flourish."

"Uncle Yingjie is polite, this time the king of hegemony chooses to be in the Canyon of the Dead, then I will still need to rely on the strong in each city."

The youth said indifferently, besides the youth, there was also a gentle woman by his side, and a group of powerful men followed them.

Hearing that, the middle-aged people sneered in their hearts, saying that they are good to listen to, but to be ugly. The strong players in these cities are undoubtedly cannon fodder.

"What the Young Sect Master said is that these contestants have admired the Young Sect Master for a long time. If they learn that the Young Sect Master is personally leading the team this time, they will be extremely excited." The middle-aged man laughed.

The young man smiled, and then said: "By the way, Uncle Yingjie, can everything be fine in the ethereal building?"

"Don't worry about the Young Sovereign, the ethereal building is the property of the Young Sovereign. No one knows who does not know. With the help of the young heroes, the ethereal building is flourishing."

The middle-aged man is called Duan Yingjie, he is the father of Duan Yingxiong and Duan Yinghao, and the lord of Yunmiao City.

"I can rest assured that there are heroes. If I can successfully get the news of breaking through the ancient sage this time, after I break through the ancient sage, I will personally accept the hero as a disciple."

The youth is no one else, but Gao Xuantian, the young master of the ethereal sect.

"Then I will thank Young Sect Master for the child." Duan Yingjie arched his hands.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard four loud noises from Yunmiao City, and then they saw the four Yunzi Ling.

Duan Yingjie's expression changed: "Yunmiao City is in crisis, and the four great gods used the Yunzi Ling at the same time!"

"Yunmiao City is the strongest city under the Misty Sect, and it is the face of the Misty Sect. There must be no accident, let's go and see!"

Gao Xuantian's expression also changed slightly, and then he and Duan Yingjie and other strong men shot towards Yunmiao City.

Xiao Chen looked up at the four cloud characters. Although he didn't know it was a cloud character order, he guessed the effect of the same. It was nothing more than a cloud-piercing arrow, a signal to meet thousands of people.

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