Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2539: The means of Tianji Palace!

Xiao Chen looked at Cai Shaoling with a dazed expression. Was he shot while lying down?

As Cai Shaoling's voice fell, everyone looked at Xiao Chen, and when they found that Xiao Chen had only the second layer of Xiaosheng, they were all slightly stunned.

"Hahaha, it turns out that the Misty Sect has no successors, the Young Sect Master is as timid as a mouse, and the disciples behind him are weaker than the other, even the Little Sage Duo has come to make up the count!"

Huang Song also laughed loudly. The laughter was full of sarcasm, and the faces of the Misty Sect disciples were a bit unsightly, but Gao Xuantian didn't even change at all.

"If you just want to say this, then you don't have to waste your tongue. No matter what you say, I won't do it. If it's okay, you can leave." Gao Xuantian said lightly, even though Xiao Chen is the Second Layer of Xiaosheng, But his combat power, Gao Xuantian can't keep up with his horse.

Looking at Gao Xuantian's plain appearance, Huang Song and Cai Shaoling were speechless. Gao Xuantian was really able to hold it back, and they were not angry.

The two felt boring at once and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, three figures suddenly shot over here, one figure fell beside Huang Song, one figure fell beside Cai Shaoling, and the last figure fell in front of Gao Xuantian.

"Young Sect Master, great joy!"

The disciple looked at Gao Xuantian and said with surprise.

"What's the happy event?" Gao Xuantian asked suspiciously.

"The Heavenly Mystery Palace issued an order. There is one more rule for the King's Hegemony. As long as there is a contestant who can hold a person's head, he can directly obtain the Heavenly Mystery Prophecy from the Heavenly Mystery Palace. Get the secret prophecy."

The disciple said excitedly.

"Kill someone?" Gao Xuantian was taken aback, and then said: "Who to kill?"

"It's him!" A jade slip appeared in the hand of this disciple, urging the jade slip, and then a ghost appeared on the jade slip.

Gao Xuantian looked at the phantom, slightly surprised, the face of the phantom in front of him was Xiao Chen, and it was also marked with Xiao Chen's name, Xiaosheng's second cultivation base, and strong combat effectiveness.

He knew that Tianji Palace would not let Xiao Chen go, but he did not expect that Tianji Palace would retaliate against Xiao Chen in this way.

At this time, Cai Shaoling and Huang Song also appeared in front of Xiao Chen's phantom, and apparently they had also received news from Tianji Palace.

"Why is this person familiar?" Huang Song asked with some doubts.

"It's a bit familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere." Cai Shaoling was also a little confused.

The next moment, the two of them moved their eyes and looked at Xiao Chen suddenly. Their eyes were full of consternation. Isn't the person in front of Tianji Palace about to kill the kid in front of him?

"This Tianji Palace is really despicable. I don't do it myself, but I choose to use the hands of the heroes." Nanmen Qianque said coldly.

Xiao Chen's expression didn't change much, but what he didn't expect was that the Heavenly Mystery Palace's handwriting was so large that it would use the Heavenly Mystery Prophecy as a bait. I am afraid that all the strong players who participated in the King's Hegemony would be excited.

Huang Song and Cai Shaoling looked at Xiao Chen with greed flashing in their eyes. Cai Shaoling glanced at Gao Xuantian. After finding that Gao Xuantian's expression had not changed, they had some doubts in their eyes. Then they asked, "Gao Xuantian, what do you think of this matter?"

"How you can look at it, it's as if you haven't seen it." Gao Xuantian said lightly, and then took the Yu Jian and crushed it directly, and let him kill Xiao Chen. Even if all the strong men of the Misty Sect here do it, they can't kill it. .

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