Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2538: Plains of the Dead!

On the way, Gao Xuantian explained in detail the rules of this king's hegemony. This time the rules are very simple. The first is to carry out a one-month survival challenge in the Canyon of the Dead, and the second is to fight in the ring to determine the only king.

The Canyon of the Dead is located on the Plain of the Dead, and around the Canyon of the Dead, there are restrictions placed by the Palace of Heaven to prevent the holy beasts in the Canyon from running out and causing chaos.

After five days or so, Xiao Chen and others came to the Plains of the Dead. At this time, many powerful men appeared in the Plains of the Dead. Different areas were divided by different forces. Gao Xuantian led everyone directly into the area of ​​influence belonging to the Misty Sect. .

At this time, there were already many strong people in the area of ​​the Misty Sect's influence, and they were all disciples and powers of the Misty Sect. After seeing Gao Xuantian, they surrounded them.

Gao Xuantian also nodded, and signaled one by one, leaving the Canyon of the Dead to open, and there were still three days of work, everyone sat on the ground and waited quietly.

"Oh, isn't this the Young Master Gao Xuantian of the Misty Sect. I haven't seen him for so long, dare you to discuss with me?"

It's just that when everyone sat down, a voice suddenly rang, and then a few figures appeared above the Misty Sect's resident. The leader was a young man. At this time, looking at Gao Xuantian, he said faintly, with a provocative question from the corner of his mouth.

"Hee hee, I know that there is a fight to watch with you, great, you are going to fight, I can't wait anymore." Just as the young man's voice fell, another voice sounded, and then one with a double tail, The sly little girl in her eyes looked at Qing Dao with a smile.

"Gao Xuantian, the spectators have all appeared. You won't dare to fight because of fear. If so, you will lose your vain face." The young man looked at Gao Xuantian and said defiantly.

"Ponderosa Pine, I am not the same as you. You are a fighting lunatic, but I am not. If your hands are itchy and you enter the Canyon of the Dead, you will fight enough and I will not accompany you."

Gao Xuantian raised his head to look at the young man, and said calmly, Huang Song's power behind him is no less than the ethereal sect, and this Ponderosa Pine is a fighting lunatic, the kind who fights desperately. He can't think of what went wrong before entering the Canyon of the Dead.

"Gao Xuantian, you are really useless, you dare not fight, you are still not a man, don't let me despise you." Gao Xuantian's words fell, the girl said immediately, eyes full of contempt.

"Cai Shaoling, why don't you go to the room with me and have a try, you will know if I am a man." Gao Xuantian said lightly, looking at the little girl.

"Smelly man, you really have no seeds." Cai Shaoling cursed.

"Gao Xuantian, you won't be afraid of me, if you are afraid of me, just admit it openly and I will let you go." Huang Song also said.

Gao Xuantian shook his head, and was not answering. Huang Song is a fighting madman, and Cai Shaoling is a mad girl who fears that the world will not be chaotic. He will be run to death when he continues.

Huang Song looked at Gao Xuantian, feeling a little helpless. No matter how excited he was, Gao Xuantian wouldn't get in. He couldn't do it directly.

Cai Shaoling was also a little speechless. She originally wanted to watch a play. Now that the play is gone, she can't help but feel a little unhappy. Then she glanced around, her eyeballs moved, and her mind came to her mind.

"Gao Xuantian, no wonder you didn't dare to fight. It turns out that you are afraid that after you die, there will be no successor to the Misty Sect. Otherwise, you won't be able to bring a little sage double guy."

Cai Shaoling said loudly, and while speaking, he glanced at the direction where Xiao Chen was.

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