Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2531: Can't answer the question!

After seeing the four cloud characters, the surrounding powerhouses changed their colors, and then the four great gods appeared around Xiao Chen, and these powerhouses also followed behind the four great gods and surrounded Xiao Chen, but they didn’t. Dare to do it, just staring at Xiao Chen solemnly.

But at this moment, more and more aura fell nearby, and soon, Xiao Chen was already full of countless powerful people.

Not long after, a strong breath came, and then a dozen figures fell directly in the sky, it was Duan Yingjie and the others.

After seeing a few people, the **** of withered wood condensed his eyes, and then he came to Duan Yingjie's side, and said gravely: "City Lord, the second son is dead, and the misty building is destroyed!"


Hearing this, a ferocious aura that seemed to be maddened by a fierce beast emanated from Duan Yingjie's body, with red eyes staring at the dead wood **** general: "What's the matter?"

The Misty Building is the property of the Young Sovereign, and Duan Yinghao is his most proud son. For him, whether it is the Misty Building or Duan Yinghao, it is the most important thing. Now he heard that his son died and the Misty Building was destroyed. Now, he almost wanted to go crazy.

Gao Xuantian's expression on the side also became cold.

"It was he who destroyed the ethereal building and killed the second son!" Withered Wood God General pointed to Xiao Chen and simply said the matter again.

"Little Saint Yizhong?"

Duan Yingjie looked at Xiao Chen with his brows furrowed. This level of cultivation was just an ant-like figure in his eyes, and he was a thousand miles away from his son. How could he have killed his son.

"City Lord, this kid is very evil." The dead wood **** general said, and then he will fight with Xiao Chen, telling Duan Yingjie, as the dead wood **** general said, Duan Yingjie's brows tightened.

"Who is your Excellency, why do you want to kill my son?" Duan Yingjie looked at Xiao Chen, did not do anything for the first time, but asked gloomily.

"Duan Yingjie, Dasheng Jiuzhong, City Lord Yunmiao, why should I kill your son? You should ask your son."

Xiao Chen glanced at Duan Yingjie’s message, and said lightly, “Oh, yes, your son is dead and can’t answer your question. Then I’ll show you compassion and tell you that your son Duan Yinghao wants to come over. Kill me, I killed it."

Duan Yingjie stared at Xiao Chen, his face was blue, and at the same time his heart was a little dignified. The other party knew his true cultivation level and was still so calm. He even mentioned his dead son and deliberately angered him. Isn't this kid scared at all?

"You are irritating me, you really think that there are some tricks, you can run wild, don't put me in your eyes, don't put the whole Yunmiao City in your eyes, and don't put the Misty Sect in your eyes?"

Duan Yingjie said coldly.

"Seriously, whether it's you, Yunmiaocheng, or even Misty Sect, I didn't take it seriously!" Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"I don't know who your Excellency is, and I don't even care about my ethereal sect. Could it be that you are an ancient sage who failed?" At this moment, Gao Xuantian suddenly said coldly.

"Gao Xuantian, Great Sage Sixth Level." Xiao Chen looked at Gao Xuantian with a faint smile: "It turns out that you are the Young Master Gao Xuantian of the Misty Sect. You are not very good, and your cultivation level is not very good. No wonder people look down on you. !"

"What, the Young Master of the Misty Sect!"

Hearing this, the surrounding powerhouses were shocked, and then all looked at Gao Xuantian, even with excitement in their eyes.

"What do you mean by this?" Gao Xuantian frowned.

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